3 Work With Page Properties

Page properties store values or expressions that are used in the page, and can also be used to control what is displayed in a page. When you open a page that has editable page properties, you can edit them directly in the Properties pane.

The editable page properties are listed in the Page Properties panel in the Properties pane. In the example below, the first page property is greetingText, which you can change by typing a new text in the field. Some page properties might be organized for you into sections in the Page Properties panel. In this example, the page properties related to the avatar have been grouped in the Avatar section:

If the list hasn't been organized for you, the page properties are displayed as a simple list. The list can be quite long, so you can use the Filter field to help you locate specific page properties. Here the list has been filtered to only show the page properties containing "local":

Some page properties are used to control what is displayed in the page. In the image above, you can see how showLocalLastUpdatedDate, used to control the LocalLastUpdatedDate field, can be set to 'true' or 'false'.


Oracle ensures that each page property is thoroughly documented (at least in the Human Capital Management Cloud Application), so be sure to use these descriptions as a resource as you work with page properties. It's a good idea to emulate this practice when creating your own page properties as well.