Example: Transaction Matching Dashboard

This example contains two Transaction Matching charts - a Column chart and a Pie chart.

The dashboard looks as shown below.

Transaction Matching Dashboard

To create the dashboard in this example:

  1. From Home, select Dashboards, then Custom.

    The existing custom dashboards are displayed.

  2. Click the Add icon to create a new dashboard.

    A new dashboard is created with a default name and is opened in a new tab.

  3. Click Settings for the dashboard, to update the dashboard properties.
    • Set the Name to Transaction Matching Dashboard
    • Set the Layout to Vertical.
    • Select Vertical Split.
  4. Click Settings for the view on the left and create a chart view. See Chart View: Match Types With High Unmatched Transactions.
  5. Click Settings for the view on the right and create a chart view. See Chart View: Unmatched Transactions by Organizational Unit.
  6. Click Save.

    The created views are all displayed in the dashboard.

You can do the following:

  • Click any area in a chart view, or any total in a list or pivot view, to drill down and view the individual records that comprise the selected area or total.
  • Add a new filter to the view by using Add a Filter for that chart view.
  • Click Run to view the dashboard and its data in Run mode.
  • Click Expand for any view to display that view in the entire dashboard.