Trigger Actions in Layouts

To trigger actions in dynamic tables or forms, you use the Layout's editors to define action chains, events and event listeners:

When adding functionality to a Layout:

  • The action chains, events, and event listeners defined in a Layout can only be used in the Layout, but they can be used by any of the dynamic components belonging to the Layout. So an event listener in a Layout can only listen for events defined in the Layout, and can only trigger action chains defined in the Layout. The exception to this is that an event listener in a Layout can listen for the vbEnter lifecycle event.
  • Custom events defined in a Layout can be made listenable by the page containing the component by choosing Emit event to page when you create the event. For details on how this works, see Raise Fragment or Layout Events that Emit to the Parent Container.
  • You can create event listeners for events in the Layout that you define, and for events in the Layout that have been designated as "listenable" in a dependency.
  • Your extension can trigger events defined in dependencies if they are designated as "triggerable".