7 Subject Areas

Subject Areas

This section contains information about Transactional Business Intelligence subject areas, their associated job and duty roles, and the business questions that they provide answers to.

For your reference:

  • Subject areas are the building blocks of your analytics and reports based upon them. Analytics are built by choosing an appropriate subject area that has information that answers the business question you’re analyzing. Technically, subject areas are a grouping of information pieces called data objects that relate to each other in a particular context.
  • Job roles are associated with duty roles, and together control access to subject areas.


This section provides information on the subject areas with data you maintain in Oracle Fusion HCM Analytics.

Download this ZIP file that contains available subject areas that apply to the current version of Oracle Fusion HCM Analytics. Once the file downloads, extract the file, open the folder, and then open the release-specific HTML file. For example, click 22.R4_Nov2022_Fusion_HCM_Analytics_SubjectAreas.html.

These subject areas, with their corresponding data, are available for you to use when creating and editing analyses and reports. The information for each subject area includes:

  • Description of the subject area.

  • Business questions that can be answered by data in the subject area, with a link to more detailed information about each business question.

  • Job-specific groups and duty roles that can be used to secure access to the subject area, with a link to more detailed information about each job role and duty role.

  • Primary navigation to the work area that is represented by the subject area.

  • Time reporting considerations in using the subject area, such as whether the subject area reports historical data or only the current data. Historical reporting refers to reporting on historical transactional data in a subject area. With a few exceptions, all dimensional data are current as of the primary transaction dates or system date.

  • The lowest grain of transactional data in a subject area. The lowest transactional data grain determines how data are joined in a report.

  • Special considerations, tips, and things to look out for in using the subject area to create analyses and reports.


Job roles are the same as job-specific groups.

Usage Tracking


Usage Tracking is a powerful feature that has been available in Oracle Analytics Cloud. In Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse you can track usage to determine which user queries are creating performance bottlenecks, based on query frequency and response time. Administrators set up the criteria to track user queries and generate usage reports that you can use in a variety of ways such as reports optimization, user session strategies, or plan usage by users, and departments based on the resources that they consume. When reviewing the KPIs, it is important to keep the usability considerations in mind including trends, slice-and-dice, and drilldowns. Where applicable, benchmark information showcasing performance with the peer group is available. Companies typically set strategic quarterly goals in terms of key metrics; where applicable, the KPIs show progress towards such goals.

Business Questions

This subject area can answer the following business questions:

  • What are the average queries ran by the user by month?
  • How many number of user sessions were created per month?
  • How many distinct queries were run per month?
  • How many distinct users used the system?
  • How many distinct users used the system in a week?
  • What are the average queries ran by the user in a week?
  • How many logical queries ran by the top users?

Duty Roles

The Usage Tracking Analysis Duty role secures access to this subject area. See Common Duty Roles.

Primary Navigation

Folder: /Shared Folders/Common/Usage Tracking

Workbook: Usage Tracking

Special Considerations


Security Assignment


Using the Security Assignment subject area, you can create reports about the current security assignments. These reports enable you to track the security contexts and the users who have access to the security contexts.

Business Questions

This subject area can answer the following business questions:

  • What is the total number of security contexts?
  • What is the number of users by security context?
  • Which user is assigned to which security context and when was the assignment done?

Duty Roles

The Security Reporting Duty role secures access to this subject area. See Common Duty Roles.

Primary Navigation

Folder: /Shared Folders/Common/Security Assignment

Workbook: Security Audit

Special Considerations


Security Audit History


Using the data in the Security Audit History subject area, you can create reports to track assignment of users to groups, groups to roles, and security context members to users.

Business Questions

This subject area can answer the following business questions:

  • When was a group created?
  • When was a role created?
  • When was a user assigned to or removed from a group?
  • When was a user assigned to or removed from a role?
  • When was a user assigned to or removed from a security context?

Duty Roles

The Security Reporting Duty role secures access to this subject area. See Common Duty Roles.

Primary Navigation

Folder: /Shared Folders/Common/Security Audit History

Workbook: Security Audit

Special Considerations


Business Questions


For each business question in this chapter, links are provided for more detailed information about the subject areas, job-specific groups, and duty roles associated with the business question.

