What's New in Oracle WebCenter Portal on Marketplace

Learn about the new and changed features in Oracle WebCenter Portal on Marketplace.

24.7.1 — July 2024

Feature Description
Integration with OCI Monitoring and Console Dashboard You can integrate Oracle WebCenter on Marketplace with OCI Monitoring and OCI Console Dashboard. See Integrate WebCenter with OCI Monitoring and Console Dashboard.
Patch Tool Oracle WebCenter on Marketplace in OCI provides a patching utility tool to download and apply patches for WebCenter instances. See About the Patch Tool.
Backup and Restore scripts for WebCenter Oracle WebCenter on Marketplace in OCI provides scripts to perform backup and restore operations for WebCenter instances. See Backup and Restore scripts for WebCenter.
New options in Stack Configuration When configuring the stack, you now have options such as OCI Policies, Enable Private Service, Enable Key Management with OCI Vault, and option to specify custom database schema prefix. For more information, see Provision WebCenter Portal Stack.
Options to use existing subnet when provisioning stack You have options to use an existing subnet when provisioning the stack. See Provision WebCenter Portal Stack.
Configuring the vault is now optional You can now specify the secret phrase directly instead of referring from vault.
Updates related to integration with OCI Logging See the latest version of the documentation: Integrating WebCenter Logs with OCI Logging.
Option to use existing file system when provisioning stack You can optionally now use an existing file system when provisioning the stack. See Provision WebCenter Portal Stack.

24.6.1 — June 2024

Feature Description
Object Storage for documents is optional You can choose to store documents in the file system or in Object Storage. See Provision WebCenter Portal Stack.
PDB name You can now specify the PDB name when configuring the database. See Provision WebCenter Portal Stack.
Database Strategy You can now specify the Database Strategy (type of database) such as Database System or Autonomous Transaction Processing Database when configuring the database. See Provision WebCenter Portal Stack.
Integration with OCI Logging You can integrate WebCenter Logs with OCI Logging. See Integrating WebCenter Logs with OCI Logging.

24.5.1 — May 2024

Feature Description
Object Storage for documents Object Storage (a storage provider component) is now available to store documents. See Provision WebCenter Portal Stack.
Configure SAML2 IDCS Single Sign-On in WebCenter Portal You can configure SAML2 IDCS Single Sign-On in WebCenter Portal on marketplace. See Configure SAML2 IDCS Single Sign-On in WebCenter Portal.

Get Started with Oracle WebCenter Portal on Marketplace

Here’s information about Oracle WebCenter Portal on Marketplace that will help you get started:

About Oracle WebCenter Portal on Marketplace

Oracle WebCenter Portal on Marketplace is provided as a VM-based solution on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

Oracle WebCenter Portal on Marketplace is available in two types of Marketplace offerings: Paid and BYOL. See About the License for Oracle WebCenter Portal on Marketplace.

Oracle WebCenter Portal on Marketplace helps customers to provision/set up the environment in few clicks and enables to deliver Portal solutions on cloud.

About the License for Oracle WebCenter Portal on Marketplace

Oracle WebCenter Portal on Marketplace is based on Oracle WebCenter Portal 12c ( Oracle WebCenter Portal on Marketplace is available in two types of Marketplace offerings:

About Roles and User Accounts

Oracle WebCenter Portal on Marketplace uses roles to control access to tasks and resources. A role assigned to a user gives certain privileges to the user.

Access to Oracle WebCenter Portal on Marketplace is based on the roles and users set up for the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console. You need OCI Administrator role to provision WebCenter Portal.

For information about how to add user accounts in Oracle Cloud, see:

Create and View Oracle WebCenter Portal on Marketplace Instances

The information in this chapter will help you create and view Oracle WebCenter Portal on Marketplace instances.

Before You Begin

Before you begin, you would need to complete the following tasks and prerequisites.

Sign in to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console

Complete the following steps to sign in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console.

  1. Go to http://cloud.oracle.com.

  2. Enter your cloud account name and click Next.

  3. Sign in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console:

    • If your cloud account uses identity domains, sign in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console as a user configured in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Identity and Access Management (IAM).

    Select the default domain.

    • If your cloud account does not use identity domains, sign in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console as a user federated through Oracle Identity Cloud Service.

      Under Single Sign-On (SSO) options, note the identity provider selected in the Identity Provider field and click Continue.

  4. Enter the user name and password provided in the welcome email, and click Sign In. The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console is shown.


You'll need to complete the following prerequisites before provisioning the WebCenter Portal stack.

After completing the above prerequisites, you can proceed to provision the WebCenter Portal stack.

Note: WebCenter Content is installed when you provision the WebCenter Portal stack.

