Add or Remove Reviewers

You can add reviewers when you create a merge request or while the review is open. You must be the requester or a reviewer to add or remove reviewers.

  1. In the left navigator, click Merge Requests Merge Requests.
  2. Click the merge request summary to open it.

You can manage the reviewers from the Review Status section available on the right side of the page.

Action How To

Add a reviewer

  1. Above the Review Status section, click Click to add a reviewer.
  2. From the Reviewers drop-down list, enter the project member name or select the member.
  3. Click OK.

Add a group

  1. Above the Review Status section, click Click to add a reviewer.
  2. From the Reviewers drop-down list, enter the group's name or select it from the dropdown list's Groups category.
  3. Click OK.
Add a code owner
  1. Above the Review Status section, click Click to add a reviewer.
  2. From the Reviewers drop-down list, enter code owner or select it from the dropdown list's Code Owners category.
  3. Click OK.

See Assign Owners to Files in the Project's Git Repository for more information about code owners.

Add yourself (project member) as a reviewer

If you're a project member but not a reviewer, you can submit a request to add yourself as a reviewer to a merge request.

Above the Review Status section, click Add me the add user icon. If you’re a project owner, you'll be added automatically to the merge request. If you’re a project member, enter a justification for why you want to be added in the Request to be added as a reviewer dialog box, and click OK.

Add yourself (not a member of the project) as a reviewer

Non-members can search and view MRs in shared projects. If you're not a member of a shared project, you can still submit a request to add yourself as a reviewer to a merge request:

  1. Above the Review Status section, click Add me the add user icon.

  2. Enter a justification for why you want to be added in the Request to be added as a reviewer dialog box.
  3. Click OK.

A reviewer can approve your request to join the merge request as a reviewer. After becoming a reviewer, you can approve or reject the review and add comments to the merge request.


You won't be able to create/merge/close MRs; add/remove reviewers, linked issues, or linked builds; or start linked builds. Because you aren't a project member, you won't be able to do what a project member can.

Approve a reviewer request

If you’re the requester or a reviewer, you can approve requests of project users to join the merge request as reviewers. In the Conversation tab, click Add User Add user in the requested to be a reviewer request.

Remove a reviewer or a group

  1. Above the Review Status section, click Click to add a reviewer.
  2. Click Remove Reviewerthe Remove icon next to the reviewer or group you want to remove.
  3. Click OK.