Create and Manage Jobs

From the Jobs tab on the Builds page, you can create jobs that run builds and generate deployable artifacts:


If you're creating a new job or renaming an existing one and see a message that the job name you entered matches a pattern that is restricted for you, you don't have access to any job name that matches the glob pattern that restricts the job. Enter a name that doesn't match the name restricted by the glob pattern or contact the job owner and request to be added as an authorized user (or member of an authorized group). See Configure Job Protection Settings.


If you're trying to access a renamed or deleted job by using a link from the activities feed (or from a bookmarked link), you will be unable to do so because that job no longer exists. A page with a message indicating that there was an error loading the Jobs page is displayed, along with some text that says that the job could not be found because it may have been deleted or renamed. Click the Take me back to Jobs button and the Builds page's Jobs tab will be displayed.
Action How To

Create a blank job

  1. In the left navigator, click Builds Builds.
  2. In the Jobs tab, click + Create Job.

  3. In the New Job dialog box, in Name, enter a unique name.

  4. In Description, enter the job's description.

  5. In Template, select the build executor template.

  6. Click Create.

Copy an existing job

There may be times that you want to copy parameters and a job configuration from one job to another. You can do that when you create a job. You cannot copy the configuration of an existing job to another existing job.

After you create the new job, you can modify the copied parameters and configuration:

  1. In the left navigator, click Builds Builds.
  2. In the Jobs tab, click + Create Job.

  3. In the New Job dialog box, in Name, enter a unique name.

  4. In Description, enter the job's description.

  5. Select the Copy From Existing check box.

  6. In Copy From, select the source job.
  7. In Template, select the build executor template.

  8. Click Create.

Create a job that accepts build parameters and will be associated with a merge request
  1. In the left navigator, click Builds Builds.
  2. In the Jobs tab, click + Create Job.

  3. In the New Job dialog, in Name, enter a unique name.

  4. In Description, enter the job's description.

  5. Select the Use For Merge Request check box.

  6. In Template, select the build executor template.

  7. Click Create.

Create a job using YAML In VB Studio, you can use a YAML file to create a job and define its configuration. The file is stored in a project's Git repository. See Configure Jobs and Pipelines with YAML.

Run a build of a job

In the Jobs tab, click the Actions Actions menu menu and select Build Now.

Configure a job

The job configuration page opens immediately after you create a job. You can also update an existing job from the Jobs tab. Click the Actions Actions menu menu and select Configure.

View a job's log

In the Jobs tab, click the Actions Actions menu menu and select View Log. The log for the most recent run is displayed.

Disable a job

In the Jobs tab, click the Actions Actions menu menu to disable a job, and select Disable. A message indicating that the job has been disabled successfully is displayed. The Disabled Disabled icon icon in the job's Status column indicates that the job has been disabled. It cannot be run unless it is enabled again.

The Disable option is unavailable if the job does not afford write permission.

Enable a disabled job

In the Jobs tab, click the Actions Actions menu menu to enable a disabled job, and select Enable. A message indicating that the job has been enabled successfully is displayed.

The Enable option is unavailable if the job does not afford write permission.

Delete a job

In the Jobs tab, click the Actions Actions menu menu and select Delete. The Delete Job dialog is displayed and you'll see the message, "Do you really want to delete job xx1 and all its builds and data? This operation cannot be undone." Click the I understand that this job will be permanently deleted button, and then click Delete button.

View status of all job builds

In the Jobs tab, click the View Job Statistics button. A pie graph showing all of the build jobs is displayed. The status is shown using percentages.

From the Job Queue tab on the Builds page, you can cancel a single job or multiple jobs that are running.

Action How To
Cancel a single running job There are two ways to cancel a single running job.
You can cancel the job without selecting its check box:
  1. From the Job Queue page, for the job you want to cancel, click the Actions Actions menu column to the right.
  2. Select Cancel.

    The Cancel Build dialog is shown and you'll see the prompt, “Do you really want to cancel job xx build x?"

  3. Click the Cancel Build button.
You can also cancel the job by selecting its checkbox:
  1. From the Job Queue page, select a build job using its checkbox in the leftmost column.
  2. Select the Update Selected dropdown menu.
  3. Select the Cancel Selected Builds menu item.

    The Cancel Selected Builds dialog is shown and you'll see the prompt, "Do you really want to cancel the 1 selected builds?"

  4. Click the Cancel Build button.
Cancel multiple running jobs
  1. From the Job Queue page, select multiple build jobs using the checkboxes in the leftmost column.
  2. Select the Update Selected dropdown menu.
  3. Select the Cancel Selected Builds menu item.

    The Cancel Selected Builds dialog is shown and you'll see the prompt, "Do you really want to cancel the 3 selected builds?"

  4. Click the Cancel Builds button.