Download this ZIP file that contains available business questions that apply to the current version of Oracle Fusion HCM Analytics. Once the file downloads, extract the file, open the folder, and then open the release-specific HTML file. For example, click 22.R4_Nov2022_Fusion_HCM_Analytics_BusinessQuestions.html.


Job roles are the same as job-specific groups.

Job-specific Groups


For each job-specific group in this chapter, links are provided for more detailed information about the duty roles, subject areas, and business questions associated with the job-specific group.


Job roles are the same as job-specific groups.
Job-Specific Group Code Job-Specific Group Name Description Associated Application Roles Functional Area
ORA_PER_HUMAN_RESOURCE_ANALYST_JOB Human Resource Analyst Has Author privileges












Absence Management Analysis Duty

Absence Management Diversity Analysis Duty

Goal Management Analysis Duty

Performance Management Analysis Duty

Profile Management Analysis Duty

Salary Basis Analysis Duty

Salary Basis Diversity Analysis Duty

Workforce Core Analysis Duty

Workforce Gains and Losses Transaction Analysis Duty

ORA_PER_LINE_MANAGER_ABSTRACT Line Manager Has Author privileges












Absence Management Analysis Duty

Absence Management Diversity Analysis Duty

Goal Management Analysis Duty

Performance Management Analysis Duty

Profile Management Analysis Duty

Salary Basis Analysis Duty

Salary Basis Diversity Analysis Duty

Workforce Core Analysis Duty

Workforce Gains and Losses Transaction Analysis Duty

ORA_PER_HUMAN_RESOURCE_SPECIALIST_JOB Human Resource Specialist Has Author privileges












Absence Management Analysis Duty

Absence Management Diversity Analysis Duty

Goal Management Analysis Duty

Performance Management Analysis Duty

Profile Management Analysis Duty

Salary Basis Analysis Duty

Salary Basis Diversity Analysis Duty

Workforce Core Analysis Duty

Workforce Gains and Losses Transaction Analysis Duty

ORA_PER_HUMAN_RESOURCE_MANAGER_JOB Human Resource Manager Has Author privileges












Absence Management Analysis Duty

Absence Management Diversity Analysis Duty

Goal Management Analysis Duty

Performance Management Analysis Duty

Profile Management Analysis Duty

Salary Basis Analysis Duty

Salary Basis Diversity Analysis Duty

Workforce Core Analysis Duty

Workforce Gains and Losses Transaction Analysis Duty

ORA_IRC_RECRUITER_JOB Recruiter Has Author privileges




Recruitment Analysis Duty

ORA_IRC_RECRUITING_MANAGER_JOB Recruiting Manager Has Author privileges




Recruitment Analysis Duty

ORA_IRC_HIRING_MANAGER_ABSTRACT Hiring Manager Has Author privileges




Recruitment Analysis Duty

ORA_CMP_COMPENSATION_MANAGER_JOB Compensation Manager Gets access to worforce compensation subject area.

Workforce Compensation Analysis Duty

Workforce Compensation Diversity Analysis Duty

Compensation Worksheet Manager Data Security

HCM- Workforce Rewards- Workforce Compensation

Common Job-Specific Groups

The common job-specific groups are applicable across the analytics applications that are part of Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse such as Oracle Fusion HCM Analytics and Oracle Fusion ERP Analytics.

Job-Specific Group Code Job-Specific Group Name Description Associated Application Roles Associated Application Role Names Functional Area
ORA_FND_INTEGRATION_SPECIALIST_JOB Integration Specialist Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of enterprise information systems. Has author privileges.



Not applicable Common

Data Roles


For each data role in this section, links are provided for more detailed information about the job-specific groups, subject areas, and business questions associated with the data role.