System Requirements

You require access to the following services to use Oracle WebCenter Portal on OCI.

Make sure you have the following minimum limits for the services in your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure tenancy, and if necessary, request for an increase of a service limit.

Service Minimum Limit
Identity and Access Management (IAM) Policy 1
Compute Shape VM.Standard.E4.Flex or VM.Standard.E5.Flex 4
Virtual Cloud Network 1
Block Storage 1 TB
Block Volume 50 GB
Vault & Key 1
Secrets 5
Load Balancer Flexible Load Balancer

In Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Vault (formerly known as Key Management), a standard vault is hosted on a hardware security module (HSM) partition with multiple tenants, and it uses a more cost-efficient, key-based metric for billing purposes. A virtual private vault provides greater isolation and performance by allocating a dedicated partition on HSM. Each type of vault has a separate service limit in your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure tenancy. The limit for secrets spans all the vaults.

See Service Limits in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure documentation.

Generate SSH key pair

See generate_ssh_key for generating an SSH key pair.

This SSH key pair will be used for connecting to Bastion and Compute instances after stack execution.

Note: This will be used to create DB and WebCenter Portal nodes.

Create a Compartment

If your tenancy does not already include a compartment for your Oracle WebCenter Portal on Marketplace instances, you can create a new one.

Note: To create a compartment, your administrator must first add the following policy for your group: allow group groupName to manage compartments in tenancy

To create a compartment in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure:

  1. Sign in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console.

  2. Open the navigation menu and click Identity & Security. Under Identity, click Compartments. A list of the existing compartments in your tenancy is displayed.

  3. Click Create Compartment.

  4. Enter the following:

    • Name: Specify a name. For example, wcp-compartment. Restrictions for compartment names are: Maximum 100 characters, including letters, numbers, periods, hyphens, and underscores. The name must be unique across all the compartments in your tenancy.

    • Description: A friendly description.

  5. Click Create Compartment.

  6. Once the compartment is created, if you are not an administrator, ask your administrator to grant the following manage and use permissions in the compartment:

    1. Navigate to Identity and Security, Policies, and then Create Policies.

    2. To allow a non-administrator to execute the stack, create an IAM group called wcp and then create a policy with the following statements.

      • allow group wcp to manage instance-family in compartment wcp-compartment

      • allow group wcp to manage virtual-network-family in compartment wcp-compartment

      • allow group wcp to manage volume-family in compartment wcp-compartment

      • allow group wcp to manage load-balancers in compartment wcp-compartment

      • allow group wcp to manage orm-family in compartment wcp-compartment

      where wcp is the group name and wcp-compartment is the compartment name.

      Note: You can use any name (wcp and wcp-compartment are examples).

Create a Master Key

You'll need to create a master key for the vault.

  1. Sign in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console.

  2. Open the navigation menu and click Identity & Security and then Vault.

  3. Change the necessary compartment.

  4. Click the already created vault name.

  5. On the left side, click Master Encryption keys and then click Create Key.

  6. Complete the following:

    • Create In Compartment : Name of the selected compartment

    • Protection Mode: Software

    • Name: Specify a name.

    • For remaining fields, retain the default values.

  7. Click Create Key.

Wait for the status to show green.

Create Database

You’d need a new DB system only if you want to provision a new database.

Note: Otherwise, you can use an existing database too.

Note: Currently, only the Oracle Base Database Service is supported. Support for other versions will be provided in upcoming releases. For any additional questions, contact the Oracle Support team.

Complete the following to create a new DB system:

Create VCN
  1. Log in to OCI Console, navigate to Networking, then to Virtual Cloud Networks.

  2. Click Create VCN via Wizard.

  3. Click Start VCN Wizard.

  4. VCN name: Provide a name.

  5. Compartment: Specify the compartment in which the VCN needs to be created.

  6. VCN IPv4 CIDR block: Specify IPv4 CIDR block (for example,

  7. Select the Use DNS hostnames in this VCN check box.

  8. In the Configure public subnet and Configure private subnet sections, specify the correct CIDR blocks and click Next.

  9. Make sure to create the necessary gateways such as Internet gateway, NAT gateway, and Service gateway.

  10. Click Create. The VCN is created.

Create a New DB System
  1. Create a new DB system in the VCN you created earlier.

  2. Make a note of the SSH keys used for the DB system creation. This private SSH key will be added to the vault's secret later.

    Note: Ensure to provide a DB System SSH private key without a passphrase as passphrase is not allowed.

    1. Log in to the console.

    2. Click Oracle Database.

    3. Click Oracle Base Database Service and then click Create DB Systems.

    4. Provide the following parameters:

      • Select a Compartment Name: Choose the appropriate compartment name.

