Troubleshoot a WebLogic Domain in Verrazzano

Learn about the common issues when creating and managing a domain in Verrazzano and then how to diagnose to solve them.

The following topics are also applicable for Oracle WebLogic Server for OKE domains with Verrrazzano.

Patching Job Fails

When you perform an apply patch, create base image, or automatic patching, the job fails.


This is applicable only if you use the WebLogic Server version 21.3.3 (September 2021).

To solve this issue, you must update the and scripts:

  1. Go to the /u01/shared/scripts/pipeline/common location and open the file.
  2. Remove the lines 347 to 348 and 526 to 530.
  3. Add the following code at line 347.
    if [[ "$PATCH_NEW" != *"28186730"* ]]
                /u01/shared/tools/imagetool/bin/ cache addPatch --patchId ${PATCH_NEW}_${wls_version}".0" --path ${OPATCH_PATCH}
                unzip -j -p ${OPATCH_PATCH} */version.txt > /tmp/version.txt
                version=$(cat /tmp/version.txt)
                /u01/shared/tools/imagetool/bin/ cache addPatch --patchId ${PATCH_NEW}_${version} --path ${OPATCH_PATCH}
  4. Add the following variable at line 314:
    local SKIP_OPATCH_UPDATE=true
  5. Add the following code at line 547.
    if [[ "$PATCH_NEW" != *"28186730"* ]]
                    /u01/shared/tools/imagetool/bin/ cache addPatch --patchId ${PATCH_NEW}_${wls_version}".0" --path ${OPATCH_PATCH}
                    unzip -j -p ${OPATCH_PATCH} */version.txt > /tmp/version.txt
                    version=$(cat /tmp/version.txt)
                    /u01/shared/tools/imagetool/bin/ cache addPatch --patchId ${PATCH_NEW}_${version} --path ${OPATCH_PATCH}
  6. Save and close the file.
  7. Go to the /u01/shared/scripts/pipeline/auto-patch/scripts location and open the file.
  8. Remove the lines 69 to 73.
  9. Add the following code at line 69.
    if [[ "$patch_id" != *"28186730"* ]]
             /u01/shared/tools/imagetool/bin/ cache addPatch --patchId ${patch_id}_${wls_version}".0" --path ${patch_dir}/${patch_zip}
            unzip -j -p ${patch_dir}/${patch_zip} */version.txt > /tmp/version.txt
            version=$(cat /tmp/version.txt)
            /u01/shared/tools/imagetool/bin/ cache addPatch --patchId ${patch_id}_${version} --path ${patch_dir}/${patch_zip}
  10. Save and close the file.

Provisioning Fails at a Specific Stage

When you create a domain, the provisioning might fail at the specific stage. After you fix the issue, you must continue to create the domain from the previously failed stage only.

To restart provisioning from the previously failed stage:

  1. Sign in to the Jenkins console for your stack. See Access the Jenkins Console.
  2. On the Dashboard page, click create domain.
  3. Click Status.
  4. From the Stage View page, click on the job number that failed.
  5. Click Restart from Stage.
  6. From Stage Name, select the stage that first failed.
  7. Click Run to run the job from the selected stage.

    After the job is successful, you can access the WebLogic Console. See Access the WebLogic Console.

Unable to View Jenkins UI Input Parameters

You need to approve groovy scripts to view all the parameters in a list.

Issue: At times, the Jenkins UI input parameters in a list are not rendered as you need to approve the scripts.


  1. Sign in to the Jenkins console for your stack. See Access the Jenkins Console.
  2. Go to Dashboard > Manage Jenkins.
  3. Under Security, click In-process Script Approval.
  4. Click Approve against all the groovy scripts.

    All the parameters are now listed in the pipeline jobs.

Cleanup Resources Manually for a Failed Domain

When the domain creation for a WebLogic domain with domain name, domain_1, fails and you create another WebLogic domain with the same name, domain_1, this domain creation also fails.