Table 7-1 Data Roles

Data Role Name Data Role Name Description Functional Area Subject Area
OA4F_HCM_LINE_MANAGER_DATA HR Line Manager Data Security Human Capital Management data security policy for the supervisor hierarchy. Workforce

HCM—Workforce Core

HCM—Workforce Gains and Losses

HCM—Talent Profile

HCM—Performance Management


HCM—Goals and Career Development

HCM - Talent Review Meetings

OA4F_HCM_HR_ANALYST_VIEW_ALL_DATA HR Analyst View All Data Role Human Capital Management data security policy to view all data Workforce

HCM—Workforce Core

HCM—Workforce Gains and Losses

HCM—Talent Profile

HCM—Performance Management


HCM—Goals and Career Development

HCM—Talent Review Meetings

HCM—JourneysHCM - Profile Matching

HCM— Workforce Absence Management

OA4F_HCM_VIEW_ALL_DATA HCM View All Data Security Human Capital Management data security policy to view all data. Workforce

HCM—Workforce Core

HCM—Workforce Gains and Losses

HCM—Talent Profile

HCM—Performance Management


HCM—Goals and Career Development

HCM - Talent Review Meetings

OA4F_HCM_COUNTRY_DATA HCM Country Data Security Human Capital Management data security policy for the country data security context. Workforce HCM—Workforce Core
OA4F_HCM_LEGAL_EMPLOYER_DATA HCM Legal Employer Data Security Human Capital Management data security policy for the legal employer data security context. Workforce HCM—Workforce Core
OA4F_HCM_DEPARTMENT_DATA HCM Department Data Security Human Capital Management data security policy for the department data security context. Workforce HCM—Workforce Core
OA4F_HCM_BUSINESS_UNIT_DATA HCM Business Unit Data Security Human Capital Management data security policy for the business unit data security context. Workforce HCM—Workforce Core
OA4F_HCM_REC_REQ_DATA Recruitment Job Requisition Data Security Recruitment job requisition data security. Talent Acquisition HCM—Talent Acquisition
OA4F_HCM_REC_ALL_REQ_DATA Recruitment Job Requisition View All Data Security Recruitment job requisition to view all data security. Talent Acquisition HCM—Talent Acquisition
OA4F_HCM_REC_NON_RESTRICTED_APP_DATA Recruitment Non Restricted Job Application Data Security Recruitment data role to report on non restricted job applications. Talent Acquisition HCM—Talent Acquisition
OA4F_HCM_REC_ALL_APP_DATA Recruitment Job Application View All Data Security Recruitment data role to report on all job applications. Talent Acquisition HCM—Talent Acquisition
OA4F_HCM_COMPENSATION_WORKSHEET_MANAGER_DATA Compensation Worksheet Manager Data Security Compensation worksheet manager data security. Workforce Compensation HCM—Workforce Rewards- Workforce Compensation
OA4F_HCM_SUCCESSION_LINE_MANAGER_DATA Succession Supervisor Data Role Succession Supervisor Data Role. Succession HCM - Succession Management

Duty Roles


For each duty role in this section, links are provided for more detailed information about the job-specific groups, subject areas, and business questions associated with the duty role.