      • Name your DB system: Specify a suitable name.

      • Select an availability domain: Choose AD1. You can choose any AD but make sure that WebCenter Portal and DB are in the same AD.

      • Configure shape: AMD VM Standard E4 Flex

      • Configure storage: 1 TB

      • Configure the DB system: The total node count is 2 and Oracle Database software edition is Enterprise Edition Extreme Performance.

      • Add SSH keys: Upload the public SSH key you created in the first step. You can either reuse the keys generated in the first step or you can generate a new pair of keys too for database instances.

      • License: Choose the appropriate license.

      • Virtual cloud network: Choose the VCN you created earlier.

      • Client subnet: Select (either private or public subnet as needed) from the drop- down list.

      • Hostname prefix: Choose an appropriate name.

      • Database name: Specify a name for your database. Click Next.

      • Database image: Oracle Database 19c.

      • PDB Name: pdb1

      • Create administrator credentials: Specify ‘sys’ and an appropriate password.

      • Backup destination: Object Storage

      • For remaining input fields: Select the default values.

    5. Click Create DB System and wait for the DB provisioning to be completed before you proceed to the next step.


  1. Create a new IDCS Confidential App for WebCenter Portal provisioning. Log in to your IDCS administration console. For example, https://<your-idcs-link>.identity.oraclecloud.com/ui/v1/adminconsole. You can find this URL on the OracleIdentityCloudService section by navigating to Identity, Federation, and then Identity Provider Details. The field name that has this URL is Oracle Identity Cloud Service Console.

  2. Click Integrated applications.

  3. Click Add application on the Integrated Applications page to create a new confidential app.

  4. Choose Confidential Application in the Add Application pop-up.

  5. In the Details section, provide a name and click Next.

  6. In the Client section, choose Configure this application as client now and select the following grant types under Authorization:

    • Client Credentials

    • JWT Assertion

    • SAML2 Assertion

  7. Skip all other sections by clicking Next till you reach the Finish button.

  8. Make a note of the Client ID and Client Secret for this app. Client Secret will be added to the vault's secret later.

  9. Navigate to the application created and click Activate to enable this app for use in WebCenter Portal provisioning.

Create the Object Storage Bucket in OCI

  1. Sign in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console.

  2. Click the navigation menu in the upper left corner of the page and click Storage.

  3. Click Buckets.

  4. Confirm that you're in the correct compartment and the correct region.

  5. Click Create Bucket on the "Buckets in <compartment name> Compartment" page.

  6. Provide a value for Bucket Name.

  7. Leave the Default Storage Tier set to Standard.

  8. Leave the Encryption set to Encrypt using Oracle managed keys.

  9. Click Create.

See Object Storage Buckets for more information.

Create a New User API Key

  1. Sign in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console.

  2. Click on your avatar in the upper-right corner of the page.

  3. Click My profile.

  4. In the Resources menu on the left side of the page, click API Keys.

  5. Click Add API Key.

  6. Download the private key by clicking Download private key. The private key will be added to the vault's secret later.

  7. Click Add.

  8. Click Copy to copy the content of the configuration file which has user OCID and fingerprint as this will be required later. Close the dialog.

Create Vault Secrets

  1. Log in to the OCI console and search for Vault, and then create a vault app.

    1. Click Create Vault.

    2. Select the compartment you created earlier

    3. Provide a name and click Create Vault.

  2. Click the vault app you created earlier. Create a master encryption key by specifying the compartment, protection mode, name, algorithm, length, and so on in the Create Key section.

  3. Click Secrets on the left side and start adding secrets by specifying the compartment, name, key, secret type template, secret contents, and so on in the Create Secret section.

Secret Name Secret Description Comment
wcp-admin-password Secret for WebCenter Portal Admin Password The Secret Contents field should be populated with the Weblogic password value. The password needs to meet the following password policy: The password must be at least 8 alphanumeric characters with at least one number or a special character.
db-system-sys-password Secret for DB System SYS Password SYS user password of DB created in the Create a New DB System section should be used in the Secret Contents field.
db-system-ssh-private-key Secret for DB System SSH private key The Secret Contents field should be populated with the private key value that was used to create DB in the Create a New DB System section section.
idcs-client-secret Secret for IDCS Client secret The Secret Contents field should be populated with the Client Secret value that was noted when the IDCS Confidential App was created in the IDCS section.
wcp-schema-password Secret for WebCenter Portal schema password. The password needs to meet the following password policy:
•The password must start with a letter.
•The password must contain at least two digits.
•The password must contain at least two uppercase letters.
•The password must contain at least two lowercase letters.
•The password must contain at least two special characters from the set [$#_].
•The password must be at least 15 characters long.
Example: OCI#db#456789123
oci-user-private-key Secret for user API private key The Secret Contents field should be populated with the private key value downloaded earlier in the Create a New User API Key section.

