Access Visual Builder Studio

The simplest way to enter VB Studio is to view the Oracle Cloud Applications page you want to configure, click Settings in the upper right corner, then click Edit Page in Visual Builder Studio:

Description of fa-edit-page-link.png follows
Description of the illustration fa-edit-page-link.png

You will then land in the Designer, with all the tools you need at your disposal.


If you don’t see the Edit Page in Visual Builder Studio option in your Oracle Cloud Application, it could be because:
  • You don't have the right privileges to access VB Studio. Check with your Oracle Cloud Application administrator if you're not sure.
  • You may not be working in an environment that has an instance of VB Studio associated with it. Again, check with your Oracle Cloud Application administrator to see if this is the case.
  • Your Oracle Cloud Application has not yet adopted Oracle’s new Redwood design pattern, so this page is not extensible using VB Studio. In that case, refer to Oracle Applications Cloud: Configuring and Extending Applications for instructions on how to customize your Oracle Cloud Applications with App Composer to meet your business needs.

Depending on how your page was originally built by Oracle, your view of the Designer may differ. For example, if you see a Business Rules pane to the right of the page in the Designer, you'll use business rules to control the logic that determines what is displayed on the page at runtime. In the Business Rules pane, notice the link to Configure Fields and Regions, which gives you direct access to the business rules editor (see Control Your Display with Business Rules for information on working with this editor).

If, however, you don't see a Business Rules pane in the Designer, it means the page is not set up to use business rules. In this case, any dynamic forms and tables in the page are governed through rule sets. Like business rules, rule sets allow you to configure how a dynamic table or form appears at runtime through the use of rules and conditions. When the page is open in the Designer, the Properties pane on the right lists the rule sets used in the page instead of displaying the Business Rules pane:

In pages that use rule sets, in Express mode it's likely that your tasks will be limited to creating rules, as well as the layouts that are applied when the condition for the rules are satisfied. For more information on using rule sets in Express mode, see Control Your Display With Rule Sets.

Other Views of the Designer

Depending on the page you’re trying to edit, you may see something entirely different when you land in VB Studio than what’s shown in the preceding topic.

For example, you may see a notice in the Properties pane that says your page is not extensible, which means that neither the business rules editors nor the rule sets editor are appropriate for this page. If you see this message, it’s best to return to the browser tab with your Oracle Cloud Application and choose a different page to work on, assuming you have one.

However, if you know the name of the page you want to work on, you can open it directly from within the Designer using the Navigator:

  • In the Designer, click the page name in the header to open the Navigator, then select the page in the list.

The Navigator lists all the pages in your Oracle Cloud Application instance that you can access. The list can be long, so you might try using the Filter field to help locate the page you want to work with. Recently opened pages are listed at the top of the Navigator:

Pages are listed in the Navigator by the title reflected on the screen, if available. If a page doesn't have a title, the list will show the page's internal name (like activity-details).


If you want the Navigator to always be visible in the Designer, open the menu next to the Filter field and select Keep this panel visible.

While it’s possible to configure a page by choosing it directly in the Navigator—as opposed to starting in Oracle Cloud Applications and using Edit Page in Visual Builder Studio—this method may sometimes result in an error that looks like this:

Description of cantdisplay.png follows
Description of the illustration cantdisplay.png

This occurs when the page has required input parameters that can’t be set when you access the page directly from VB Studio. The best thing to do in this situation is return to your Oracle Cloud Application, find the page, then click Edit Page in Visual Builder Studio. This ensures that the page will be able to gather the required data for the input parameters and pass them to VB Studio during the transfer process, which enables the page to render correctly.