Share Your App UI

While App UI previews can only be seen by you in your workspace, you can use the Share action to allow others to test your work. The Share action generates a URL for the App UI that you can give to your team members.

If you’re configuring an Oracle-created App UI, and you made changes that involved changes to the data model, when you share the URL you'll also need to share the name of your sandbox. Your team members will need the sandbox so they can check the changes in the extension using the correct data model.


The URL of the App UI you are sharing might not be the same as the URL you see when you are previewing the App UI in the Designer.

To share your App UI:

  1. Open your workspace in the Designer.
  2. If you're using a sandbox, confirm that your current sandbox is the one you want to share.
  3. Open the menu in the upper right corner, then click Share:
    Description of shareaction.png follows
    Description of the illustration shareaction.png

    You should now see the Share Application Extension dialog:
    Description of shareappext.png follows
    Description of the illustration shareappext.png

  4. Click Copy to copy the generated URL for the App UI, which you can then share with your reviewers.
  5. Click Share.


    If your application cannot be shared, click Open Logs in the Share Application Extension dialog to view and fix build-related errors.

    When the URL is ready to share, you'll see the Share button replaced by a Done button.

  6. Send an email with the generated URL to your team member, taking care to include the name of the sandbox if applicable.

Share is one way to open up your App UI to team members. But if you actually want to share your code with a co-worker, you can export your workspace as an archive. Your co-worker can then create a new workspace and import the archive to create a new Git repository containing your files. See Export Your Workspace as an Archive and Import an Extension Archive.