Chart View: Unmatched Transactions by Organizational Unit

This chart view displays a pie chart for the unmatched transactions for each organizational unit.

The generated chart appears as follows:

Unmatched Transactions by Organizational Unit

To create this chart view:

  1. Within the dashboard, for the required view, click the View Selector and select Chart View.
  2. Click Object and select Profiles.
  3. Click Settings.
  4. In the Properties tab:
    • Set the Title to Unmatched Transactions by Organizational Unit.
    • In Type, select Pie.
    • Select Display as a Percentage.
  5. In the Layout tab, in the Legend (Series) section, click Add to add two rows with the following properties:
    • In Value, select Unmatched Transactions Source System (Count). In Aggregation, select Sum. In Categories, select Organizational Unit.
    • In Value, select Unmatched Transactions Subsystem (Count). In Aggregation, select Sum. In Categories, select Organizational Unit.
  6. In the Legend tab, in Palette, select Redwood.
  7. Click OK to save the chart settings.