
The Tools card links to the following tasks in Account Reconciliation:

tools menu from Home screenshot
  • Appearance allows you to customize certain items in the user interface. See Rebranding EPM Cloud Environments
  • Announcements allows an administrator to send out announcements to other users. See Announcements
  • Daily Maintenance allows you to set the start time for the one hour daily maintenance window during which Oracle performs routine operational maintenance including applying patches and replacing the prior backup snapshot with a new backup snapshot. See Setting Maintenance Time for an Environment in Getting Started with Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud for Administrators.
  • Service Activity allows a Service Administrator to view or download system or user login activity reports. See Generating and Viewing a Service Activity Report
  • Access Control allows a Service Administrator the ability to manage groups, assign application roles to users, view or download role assignment or user login reports, as well as manage teams and users. See Access Control
  • Audit Allows an Administrator to view the history of all Reconciliation Compliance objects in one place, as well as filter the history by any of the attributes. The Audit Report also displays the Old and New Values for the object.(Available to Administrator only). See Audit Report.
  • Migration allows a Service Administrator to access and manage lifecycle management-related activities such as exporting and importing artifacts and data, working with snapshots, and viewing migration reports.

    . See Migrating to the Same or a Different Environment


    From Migration, you can also delete a sample or test application that consists of artifacts and data.

  • Clone Snapshot allows a Service Administrator to clone a snapshot of their environment. For details, see Cloning EPM Cloud Snapshots in the Administering Migration for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud guide.