Provision WebCenter Portal Stack

You can provision Oracle WebCenter Portal on a Marketplace instance in a selected compartment in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

To provision Oracle WebCenter Portal on a Marketplace instance:

  1. Navigate to the WebCenter Portal listing on Marketplace by direct URL or by browsing in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

    Using direct URL:

    1. In your browser, enter https://cloudmarketplace.oracle.com/marketplace/en_US/homePage.jspx?tag=WebCenter+Portal.

      The Marketplace listings for WebCenter Portal are displayed.

    2. Click the title of the listing you want to use. The landing page of that listing is displayed.

    3. Click Get App.

    4. Select your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure region and click Sign In.

    5. Sign in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console.

    By browsing:

    1. Sign in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console.

    2. Open the navigation menu and click Marketplace. Under Marketplace, click All Applications.

    3. In the Marketplace search field, enter WebCenter Portal. The Marketplace listings for WebCenter Portal are displayed.

    4. Click the title of the listing you want to use and review the information on the Overview page.

  2. Accept the terms and restrictions, and then click Launch Stack. The Create Stack wizard is displayed.

  3. Provide information about the stack for the instance.

    1. Stack information:

      • Enter name and description.

      • Create in Compartment: Select the compartment.

      • Terraform version: Specify the Terraform version and click Next.

    2. Configure variables:

      Stack Configuration

      • Resource Name Prefix: Enter a prefix (for example, WCP). The name of all compute and network resources will begin with this prefix. It must begin with a letter and it can contain only letters or numbers.

      • SSH Public key: Provide the SSH public key (created in Generate SSH key pair).

      • OCI Policies: Select this check box if you need the stack to create policies to provision WebCenter Portal resources, configure Database Network, and read Vault Secrets. Deselecting this option is for Advanced users only.

      • Enable Object Storage as default storage: Select this check box if you need object storage as the default storage instead of file system for storing documents. If selected, you need to complete the fields in the Object Storage section.

      • Enable Private Service: Select this check box if you need to provision service in private subnet for Fast Connect usage.

      • Enable Key Management with OCI Vault: Select this check box if you need to enable Key Management with OCI Vault. If selected, you need to pre-create vault secrets as mentioned in Create Vault Secrets.

      Virtual Cloud Network

      If you're using an existing VCN, complete the following:

      If you need to use a new VCN, then select the Create the Virtual Cloud Network check box and complete the following:

      • Network Compartment: Select the compartment you created earlier.

      • Virtual Cloud Network Name: Specify a name for the new VCN to be created for this service.

      • Virtual Cloud Network CIDR: Specify a CIDR to assign to the new VCN.

      Object Storage

      This section is optional. Complete this section only if you selected the Enable Object Storage as default storage check box in the Stack Configuration section.

      • Object Storage Compartment: Select the compartment where the bucket was created.

      • Bucket Name: Specify the bucket name which you created earlier.

      • User OCID: This will be pre-populated with the current user's OCID. If you are using a different user for creating the API key, specify the user OCID of that user.

      • Public Key Fingerprint: Specify the fingerprint from the configuration file (that you copied when you created the user API key as part of the prerequisites).

      • OCI User Private Key Secret Compartment: Choose the compartment that holds the secret for the user API private key.

      • Secret for OCI User Private Key: Select the secret for the user API private key.

    3. Database Configuration:

      • Database Strategy: Select the type of database to use for provisioning. The supported databases are: Database System and Autonomous Transaction Processing Database.

        If you selected Autonomous Transaction Processing Database as the Database Strategy, then complete the following that are displayed:

      • Select the value for Autonomous Database compartment.

      • Select the value for Autonomous Database.

      • Autonomous Database Admin Password Secret Compartment: Choose the compartment that holds the secret for the Autonomous Database Admin Password.

      • Secret for Autonomous Database Admin Password: Select the secret for Autonomous Database Admin Password.

        If you selected Database System as the Database Strategy, then complete the following that are displayed:

      • Select the value for DB System compartment.

      • Select the value for DB System OCID.

      • PDB name: Provide the PDB name of the DB system.

      • Select the value for DB System Network Compartment.

      • Select the value for DB System VCN OCID.

      • DB System PDB User: Leave the value 'sys' as is. Do not change this user name.

        If you have not selected Enable Key Management with OCI Vault, then complete the following that are displayed.

        • DB System Password: Provide the value of DB System password.

        • DB System SSH Private key: Upload the DB System SSH Private key (created without passphrase).