As the resources created for the domain, domain_1 cannot be deleted using the terminate domain job, you must clean up the resources manually for domain_1 using the following command:

/u01/shared/scripts/pipeline/helper-scripts/ <domain_name>

For example, to clean up the resources for domain_1, run the following command:

/u01/shared/scripts/pipeline/helper-scripts/ domain_1

You can now create the WebLogic domain with the domain name, domain_1.

Verrazzano Installation Failed


When you create a stack with Verrazzano that has shape lower than VM.Standard2.4 and less than three nodes for the node pool, the Verrazzano installation fails.


Run the reinstall script to clean up the existing node pool and recreate a new node pool with the provided shape and nodes, and reinstall Verrazzano.

The reinstall script is located at: /u01/scripts/utils

Run the following command:
sh <node_pool_shape> <node_pool_size>

For example:

sh VM.Standard2.4 3

Unable to Access the Verrazzano Console

Troubleshoot the problem accessing the Verrazzano console for an Oracle WebLogic Server for OKE stack with Verrazzano configuration.


For an Oracle WebLogic Server for OKE stack with Verrazzano configuration that uses LetsEncrypt certificates, you receive a connection failure message when accessing the Verrazzano console.


Verify the pods running in the cluster and then restart all the authproxy pods.

kubectl get pods -A | grep auth
kubectl delete pod verrazzano-authproxy_<pod_name> -n verrazzano-system

Introspection Failed when Running Pipeline Jobs

In some instances, the Kubernetes job (DOMAIN_UID-introspector) created for the introspection fails. When the initial introspection fails, the operator does not start any WebLogic Server instances. If there are already WebLogic Server instances running, then a failed introspection leaves the existing WebLogic Server instances running without making any changes to the operational state of the domain. The introspection is periodically retried and then eventually timeout with the Domain status indicating the processing failed. To recover from a failed state, you need correct the underlying problem and update the introspectVersion or restartVersion.

Check the introspector job

If your introspector job failed, then examine the kubectl describe of the job and its pod. Also, examine its log, located at /u01/shared/weblogic-domains/<domain-name>/logs/introspector_script.out.

For example, assuming your domain UID is sample-domain1 and your domain namespace is sample-domain1-ns, following is a failed introspector job pod among the domain's pods:

$ kubectl -n sample-domain1-ns get pods -l weblogic.domainUID=sample-domain1

NAME                                         READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
sample-domain1-admin-server                  1/1     Running   0          19h
sample-domain1-introspector-v2l7k            0/1     Error     0          75m
sample-domain1-managed-server1               1/1     Running   0          19h
sample-domain1-managed-server2               1/1     Running   0          19h

Let us look at the job's describe:

$ kubectl -n sample-domain1-ns describe job/sample-domain1-introspector

Now, let us look at the job's pod describe, in particular look at its events:

$ kubectl -n sample-domain1-ns describe pod/sample-domain1-introspector-v2l7k

Finally, let us look at the job's pod's log:

$ kubectl -n sample-domain1-ns logs job/sample-domain1-introspector

Alternative log command (will have same output as previous):

$ kubectl -n sample-domain1-ns logs pod/sample-domain1-introspector-v2l7k

A common reason for the introspector job to fail is because of an error in a model file. Following is a sample log output from an introspector job that displays such a failure:

SEVERE Messages: 
    1. WLSDPLY-05007: Model file /u01/wdt/models/model1.yaml,/weblogic-operator/wdt-config-map/..2020_03_19_15_43_05.993607882/datasource.yaml contains an 
unrecognized section: TYPOresources. The recognized sections are domainInfo, topology, resources, appDeployments, kubernetes

Initiating Rolling Restart

If a model file error references a model file in your spec.configuration.model.configMap file, then you can correct the error by redeploying the ConfigMap with a corrected model file and then initiating a domain restart or roll. Similarly, if a model file error references a model file in your model image, then you can correct the error by deploying a corrected image, modifying your Domain YAML file to reference the new image under spec.image, and then initiating a domain restart or roll.

To continue to use the pipeline jobs to update the running domain, we need to ensure that the introspector is in Success status, which can be achieved by rolling the domain to the previous successful image.