Duty Role Code Duty Role Name Details Functional Area Gets access to Subject Area Display Name OR Associated Role
OA4F_HCM_WORKFORCE_CORE_ANALYSIS_DUTY Workforce Core Analysis Duty Object security role to control presentation catalog access to Workforce Core subject area. Global HCM HCM - Workforce Core
OA4F_HCM_WORKFORCE_CORE_DIV_ANALYSIS_DUTY Workforce Core Diversity Analysis Duty This duty role provides access to all objects of the workforce core subject area except the folders related to diversity data Global HCM HCM - Workforce Core
OAF_HCM_GAINS_LOSS_TRANSACTION_ANALYSIS_DUTY Workforce Gains and Losses Transaction Analysis Duty Object security role to control presentation catalog access to HCM - Workforce Gains and Losses subject area. Global HCM HCM - Workforce Gains and Losses
OA4F_HCM_GAINS_LOSS_TRANSACTION_DIV_ANALYSIS_DUTY Workforce Gains and Losses Diversity Transaction Analysis Duty This duty role provides access to all objects of the HCM - Workforce Gains and Losses subject area except the folders related to diversity data Global HCM HCM - Workforce Gains and Losses
OA4F_HCM_REC_ANALYSIS_DUTY Recruitment Analysis Duty Object security role to control presentation catalog access to HCM - Talent Acquisition subject area. Talent HCM - Talent Acquisition
OA4F_HCM_ABSENCE_ANALYSIS_DUTY Absence Management Analysis Duty Object security role to control presentation catalog access to Workforce Absence Management subject area. Absence Management HCM - Workforce Absence Management
OA4F_HCM_ABSENCE_DIV_ANALYSIS_DUTY Absence Management Diversity Analysis Duty Used to prevent access to Diversity related folders from Workforce Absence Management subject area. It cannot be used in conjunction with Absence Management Analysis Duty Absence Management HCM - Workforce Absence Management
OA4F_HCM_COMPENSATION_ANALYSIS_DUTY Workforce Compensation Analysis Duty Object security role to control presentation catalog access to Workforce Rewards - Workforce Compensation subject area. Workforce Compensation HCM- Workforce Rewards- Workforce Compensation
OA4F_HCM_COMPENSATION_DIV_ANALYSIS_DUTY Workforce Compensation Diversity Analysis Duty Used to prevent access to Diversity related folders from Workforce Rewards - Workforce Compensation subject area. It cannot be used in conjunction with Workforce Compensation Analysis Duty. Workforce Compensation HCM- Workforce Rewards- Workforce Compensation
OA4F_HCM_PROFILE_ANALYSIS_DUTY Profile Management Analysis Duty Object security role to control presentation catalog access to Talent Profile subject area. Profile Management HCM - Talent Profile
OA4F_HCM_PROFILE_DIV_ANALYSIS_DUTY Profile Management Diversity Analysis Duty Used to prevent access to Diversity related folders from Talent Profile subject area. It cannot be used in conjunction with Profile Management Analysis Duty Profile Management HCM - Talent Profile
OA4F_HCM_PERFORMANCE_ANALYSIS_DUTY Performance Management Analysis Duty Object security role to control presentation catalog access to Performance Management subject area. Talent HCM - Performance Management
OA4F_HCM_PERFORMANCE_ANALYSIS_DIV_DUTY Performance Management Diversity Analysis Duty Used to prevent access to Diversity related folders from Performance Management subject area. It cannot be used in conjunction with Performance Management Analysis Duty Talent HCM - Performance Management
OA4F_HCM_PERFORMANCE_ANALYSIS_DUTY Performance Management Analysis Duty Object security role to control presentation catalog access to Check-Ins subject area. Talent HCM - Check-Ins
OA4F_HCM_PERFORMANCE_ANALYSIS_DIV_DUTY Performance Management Diversity Analysis Duty Used to prevent access to Diversity related folders from Check-Ins subject area. It cannot be used in conjunction with Performance Management Analysis Duty Talent HCM - Check-Ins
OA4F_HCM_GOALS_ANALYSIS_DUTY Goal Management Analysis Duty Object security role to control presentation catalog access to Goals and Career Development subject area. Talent HCM - Goals and Career Development
OA4F_HCM_GOALS_ANALYSIS_DIV_DUTY Goal Management Diversity Analysis Duty Used to prevent access to Diversity related folders from Goals and Career Development subject area. It cannot be used in conjunction with Goal Management Analysis Duty Talent HCM - Goals and Career Development
OA4F_HCM_TALENT_REVIEW_ANALYSIS_DUTY Talent Review Management Analysis Duty Object security role to control presentation catalog access to HCM - Talent Review Meetings subject area. Talent HCM - Talent Review Meetings
OA4F_HCM_TALENT_REVIEW_DIV_ANALYSIS_DUTY Talent Review Management Diversity Analysis Duty Used to prevent access to Diversity related folders from HCM - Talent Review Meetings subject area. It cannot be used in conjunction with Talent Review Management Analysis Duty Talent HCM - Talent Review Meetings
OA4F_HCM_SUCCESSION_ANALYSIS_DUTY Succession Management Analysis Duty Object security role to control presentation catalog access to HCM-Succession Management subject area. Talent HCM - Succession Management
OA4F_HCM_SUCCESSION_DIV_ANALYSIS_DUTY Succession Management Diversity Analysis Duty Used to prevent access to Diversity related folders from HCM-Succession Management subject area. It cannot be used in conjunction with Succession Management Analysis Duty Talent HCM - Succession Management
OA4F_HCM_JOURNEYS_ANALYSIS_DUTY Journeys Analysis Duty Object security role to control presentation catalog access to HCM-Journeys subject area. Global HCM HCM - Journeys
OA4F_HCM_JOURNEYS_DIV_ANALYSIS_DUTY Journeys Diversity Analysis Duty Used to prevent access to Diversity related folders from HCM-Journeys subject area. It cannot be used in conjunction with Journeys Analysis Duty Global HCM HCM - Journeys
OA4F_HCM_PROFILE_MATCHING_ANALYSIS_DUTY Profile Matching Analysis Duty Object security role to control presentation catalog access to HCM-Profile Matching subject area. Talent HCM - Profile Matching
OA4F_HCM_PROFILE_MATCHING_DIV_ANALYSIS_DUTY Profile Matching Diversity Analysis Duty Used to prevent access to Diversity related folders from HCM-Profile Matching subject area. It cannot be used in conjunction with Profile Matching Analysis Duty Talent HCM - Profile Matching

