Chart View: Open Reconciliations by Account Type with Balances

This chart view uses a Dual-Y axis to plot both the number of open reconciliations and the total balance by account type. The number of reconciliation is plotted in the Y axis (on the left of the chart view) and the total balance is plotted in the secondary Y axis (on the right of the chart view). This chart only contains details of reconciliations that are currently assigned to a Preparer.

Total Reconciliation by Account Type, with Balances

To create the chart view:

  1. Within the dashboard, for the required view, click the View Selector and select Chart View.
  2. Click Settings.
  3. In the Properties tab:
    • Set the Title to Open Reconciliations by Account Type with Balances.
    • In Type, select Combination.
    • In Bar Label Position, select Center.
    • Select Missing Values as Zero.
    • Select Dual-Y Axis.
  4. In the Layout tab:
    • In the X Axis section:

      In Type, select Attribute and in Attribute 1, select Account Type.

    • In the Legend (Series) section, click the Add icon to create two rows with the following properties:
      • Row 1

        In Value, select Reconciliation. In Aggregation, select Count, In Categories, select Status. In Filter, click Add to create the following filter condition: Status (Detailed) = With Preparer.

      • Row 2

        In Value, select Source System Balance (Functional - Default Currency). In Aggregation, select Sum. In Filter, click Add to create the following condition: Status (Detailed) = With Preparer.

  5. In the Legend tab:
    • For the Source System Balance (Functional - Default Currency) Series, select Dual-Y and set Type to Line.
    • For the remaining series, ensure that the Type is set to Bar.
    • Customize the labels displayed in the chart:

      • For the Series Count: Status: Open (with Preparer), set the Label to Number of Reconciliations with Preparer.
      • For the Series Source System Balance (Functional - Default Currency), set the Label to Balance.
  6. Click OK to save the chart settings.