        If you selected Enable Key Management with OCI Vault, then complete the following that are displayed.

        • DB System Password Secret Compartment: Choose the compartment that holds the secret for the DB system password.

        • Secret for DB System Password: Select the secret for DB system password. When defining the secret key, you must have specified a user friendly name for each secret. Use the same name here so that it is easy.

        • DB System SSH Private key Secret Compartment: Choose the compartment that holds the secret for the DB system SSH private key.

        • Secret for DB System SSH Private key: Select the secret for DB System SSH private key.

        • Provision WebCenter Portal with custom database schema prefix: Select this checkbox to provision WebCenter Portal with custom database schema prefix. If not selected, WebCenter Portal will be provisioned with random schema prefix.

          If you selected the above check box, then complete the following that are displayed.

          • Custom database schema prefix for WebCenter Content: Provide a value for custom database schema prefix for provisioning WebCenter Content. It can only contain uppercase letters.

          • Custom database schema prefix for WebCenter Portal: Provide a value for custom database schema prefix for provisioning WebCenter Portal. It can only contain uppercase letters.

    4. Bastion Instance:

      If you're using an existing VCN, complete the following:

      • Existing Subnet for Bastion Host: Select an existing public subnet to use for a Bastion compute instance.

      • Bastion Host Shape: Select the appropriate Bastion host shape (keep the default value).

    5. WebCenter Portal Compute Instance:

      • Compute Shape: Select the appropriate compute shape.

      • OCPU count: Select the OCPU count. The default value is 2.

      If you're using an existing VCN, complete the following:

      • Existing Subnet for WebCenter Portal Compute Instances: Select an existing subnet to use for WebCenter Portal compute instances.

      • Node Count: Specify the node count. The default value is 2.

    6. WebCenter Content Compute Instance:

      • Compute Shape: Select the appropriate compute shape.

      • OCPU count: Select the OCPU count. The default value is 2.

      • Node Count: Specify the node count. The default value is 2.

    7. File System:

      • Use Existing File System: Select this check box to use an existing File System and Mount Target.

        If selected, you will need to select the compartment and availability domain of the existing File System and provide the File System OCID. The Mount Target must have security rules configured to allow traffic to the chosen VCN CIDR. See Configuring VCN Security Rules for File Storage.

      • File System Compartment: Choose the compartment where the WebCenter Content stack will be created.

      • File System Availability Domain: Select the Availability Domain.

      • Existing Subnet for Mount Target: Select an existing subnet to use for mount target.

    8. Load Balancer:

      If you're using an existing VCN, complete the following:

      • Existing Subnet for Load Balancer: Select an existing subnet to use for the load balancer.

      • Provide the value for Minimum Bandwidth for Flexible Load Balancer.

      • Provide the value for Maximum Bandwidth for Flexible Load Balancer.

    9. Identity Cloud Service Integration:

      • Identity Domain URL: Provide the value for IDCS domain URL.

      • Identity Client ID: Provide the value for IDCS Client ID.

      • Identity Client Secret Compartment: Choose the compartment that holds the secret for the IDCS client secret.

      • Secret for the Identity Client Secret: Select the secret for the IDCS client secret.

    10. WebCenter Portal WebLogic Domain Configuration:

      • WebCenter Portal Admin User Name: Leave the value 'weblogic' as is.

      If you have not selected Enable Key Management with OCI Vault, then complete the following that are displayed.

      • WebCenter Portal Admin Password: Provide the value for WebCenter Portal Admin password.

      • WebCenter Portal Schema Password: Provide the value for WebCenter Portal Schema password.

      If you have selected Enable Key Management with OCI Vault, then complete the following that are displayed.

      • WebCenter Portal Admin Secret Compartment: Choose the compartment that holds the secret for the WebCenter Portal Server administrator password.

      • Secret for WebCenter Portal Admin Password: Select the secret for WebCenter Portal administrator password.

      • WebCenter Portal Schema Password Secret Compartment: Choose the compartment that holds the secret for the WebCenter Portal schema password.

      • Secret for the WebCenter Portal Schema Password: Select the secret for the WebCenter Portal schema password.

Click Next. Review all the configuration variables and then select the Run apply check box under Run apply on the created stack section. Click Create.

If everything goes as expected, then navigate to the WebCenter Portal stack and click the Application Information tab. You'll see all the provisioned end points for the services under sections WebCenter Content Endpoints and WebCenter Portal Endpoints.