To rollback to the previous previous successful image, run the following command:

/u01/shared/scripts/pipeline/common/ -i <image_name>

Where, <image_name> is the image ID in the prev-domain.yaml file, located in the backup directory at /u01/shared/weblogic-domains/<domain_name>/backups.


prev-domain.yaml is the previous domain that was running before the current job completed.

As the introspector was in the failure status, the domain pods did not restart and would be in the previous image. Once the above function is invoked, introspector succeeds and the pipeline jobs can be reused.

If the error is due to configmap, initiate the rolling restart by completing the following steps:
  1. Rectify the error in the yaml file.
  2. Increment the value of spec.restartVersion.
    1. Perform a kubectl edit domain -n <domain_ns> -o yaml.

      This opens the yaml file in the VI editor.

    2. Under spec, search for the restartVersion flag and increment the value.
  3. Save the yaml file.
Run the following command to verify the fix:
kubectl get pods -A

The age for the pod must not correspond to the time when the update-domain job completed.

Sample output:
NAME                                         READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
sample-domain1-admin-server                  1/1     Running   0          19h
sample-domain1-managed-server1               1/1     Running   0          19h
sample-domain1-managed-server2               1/1     Running   0          19h

New Data Source Incorrectly Deployed

This section covers the known issue when you create data sources in your Oracle WebLogic Server for OKE domain.

If the user adds a new data source and deploys the data source to a cluster only, by default, the data source is deployed to both the managed server and the administration server in the cluster.

WebLogic Server Pod Fails to Start

By default, the WebLogic stores are mount to the shared file system, which use Network File System (NFS) version 3 and is disabled. Therefore, the file locks on the different WebLogic stores and may not release if the VM of any node pool in the WebLogic Node pool is abruptly shut down. This is encountered in different scenarios, like, when a VM is stopped, restarted, or terminated, and there are WebLogic pods assigned to the worker node that is being terminated.

Issue: The WebLogic Server Pod (Admin Server or any manged server) fails to start and displays the following error in the WebLogic logs:
[Store:280105]The persistent file store "_WLS_myinstance-admin-server" cannot open file _WLS_<instanceName>-<ServerName>000000.DAT.


To solve this issue, complete the following steps:


Even if you are using an earlier version of WebLogic Server you need to complete these steps.
  1. Apply patch 32471832 by using the apply patch job, which is available in July 2021 PSUs.
  2. For administration and managed server pods in the cluster, update the domain.yaml file by adding the parameter.
    Following is an example, where the parameter is added:
      - name: USER_MEM_ARGS
        #Default to G1GC algo
        value: "-XX:+UseContainerSupport -XX:+UseG1GC"
      - name: JAVA_OPTIONS
        value: " -Dweblogic.rjvm.allowUnknownHost=true"
  3. Run the following command to apply domain.yaml.
    kubectl -f <domain.yaml-file-path>


If you have created Oracle WebLogic Server for OKE instances created after July 20, 2021, or the instances on which the July 2021 PSUs are applied, a few Security warnings are displayed. See About the Security Checkup Tool.

Load Balancer Creation Failed

After creating a domain, you might encounter an issue where the external Load Balancer (LB) is missing.

Issue: When you run the following command, the external IP for the LB would is displayed as <pending>:
kubectl get svc -n <domain-name>-lb-external
Sample output:
NAMESPACE                 NAME                      TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP     PORT(S)                      AGE
wlsoke-ingress-nginx      mydomain-lb-external      LoadBalancer   <pending>       80:32148/TCP,443:31808/TCP   27h

The load balancer creation fails because there is a lack of available private IPs in the VCN or subnets selected during provisioning.

Workaround: Clean up any unwanted resources to release the IPs.

Jenkins Installation Fails

When you create a Oracle WebLogic Server for OKE instance, Jenkins is installed by installing a Helm release called jenkins-oke. During provisioning, Jenkins installation may fail, but provisioning is not stopped, because Jenkins can be installed after provisioning. This section explains how to install Jenkins manually, if Jenkins installation has failed during provisioning.

Check if Jenkins Install Failed during Provisioning

You can know if the Jenkins install failed by trying to access the Jenkins console, checking the provisioning logs, and checking the Kubernetes resources (pods, services, and so on) under the jenkins-ns namespace.

