Defining Custom Dashboard Properties

Dashboard properties include name, description, borders, background, and layout.

To define a dashboard's properties:

  1. Open the Properties tab of the Edit Dashboard dialog.

  2. In Name, enter a unique name for the dashboard.

  3. In Description, enter an optional description for the dashboard.

  4. Select Dashboard Card to create an icon within the DashboardsCustom card for this custom dashboard.

  5. Select Borders to display borders around each view in the dashboard.

  6. Select Global Filter Bar to include a global filter bar in the dashboard. This filter bar is applicable to all the views within the dashboard.

  7. Select Show Filter Bars to display the view-level filters when you run the dashboard.

  8. In Background, select one of the following:

    • No Fill
    • Solid: Select the color that must be used as the background color. Optionally, select Gradient, and then select a color.
  9. In Layout, specify the number of regions (one for each view) into which the dashboard is divided. The maximum number of regions is four.

    Select one of the following:

    • Single

      Displays a single view

    • Horizontal

      Displays two views, one below the other

      Use Horizontal Split to specify how the screen area is split between the two views.

    • Vertical

      Displays two views, one beside the other

      Use Vertical Split to specify how the screen area is split between the two views. For example, if you set Vertical Split to 30, the chart displayed at the top of the dashboard uses 30% of the dashboard space. The second chart uses the remaining 70% of the dashboard.

    • Grid

      Displays four views in the dashboard

  10. Click OK to save the dashboard settings.