After provisioning the stack, you need to configure the full-text search engine using the following steps:

  1. Log in to WebCenter Content as an administrator.

  2. Navigate to Administration, Admin Server, and then General Configuration.

  3. Under Additional Configuration Variables, add the following new setting:

  4. Click save to save the configuration.

  5. After making this change, you need to bounce all the WebCenter Content UCM servers from the Weblogic console of the WebCenter Content domain.

  6. Once all the UCM servers have restarted, you need to bounce all the WebCenter Portal servers from the Weblogic console of the WebCenter Portal domain.

To navigate to the WebCenter Portal stack:

If something goes wrong or if for any reason you want to do a clean-up of all the resources that were provisioned as part of the WebCenter Portal deployment, use Destroy Job to do the clean-up.

Additional Steps for Stack Provisioned with a Self-Signed Certificate

If you provisioned the WebCenter Portal stack with a self-signed certificate, then you might encounter issues when trying to upload documents from WebCenter Portal. The upload button might be in a frozen state and will not work, hence the pop-up screen will not be shown. To resolve this issue, complete the following steps.

  1. In the browser, open Developer Tools using Ctrl + Shift + I (Windows) or Option ++ I (Mac) and click the Network tab to see the web traffic.

    Note: For Safari browser, navigate to Settings, Advanced tab, and then to Show features for web developers (Enable) and then press Option ++ C to open Developer Tools and then switch to the Network tab.

  2. Refresh the browser tab in which WebCenter Portal was accessed. Navigate to Home Portal and click the Documents page.

  3. Press Ctrl + Shift + R (Windows) or+Shift + R (Mac) to do a hard refresh. In the web traffic, look for a URL that is similar to

    https://<WebCenter Content host>:16200/cs/idcplg?IdcService=GET_COAO_JS

    For Safari browser, Option ++ R can be used to do a hard refresh.

  4. Copy the URL for GET_COAO_JS IdcService and open it in a new browser tab. Accept the certificate risk to get the response.

  5. Refresh the browser tab in which WebCenter Portal was accessed. Navigate to Home Portal, click the Documents page and click the Upload button to see a pop-up screen for Document Upload in the browser.

    Note: The above steps need to be completed by all users (for each new browser one time) if users need to resolve the specified issue and upload files using WebCenter Portal Documents Upload UI.

    Note: The specified issue with the upload button is not encountered when a CA signed certificate is used.

Configure Elastic Search in Oracle WebCenter Portal

Learn how you can configure Elastic Search to index and search objects in the Marketplace WebCenter Portal instance.

Create a crawl user

  1. Log in to the Oracle WebLogic Server administration console.

  2. Click Security Realm in the Domain Structure pane.

  3. On the Summary of Security Realms page, select the name of the realm (for example, myrealm). Click myrealm.

  4. Click Users and Groups and then the User tab.

  5. Click the New button and add a user by providing a name (for example, wccrawladmin) and a password. Note down the name and password for future use.

Install Elasticsearch and Plug-ins

Elasticsearch can be installed as either a single server set-up or a cluster set-up (with a minimum of three servers).

To install a single server set-up, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to the WebCenter Portal machine as an Oracle user and run the following commands:

    sudo su - oracle
    export JAVA_HOME=/u01/jdk/
    export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
    export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/middleware
    unset -f $(env | grep -oP "^BASH_FUNC_\K([^%]*)")
  2. Download the Elasticsearch binary file.

    cd $ORACLE_HOME/wcportal/es/
    wget https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-7.17.17-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
  3. Edit installES.properties and update the following properties:

    ADMIN_SERVER_HOST_NAME=<VM's private IP address>
    WLS_ADMIN_USER=<user name for Weblogic server administration console>
    SEARCH_APP_USER=<user name you noted down before in previous steps>
  4. Install the elastic search server using the following command:

    $ORACLE_HOME/wcportal/es/installES.properties <weblogic server password> <search app password you noted down before> <es certificate password you noted down before>

Configure WebCenter Portal for Elasticsearch

To configure WebCenter Portal for search, you need to configure the connection between WebCenter Portal and Elasticsearch, and you need to configure the WebCenter Content crawl user and WebCenter Content administrator in Elasticsearch.

  1. Navigate to your Oracle home directory and invoke the WLST script.

  2. Connect to the Oracle WebCenter Portal domain (WC_Portal) server.

  3. At the WLST command prompt, run the createCred WLST command to configure the WebCenter Content crawl user in Elasticsearch.

    connect('weblogic server user name', '<weblogic server password>', 't3://<VM's private IP>:7001')
    createCred(map="oracle.es.security", key="content.crawl.credentials", user='<wcc-crawl-user>', password='<wcc-crawl-password>', desc="UCM Crawl User")


    • wcc-crawl-user is the WebCenter Content crawl user. See Creating a Crawl User in WebCenter Content.