Access the Jenkins console:

Try accessing the Jenkins console, as described in Access the Jenkins Console.

If you are not able to access the console, then continue to the next section to check the logs.

Provisioning logs:

If Jenkins is not installed successfully, then the /u01/logs/provisioning.log file would include an error message.

Sample of the error:
<WLSOKE-VM-INFO-0056> : Installing jenkins jenkins-ns>
<WLSOKE-VM-ERROR-0052> : Error installing jenkins charts. Exit code[1]>

And, you would see the details of the failure in the /u01/logs/provisioning_cmd.out file.

Kubernetes resources:

To check the Kubernetes resources in the jenkins-ns namespace, run the following command:
kubectl get all -n jenkins-ns
Following is a sample output, where Jenkins was installed correctly:
NAME                                      READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/jenkins-deployment-5bb8596b9-abcd   1/1     Running   0          26m
NAME                      TYPE        CLUSTER-IP    EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)              AGE
service/jenkins-service   ClusterIP   <none>        8080/TCP,50000/TCP   26m
NAME                                 READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/jenkins-deployment   1/1     1            1           26m
NAME                                            DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
replicaset.apps/jenkins-deployment-5bb55586b9   1         1         1       26m

Install Jenkins Manually

After identifying and fixing the cause of the failure, install Jenkins in your instance.

  1. Check if the file exists, at the /u01/shared/weblogic-domains/<domain> directory.
    Does the file exist?
    • Yes: Continue with the next step.
    • No: Run the following command:
      python /u01/scripts/metadata/

      Continue with the next step.

  2. Run the following command to remove the existing helm release:
    helm uninstall jenkins-oke
  3. Run the following command to install Jenkins:
    /u01/scripts/bootstrap/  /u01/provisioning-data/jenkins-inputs.yaml

    Where, jenkins-inputs.yaml file contains the required variables.

    Sample Output:
    <Nov 23, 2020 05:10:07 PM GMT> <INFO> <> <(host:host_name) - updated /u01/provisioning-data/jenkins-inputs.yaml>
    <Nov 23, 2020 05:10:07 PM GMT> <INFO> <> <(host:host_name) - <WLSOKE-VM-INFO-0098> : Creating configmap [wlsoke-metadata-configmap]>
    <Nov 23, 2020 05:10:09 PM GMT> <INFO> <> <(host:host_name) - <WLSOKE-VM-INFO-0056> : Installing jenkins jenkins-ns>
    <Nov 23, 2020 05:10:22 PM GMT> <INFO> <> <(host:host_name) - <WLSOKE-VM-INFO-0057> : Successfully installed jenkins in namespace [ jenkins-ns ]>

You have successfully installed the Jenkins console. Try accessing the Jenkins console, as described in Access the Jenkins Console.

T3 RMI Communication Between Domains Fails

You might encounter a T3 communication error between domains in Oracle WebLogic Server for OKE.


When you try to establish an RMI communication between two domains, Domain A and Domain B, in different namespaces within the same cluster, using the T3 protocol, the connection fails.


You must set up the WebLogic custom channel on Domain B. To configure the WebLogic custom channel, see Configuring a WebLogic custom channel in WebLogic Kubernetes Operator documentation.

Before you set up the WebLogic custom channel, perform the following steps:
  1. Run the following command to obtain the cluster service names:
    kubectl get svc -n <domain_namespace>
    Sample output:
    NAMESPACE            NAME                              TYPE         CLUSTER-IP    EXTERNAL-IP   PORT (S)            AGE
    domainB-ns           domainB-cluster-domainB-cluster   ClusterIP    <none>       7999/TCP,8001/TCP   3d1h        
    domainB-ns           domainB-cluster-domainB-cluster   ClusterIP    <none>       7999/TCP,8001/TCP   3d1h
    domainB-ns           domainB-domainB-adminserver       ClusterIP    None           <none>       30012/TCP,7001/TCP  10d
    domainB-ns           domainB-domainB-managed-server1   ClusterIP    None           <none>       7999/TCP,8001/TCP   3d1h
    domainB-ns           domainB-domainB-managed-server2   ClusterIP    None           <none>       7999/TCP,8001/TCP   3d1h  
  2. Use the cluster service name and domain namespace from step 1 to obtain the cluster address.
    The cluster address format is:
    t3://<name of the cluster service>.<domain namespace>:ListenPort
    For example:
    t3://domainB-ns domainB-cluster-domainB-cluster.domainB-ns:7999
  3. Run the update-domain job on Domain B using the following model yaml file. See Update a Domain Configuration.