Common Duty Roles

The common duty roles are applicable across the analytics applications that are part of Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse such as Oracle Fusion HCM Analytics and Oracle Fusion ERP Analytics.

Duty Role Code Duty Role Name Details Functional Area Gets access to Subject Area Display Name OR Associated Role
OA4F_COMMON_DATA_ADMIN_ANALYSIS_DUTY Data Warehouse Refresh Analysis Duty Object security role to control presentation catalog access to Common - Warehouse Refresh subject area. Common Common - Warehouse Refresh
OA4F_COMMON_USAGE_TRACKING_DUTY Usage Tracking Analysis Duty Object security role to control presentation catalog access to Common - Usage Tracking subject area. Common Common - Usage Tracking
OA4F_SECURITY_REPORTING_DUTY Security Reporting Duty Object security role to control presentation catalog access to Security Assignment and Security Audit History subject areas. Common

Common - Security Assignment

Common - Security Audit History

Subject Area Metrics Details


Metric details provide a brief description about metrics in a user-friendly way and contains formula wherever needed.


This tables describes Check-Ins metrics.

Metric Metric Definition
Total Check-Ins Count(Check-Ins)
Workers with check-ins Count(Workers) with count(check in document) >= 1
Managers with check-ins Count(Line Managers) with count(check in document) >= 1
Count of Check-Ins with performance goals (count(Check-Ins) where count(topic name) > 0 and topic type = performance goal
Percentage of Check-ins with performance goals 100 * (Count of Check-Ins with performance goals)/ Total check-ins
Count of Check-Ins with development goals (count(Check-Ins) where count(topic name) > 0 and topic type = development goal
Percentage of Check-ins with development goals 100 * (Count of Check-Ins with development goals)/ Total check-ins
Count of Check-Ins with general topic (count(Check-Ins) where count(topic name) > 0 and topic type = general topic
Percentage of Check-ins with general topics 100 * (Count of Check-Ins with general topic )/ Total check-ins
Terminated workers with check-ins Number of workers terminated during the time period with check-ins.

HCM—Goals and Career Development

This tables describes Goals and Career Development metrics.

Metric Metric Definition
Number of Performance Goals Count of performance goals
Workers with Performance Goals Distinct Count of workers with performance goals
Workers with Goals Completed Distinct Count of workers that have all their goals in completed status
Percent of Workers with complete goals 100 * (Count of workers that have all their goals in completed status/Count of all workers with performance goals)
Workers with Incomplete Goals Distinct Count of employees that have at least one incomplete performance goal
Percentage of Workers with incomplete goals 100 * (Count of employees that have at least one incomplete performance goal /Workers with Performance Goals)
Managers with incomplete goals Distinct Count of line managers that have not completed the performance goals
Workers with incomplete goals beyond target completion date Distinct Count of workers that have not completed the performance goals beyond the target completion date
Workers with goals not started beyond target completion date Distinct Count of workers that have not started the performance goals beyond the target completion date
Number of Development Goals Count of Development goals
Number of Development Goals In Progress Count of Development goals created but yet to complete
Number of Development Goals Completed Count of Development goals completed
Workers with development goals Distinct Count of workers that have created development goals
Workers with Incomplete Development Goals Distinct Count of workers that have at least one of their development goals incomplete
Workers with complete Development Goals Distinct Count of workers that have completed all of their development goals
Workers with incomplete development goals after target date Count of workers that have not completed their development goals beyond the target completion date
Percent of Workers with incomplete development goals after target date 100 * (Workers with incomplete development goals after target date) /Workers with development goals
Workers with complete development goals after target date Distinct Count of workers that have completed their development goals beyond the target completion date


This tables describes Journeys metrics.