    • wcc-crawl-password is the password of the WebCenter Content crawl user.

    • desc is the description of the WebCenter Content crawl user.

  4. At the WLST command prompt, run the createCred WLST command to configure the WebCenter Content administrator in Elasticsearch.

    createCred(map="oracle.es.security", key="content.admin.credentials", user='<wcc-admin-user>', password='<wcc-admin-password>', desc="WebCenter Content administrator")
  5. At the WLST command prompt, run the createCred WLST command to configure the WebCenter Content crawl user in Elasticsearch.

    connect('weblogic server user name', '<weblogic server password>', 't3://<VM's private IP>:7001')
    createCred(map="oracle.es.security", key="content.crawl.credentials", user='<wcc-crawl-user>', password='<wcc-crawl-password>', desc="UCM Crawl User")


    • wcc-admin-user is the WebCenter Content Administrator.

    • wcc-admin-password is the password of the WebCenter Content Administrator.

    • desc is the description of the WebCenter Content Administrator.

  6. Restart the elastic search server using the following commands:

  7. Navigate to your Oracle home directory and invoke the WLST script to run the following command for creating a search connection.

    connect('weblogic server user', '<weblogic server password>', 't3://<VM's private IP>:7001')
    createSearchConnection(appName='webcenter',name='webcenter-es', url='http://<wcp-es-machine-ip>:9200', indexAliasName='webcenter_portal', appUser='<search app user you noted down before>, appPassword='<password of search app user you noted down before>', server='WC_Portal_server1')

    where wcp-es-machine-ip is the IP address of the host where elastic search server is installed.

  8. Restart all the Webcenter Portal managed servers.

Create a Portal Crawl Source

To create a crawl source to crawl objects such as lists, page metadata, page content (contents of HTML, text, and styled text components), portals, and profiles:

  1. On the Settings page in WebCenter Portal, click Tools and Services or enter the following URL in your browser to navigate directly to the Tools and Services pages: http://host:port/webcenter/portal/admin/settings/tools

  2. Click the icon for Search to open the Search Settings page.

  3. On the Scheduler tab, select the Portal crawl source and click Edit.

  4. On the Edit Portal Crawl Source page, modify the following source parameters as needed:

    • Maximum number of connection attempts: Maximum number of connection attempts to access the configuration URL. Choose a number from 2 to 10.

    • Configuration URL: URL of the RSS crawl servlet. For example: http://<WebCenter Portal host>:<port>/rsscrawl or http://<WebCenter Portal-VM-IP>:<port>/rsscrawl.

    Note: In case of HTTPS-based URL for WebCenter Portal, it should be a valid domain host with updated DNS entry and CA-signed certificate.

  5. Enter the credentials for the WebCenter Portal crawl administrator.

  6. Click Test to test the connection.

  7. Click Save and Close to save the changes.

Configure SAML2 IDCS Single Sign-On in WebCenter Portal

Learn to configure SAML2 IDCS Single Sign-On in WebCenter Portal.


Complete the following before running the configuration script.

Create a WebCenter Portal Stack

A WebCenter Portal stack should have been created from OCI Marketplace on which SAML2 IDCS SSO configuration needs to be configured.

Create an OAuth Client for IDCS

Follow the below instructions based on whether OCI Tenancy IAM is with Identity Domains or not.

Configuration in Stack

A configuration helper script will be available in every stack VM. It can be executed from Admin compute VM or VM-1 (*-wls-1) for WebCenter Portal and WebCenter Content domains.

The script expects the following inputs.

Argument Description

IDCS tenant name

For example, if IDCS URL is idcs-abcde.identity.example.com, then IDCS tenant name would be idcs-abcde.


IDCS domain

For example, if IDCS URL is idcs-abcde.identity.example.com, then IDCS domain would be identity.example.com.

idcs_client Client ID of the OAuth client created in prerequisites
idcs_client_secret Client secret of the OAuth client created in prerequisites

Service host with DNS record mapped to load balancer IP

For example, wcpstack1.xyz.com, wccstack1.xyz.com.

If service host is not available, a load-balancer IP can be provided here for testing.

idcs_user_name IDCS user who is configured as WebCenter product administrator user

For WebCenter Portal Domain

Complete the following steps to execute the script:

Run the configure sso script for WebCenter Portal domain from VM having a name like <*>-wcp-wls-1 with service host value for WebCenter Portal load balancer DNS host or IP.

ssh -o ProxyCommand="ssh -W %h:%p -i <key> opc@<bastion-ip>" -i <key> opc@<wcp-vm-1-ip>
sudo su - oracle
cd /u01/scripts/sh
nohup sh configure_sso.sh --idcs_tenant <idcs-tenant> --idcs_domain identity.oraclecloud.com --idcs_client <idcs_client> --idcs_client_secret <idcs_client> --idcs_username <idcs_username> --service_host <wcp_service_host> &

The script execution progress can be monitored from /u01/logs/provisioning.log. Once the execution completes without any error, the configuration is completed in the stack environment.

