2 Control Your Display with Business Rules

Whether you're a functional administrator tailoring your end users' interactions or an end user yourself, business rules enable you to create rules to control how regions and fields on a page are displayed at runtime, based on conditions such as the user's role and the employee's business unit or legal employer.

Business rules allow you to easily control what's displayed on the page as a whole, instead of configuring page elements such as tables and forms individually. For example, you could create a single rule to conditionally hide every occurrence of a field on the page, in every form where it appears. If you were to do this using rule sets, you would need to configure the rule set for each form to hide the field. Business rules can handle simple and complex display needs that might otherwise require tens, if not hundreds, of individual layouts if the rule set approach was used instead.

If you don't see the Business Rules pane in your view of the Properties pane, that means your page is not enabled for business rules. Instead, use the rule sets editor as described in Control Your Display With Rule Sets to configure your page. (While it's possible to use both the rule sets and business rules editors for the same page, this is an advanced technique that is not generally recommended.)