Defining Access to Custom Dashboards

Service Administrators and users who have been granted the Manage Dashboards role can grant access to this dashboard for specific users, groups, or teams. Such users can run the dashboard and view its data.

To add access for running a dashboard:

  1. Open the Access tab of the Edit Dashboard dialog.

    By default, there is one entry for the user who created the dashboard.

  2. Click the Add icon.

    The Select User dialog is displayed.

  3. Click the Select User icon, and select one of the following: Users, Groups, or Teams.

    The default selection is Users.

  4. Enter the name or description and click Search.

    • You can click Search to display the entire list of available users, groups, or teams. For example, if you don't know the name of a group, select Group using the Select User icon and then click Search. The list of available groups is displayed.
    • When selecting users, click Advanced to display the User ID and Email fields. You can also use these attributes while searching for users.
  5. Double-click the username, group name, or team name to provide access.

    The selected name appears on the Access tab. You can click this name to view the details.

  6. Click OK to save the dashboard settings.


Service Administrators and users who have been granted the Manage Dashboards application role can view and edit all dashboards.

To remove access for running a dashboard:

  1. Open the Access tab of the Edit Dashboard dialog for the dashboard whose access is being set.

    The users, groups, and teams who have been granted permissions to run the dashboard are listed under Name.

  2. Click the name of the user, group, or team for whom permissions to run the dashboard must be revoked.

    To select multiple items, press and hold the Ctrl key and then select the required items.

  3. Click Delete and then OK.