Note: If the configuration was done with load-balancer IP, then the above script needs to be executed again with the service host once the DNS mapping to WebCenter Portal load-balancer IP is created.

For WebCenter Content Domain

Run the configure sso script for WebCenter Content domain from VM having a name like <*>-wcc-wls-1 with service host value for WebCenter Content load balancer DNS host or IP.

ssh -o ProxyCommand="ssh -W %h:%p -i <key> opc@<bastion-ip>" -i <key> opc@<wcc-vm-1-ip>
sudo su - oracle
cd /u01/scripts/sh
nohup sh configure_sso.sh --idcs_tenant <idcs-tenant> --idcs_domain identity.oraclecloud.com --idcs_client <idcs_client> --idcs_client_secret <idcs_client> --idcs_username <idcs_username> --service_host <wcc_service_host> &

The script execution progress can be monitored from /u01/logs/provisioning.log. Once the execution completes without any error, the configuration is completed in the stack environment.

Note: If the configuration was done with load-balancer IP, then the above script needs to be executed again with the service host once the DNS mapping to WebCenter Content load-balancer IP is created.

Configuration in your IDCS Tenant

Once the SAML configuration is completed on WebCenter Portal, SAML applications will be created under Integrated Applications in the IDCS domain. The WebCenter Portal/WebCenter Content role mapping groups (as described in the tables below) are also created.

WebCenter Portal Group Description
WebcenterGroup The admin role is assigned to the system administrator. By default, this role has Admin permission to all security groups and all accounts, and has rights to all the administration tools.
WebCenter Content Groups Description
admin The admin role is assigned to the system administrator. By default, this role has Admin permission to all security groups and all accounts, and has rights to all the administration tools.
contributor The contributor role has Read and Write permissions to the Public security group, which enables users to search for, view, check in, and check out content.
guest The guest role has Read permission to the Public security group, which enables users to search for and view content.
sysmanager The sysmanager role has privileges to access the Admin Server links from the Administration menu in the user interface.

The Admin user is granted membership to the WebcenterGroup/admin group and can be used to access the service.

The SAML applications will be prefixed with the stack service name. Examples: wcp12_wcp_saml, wcp12_wcc_saml.

Add Users to Groups

To add a new user other than the administrator, you would need to add the user to the IDCS WebCenter Portal/WebCenter Content groups based on the permissions required for their usage.


After the configuration of SAML, verify the WebCenter Portal application URLs and validate that the IDCS SSO log-in is working.

Portal Server: https://<WebCenter Portal service_host|lb_ip>:8888/webcenter/portal

Content Server: https://<WebCenter Content service_host|lb_ip>:16200/cs

Web UI: https://<WebCenter Content service_host|lb_ip>:16225/wcp

Capture: https://<WebCenter Content service_host|lb_ip>:16400/dc-console

Imaging: https://<WebCenter Content service_host|lb_ip>:16000/imaging


This chapter describes common problems that you might encounter and also provides information that can be helpful with the troubleshooting process.

Issue: Provisioning failed


If you encountered a failure when trying to provision WebCenter Portal, do the following to see the logs which might help in troubleshooting:

  1. Log in to bastion host.

  2. From bastion host perform ssh to wls-1 VM. For example: ssh -I <private key> opc@<IP Address of wls-1 VM>

  3. sudo su – oracle

  4. cd /u01/data/domains/logs

  5. vi provisioning.log

Issue: Document upload from WebCenter Portal or WCC UI is not working


If you encountered a failure when trying to upload a document from WebCenter Portal or using WebCenter Content UI, do the following to see the configuration (which might help in troubleshooting):

  1. Log in to WebCenter Content as an administrator.

  2. Navigate to Administration and then to Configuration for wcc****.

  3. Check if Search Engine, Index Engine Name, and Active Index show as:


    Index Engine Name: ORACLETEXTSEARCH

    Active Index: ots1

  4. If Search Engine, Index Engine Name, and Active Index do not show the values specified above, see Provision WebCenter Portal Stack section to configure the full-text search engine.

  5. Navigate to Administration and then to Admin Actions.

  6. Check the state and status for Automatic Update Cycle and Collection Rebuild Cycle. If it does not show the state as Idle and status as Finished, then:

    • Click cancel and wait for sometime.
    • Then, click start and wait till you see Progress Message: Finished indexing.