    In the model Yaml file, under the NetworkAccessPoint section, specify the cluster address from step 2.

    Example of a model Yaml file.

             WeblogicPluginEnabled: true
                ServerNamePrefix: '@@ENV:OKE_DOMAIN_NAME@@-managed-server'
                MaxDynamicClusterSize: 9
                CalculatedListenPorts: false
                ServerTemplate: '@@ENV:OKE_DOMAIN_NAME@@-cluster-template'
                DynamicClusterSize: 9
             RestartDelaySeconds: 10
             GracefulShutdownTimeout: 120
             RestartMax: 20
                  PublicPort: 30012
                  ListenPort: 30012
                OutboundCertificateValidation: BuiltinSSLValidationOnly
                InboundCertificateValidation: BuiltinSSLValidationOnly
                HttpsKeepAliveSecs: 310
                KeepAliveSecs: 310
             ListenPort: 7001
             ListenPort: 8001
             Cluster: '@@ENV:OKE_DOMAIN_NAME@@-cluster'
                ListenPort: 8100
                OutboundCertificateValidation: BuiltinSSLValidationOnly
                InboundCertificateValidation: BuiltinSSLValidationOnly
                HttpsKeepAliveSecs: 310
                KeepAliveSecs: 310
                  Protocol: 't3'
                  ListenPort: 7999
                  PublicAddress: '@@ENV:DOMAIN_UID@@-@@ENV:DOMAIN_UID@@-managed-server${id}.@@ENV:NAMESPACE@@'
                  HttpEnabledForThisProtocol: true
                  TunnelingEnabled: true
                  OutboundEnabled: false
                  Enabled: true
                  ClusterAddress: t3://<name of the cluster service>.<domain namespace>:ListenPort  
                  TwoWaySSLEnabled: false
                  ClientCertificateEnforced: false

Unrecognized Arguments When Using the Patching Utility Tool

When you run the patching utility tool with some of the documented arguments, you see the unrecognized arguments message.


Run the patching utility tool to list latest patches and download latest patches using patch-utils with the following arguments:
#List patches
patch-utils list -L
#Download latest patches
patch-utils download -L -p /tmp/<Location to download> 

The following message is displayed:

usage: patch-utils <action> [options]
patch-utils: error: unrecognized arguments:

The listed arguments correspond to latest features added to the patching utility tool for Oracle WebLogic Server for OKEinstances created after December 14, 2022 (22.4.3). So, if you are using Oracle WebLogic Server for OKE instances created before release December 14, 2022, you see the unrecognized arguments message.


Run patch-utils upgrade to upgrade the patching tool, if you are using the latest features of the patching utility tool for your existing instances (created before release December 14, 2022). See Upgrade Patching Tool.

Security Checkup Tool Warnings

Learn about the security check warnings that are displayed in the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration console and how to troubleshoot them.

At the top of the WebLogic Server Administration console, the message Security warnings detected. Click here to view the report and recommended remedies is displayed for Oracle WebLogic Server for OKE instances created after July 20, 2021, or the instances on which the July 2021 PSUs are applied.

When you click the message, a list of security warnings are displayed as listed in the following table.

The warning messages listed in the table are examples.

Security Warnings

Warning Message Resolution

The configuration for key stores for this server are set to Demo Identity and Demo Trust. Trust Demo certificates are not supported in production mode domains.

Configure the identity and trust keystores for each server and the name of the certificate in the identity keystore that the server uses for SSL communication. See Configure Keystore Attributes for Identity and Trust.