Metric Metric Definition
Number of Workers with Journeys Number of Workers with allocated journeys
Number of Workers with Journeys - Active Number of Workers with allocated journeys that are active currently
Number of workers with incomplete journeys -  overdue Number of Workers with allocated journeys that are incomplete and overdue currently
Number of workers with incomplete journeys - not overdue Number of Workers with allocated journeys that are incomplete but not overdue currently
Number of Journeys  Number of distinct allocated journeys
Number of  Journeys - Completed Total number of  allocated journeys that are completed
Number of  Journeys - Overdue Total number of  allocated journeys that are  overdue
Time to Complete the journey (days) Number of days to complete a journey
Number of Tasks Total Number of Tasks in the allocated journey
Number of Mandatory Tasks Total Number of Mandatory Tasks in allocated journey
Number of Completed Tasks Total Number of Tasks completed in allocated journey
Number of Mandatory Tasks Completed Total Number of Mandatory Tasks completed in allocated journey
Days to Complete the Task - Planned Estimated number of days to complete the task
Days to Complete the Task - Actual Actual Number of days to complete the task
Tasks - Not Applicable Tasks that are marked as not applicable 
Overdue Tasks Active Tasks where the target end date is in the past
Number of Tasks Completed beyond due date Total Number of Tasks completed in allocated journey after the target completion date

HCM—Performance Management

This tables describes Performance Management metrics.

Metric Metric Definition
Number of Performance Documents Created Number of Performance Documents Created
Number of workers with performance documents Count(Distinct Workers) with performance document created
Performance Document In-Progress Count(Performance Documents) Where Performance Document Status = 'In Progress'
Performance Document Completed Count(Performance Documents) Where Performance Document Status = 'Completed'
Performance Document Submitted Count(Performance Documents) Where Performance Document Status = 'Submitted'
Workers with Incomplete Appraisal Count of Workers that have created but not completed the performance appraisal
Managers with Incomplete Appraisal Count(Managers) with Performance Document Status <> Completed
Managers with Pending appraisals of Workers Count(Managers) where Workers with Performance Document Status <> Completed
Pending Document with an Inactive Manager Count of Performance document in-progress and assigned to an inactive manager
High Potential count Count of workers with potential category = high
Medium Potential count Count of workers with potential category = medium
Low Potential count Count of workers with potential category = low
Pending Tasks Count(Performance Tasks) where status <> Completed
Completed Tasks Count(Performance Tasks) where status = Completed
Tasks completed beyond due date Count(Performance Tasks) where status = Completed and due date < completion date
Pending Tasks beyond due date Count(Performance Tasks) where status <> Completed and due date < completion date
Overall Manager Rating Overall rating provided by the manager for the performance document
Overall Worker Rating Overall rating provided by the worker for the performance document
Overall Participant Rating Overall rating provided by participants other than manager and worker
Calculated Overall Rating Average of the overall ratings provided by all participants
Workers with performance rating Count(Workers) where Overall Manager Rating Is Not Null
Percentage of Workers with performance rating 100 * (Count of workers with Overall Manager Rating)/Number of workers with performance documents
Performance Appraisal - High Performers Count Count of workers with performance category = high
Performance Appraisal - Medium Performers count Count of workers with performance category = medium
Performance Appraisal - Low Performers count Count of workers with performance category = low
Performance Appraisal - Percentage of High Performers 100 * (Count of workers with performance category = high)/Workers with performance rating
Performance Appraisal - Percentage of Medium Performers 100 * (Count of workers with performance category = medium)/Workers with performance rating
Performance Appraisal - Percentage of Low Performers 100 * (Count of workers with performance category = low)/Workers with performance rating
Manager Section Rating Manager Section Rating - to be used with the attributes Section Type and Section Name
Worker Section Rating Worker Section Rating - to be used with the attributes Section Type and Section Name
Calculated Section Rating Average of the overall ratings provided by all participants - to be used with the attributes Section Type and Section Name
Manager Item Rating Item Ratings provided by the manager - to be used with the attributes Item Type and Item Name
Worker Item Rating Item Ratings provided by the worker - to be used with the attributes Item Type and Item Name
Manager Rated Proficiency Level Proficiency Rating provided by the manager - to be used with the attributes Item Type and Item Name
Worker Rated Proficiency Level Proficiency Rating provided by the worker - to be used with the attributes Item Type and Item Name
Manager Goals Rating Manager Rating where performance document section = 'Goals'
Worker Goals Rating Worker Rating where performance document section = 'Goals'

HCM—Profile Matching

This tables describes Profile Matching metrics.

