Perform Build Administration Tasks

The project owner can use the Build Administration page to configure a project to access the Oracle Maven Repository and NPM registry, set up a SonarQube Server to analyze build reports, create named passwords/private keys, and set job protections.

See these sections for more information about what a project owner can do to make the VB Studio build system as efficient as possible for the project members who use it:

Create a Pipeline Approvers Group for Your Project

The pipeline approvers group lets you approve all manual approval pipelines that are not restricted by specific groups.

An approver is always part of a group. A group of approvers can approve certain pipelines only. Certain pipelines can be approved by certain groups of approvers only.

The approvers in the "Default Approver Group" can approve or reject any Manual Approval pipeline. The default pipeline approvers group is made up of individuals (approvers) who can approve any unrestricted pipeline (a pipeline that doesn't require approval from a specific group). So, you can add approvers to the default group but you can't limit that approval group to any specific pipeline.

To do that, you need to create a group to approve specific pipelines. This group allows you to add both approvers and pipelines. Then later, when you add the Manual Approval item in the pipeline designer, you can designate approvers as required approvers and specify the minimum number of approvers needed to approve the pipeline. See Add a Manual Approval Item to Your Pipeline at Design Time.

To add pipeline approvers to your project:
  1. In the left navigator, click Project Administration Project Administration icon.
  2. Go to the Pipeline Approvers tab.

    Description of create-approval-adding-group.png follows
    Description of the illustration create-approval-adding-group.png

    Notice that a Default Approver Group has already been set up for the project. This group has no members initially. Its approvers can approve any pipelines that isn't restricted by a specific approval group. If the default group has no approvers, however, nobody will be allowed to add any approvers to any pipelines in the project. Note that pipelines can't be added to this group.

    Add the default pipeline approvers now:

    1. Select the default group.
      The Configure Pipeline Approvers dialog displays.
    2. In the Configure Pipeline Approvers dialog, click in the Approvers field and select one or more approvers from the list and add them as default approvers.
    3. Click Save.

      Now, for any pipeline you create in the Pipeline Designer going forward in the project, you'll see and be able to select from the list of default approvers you added here.


    Using this approach only isn't an ideal solution for most organizations. A better approach would be to also create an approval group for a specific pipeline (or multiple pipelines). Once you do that, the default group no longer applies to that pipeline (or pipelines). Proceed to the next step and begin this process.

  3. Click + Create Pipeline Approvers.
    The Create Pipeline Approvers dialog displays.

    Description of create-approval-form-blank.png follows
    Description of the illustration create-approval-form-blank.png

  4. Enter a name for your group in the Name field (required) and optionally describe the group in the Description field.
  5. Click in the Approvers (Required) area and select the project members you want to add as approvers.
    This step is required. Approvers you add to this approvers group will also appear in the list of approvers that you can select in the Pipeline Designer, when you configure the Manual Approval item (node). See Add a Manual Approval Item to Your Pipeline at Design Time.
  6. Click in the Pipelines area and optionally add the pipeline(s) that will require pipeline approvals.
  7. Click Create.
    You can see the group you just added, on the left, under the Default Pipeline Approvers group.

    Description of create-approval-completed.png follows
    Description of the illustration create-approval-completed.png

When you no longer need the group, click Delete Delete icon. You'll be prompted to verify that you do want to remove your pipeline approvers group.

Description of create-approval-delete-group.png follows
Description of the illustration create-approval-delete-group.png

Click the Delete button and remove the group. Otherwise, click Cancel.