Note: This warning is displayed for Oracle WebLogic Server for OKE instances created after October 20, 2021, or the instances on which the October PSUs are applied.

SSL hostname verification is disabled by the SSL configuration.

Review your applications before you make any changes to address these SSL host name security warnings.

For applications that connect to SSL endpoints with a host name in the certificate, which does not match the local machine's host name, the connection fails if you configure the BEA host name verifier in Oracle WebLogic Server.

For applications that connect to Oracle provided endpoints such as Oracle Identity Cloud Service (for example,*, the connection fails if you did not configure the wildcard host name verifier or a custom host name verifier that accepts wildcard host names. If you are not sure of the SSL configuration settings you should configure to address the warning, Oracle recommends that you configure the wildcard host name verifier.

You see the SSL host name verification warnings in case of existing Oracle WebLogic Server for OKE instances (created before July 20, 2021). To address this warning, you must configure SSL with host name verifier. See Configure SSL with host name verifier.

Production mode is enabled but the file or directory <directory_name>/ is insecure since its permission is not a minimum of umask 027

Run the following command in the administration server as oracle user:

chmod 640 /u01/data/domains/<domain_name>/bin

Remote Anonymous RMI T3 or IIOP requests are enabled. Set the RemoteAnonymousRMIT3Enabled and RemoteAnonymousRMIIIOPEnabled attributes to false.

Set the java properties for anonymous RMI T3 and IIOP requests during server start up. See Set the Java Properties.

After you address the warnings, you must click Refresh Warnings to see the warnings removed in the console.

For Oracle WebLogic Server for OKE instances created after July 20, 2021, though the java properties to disable anonymous requests for preventing anonymous RMI access are configured, the warnings still appear. This is a known issue in Oracle WebLogic Server.

Set the Java Properties

To set the java properties for anonymous RMI T3 and IIOP requests:
  1. Edit the domain.yaml located in /u01/shared/weblogic-domains/<domain_name>/domain.yaml for all instances of serverPod definitions as follows:

          - name: USER_MEM_ARGS
            #admin server memory is explicitly set to min of 256m and max of 512m and GC algo is G1GC
            value: "-Xms256m -Xmx512m -XX:+UseG1GC"
          - name: JAVA_OPTIONS
            value: " 
  2. Apply the domain.yaml using the kubectl command:

    kubectl -f <path_to_domain.yaml>

Configure Keystore Attributes for Identity and Trust

To configure the identity and trust keystore files and the name of the certificate in the identity keystore in the WebLogic Server Administration console:

  1. Locate the Change Center and click Lock & Edit to lock the editable configuration hierarchy for the domain.

  2. Under Domain structure, select Environment and then select Servers.

  3. In the Servers table, select the server you want to configure.

  4. On the Configuration tab, click Keystores, and then click Change.

  5. Select Custom Identity and Custom Trust, and then click Save.

  6. Under Identity, provide the following details:

    1. Enter the full path of your identity keystore.

      For example: /u01/data/keystores/identity.jks

    2. For Custom Identity Keystore Type, enter JKS.

    3. For Custom Identity Keystore Passphrase, enter your keystore password. Enter the same value for Confirm Custom Identity Keystore Passphrase.

  7. Under Trust, provide the following details:

    1. Enter the full path of your identity keystore.

      For example, /u01/data/keystores/trust.jks

    2. For Custom Trust Keystore Type, enter JKS.

    3. For Custom Trust Keystore Passphrase, enter your keystore password. Enter the same value for Confirm Custom Trust Keystore Passphrase.

  8. Click Save.

  9. Click the SSL tab.

  10. Under Identity, provide the following details:

    1. For Private Key Alias, enter the name of the certificate (private key) in the identitykeystore, server_cert.

    2. For Private Key Passphrase, enter the password for this certificate in the keystore. Enter the same value for Confirm Private Key Passphrase.

      By default, the password for the certificate is the same as the identity keystore password.

  11. Click Save.

    After saving the changes, return to Change Center and click Activate Changes.

  12. Repeat steps 3 to 9 to configure each server in the domain.