Metric Metric Definition
Number of Active Person Profiles Number of active person profiles

HCM—Succession Management

This tables describes Succession Management metrics.

Metric Metric Definition
Number of Succession Plans Count (Distinct Succession Plan)
Active Plan Count Count (Distinct Succession Plan) where status = active
Inactive Plan Count Count (Distinct Succession Plan) = inactive
Incumbent Plan Count Count (Distinct Succession Plan) where plan type = incumbent
Job Plan Count Count (Distinct Succession Plan) where plan type = job
Position Plan Count Count (Distinct Succession Plan) where plan type = position
Number of Private Plans Count (Distinct Succession Plan) where plan privacy = private
Succession Plans with Candidates Count (Distinct Succession Plan) where candidate count > 0
Succession Plans without Candidates Count (Distinct Succession Plan) where candidate count = 0
Active Plans without candidate Count (Distinct Succession Plan) where status = active and candidate count = 0
Jobs with plan without incumbents Count (Distinct Succession Plan) where plan type = job and inferred incumbent count = 0
Position with plan without incumbents Count (Distinct Succession Plan) where plan type = position and inferred incumbent count = 0
Plans with single owner Count (Distinct Succession Plan) where count(distinct owner id) = 1
Plans with inactive owner Count (Distinct Succession Plan) where owner's assignment status = inactive
Successful Plans with high risk candidate Count (Distinct Succession Plan) where candidate Succession Status = 'ORA_HRM_SUCCESSOR'  and candidate risk of loss = high
Incumbent Count - Incumbent Plan Count(Distinct Incumbent) from all active incumbent plans
Inferred Incumbent Count  Count(Distinct Incumbent) from all active succession plans where plan type in (job, position)
Total Incumbents (Incumbent Count - Incumbent Plan + Inferred Incumbent Count )
Incumbent Departed Count Count(distinct Incumbent) who are terminated
Incumbent with high risk of loss Count(distinct Incumbent) where risk of loss category = high
Percentage of Incumbents with high risk of loss (Count(distinct Incumbent) where risk of loss category = high * 100)/Incumbent Count - Incumbent Plan
Incumbent with high impact of loss Count(distinct Incumbent) where impact of loss category = high
Percentage of Incumbents with high impact of loss (Count(distinct Incumbent) where impact of loss category = high * 100)/Incumbent Count - Incumbent Plan
High Risk of loss Incumbents without candidates Count(distinct Incumbent) where risk of loss category = high and candidate count is zero
High Impact of loss Incumbents without candidates Count(distinct Incumbent) where impact of loss category = high and candidate count is zero
Plans with high risk incumbents and no candidates Count (Distinct Succession Plan) where candidate count = 0 and incumbent risk of loss = high
Plans with high risk incumbents and no ready now candidates Count (Distinct Succession Plan) where ready now candidate count = 0 and incumbent risk of loss = high
Successful Plans with high risk incumbents Count (Distinct Succession Plan) where candidate Succession Status = 'ORA_HRM_SUCCESSOR' and incumbent risk of loss = high
Number of Candidates Count(Distinct Internal Candidates + External Candidate) 
Active Candidate Count Count(Distinct Candidates) where candidates current status on the succession plan = active
Inactive Candidate Count Count(Distinct Candidates) where candidates current status on the succession plan= inactive
Interim Candidates Count(Distinct Candidates) where interim flag = Y
Candidates with succession plans Count(Distinct Candidates) where Candidate IN (Select Incumbent from active succession plans). Note: The candidate could be a direct incumbent or an inferred incumbent in any other plan
Candidates without succession plans Count(Distinct Candidates) where Candidate NOT IN (Select Incumbent from active succession plans)
Candidate Active Plan Count  Count(Distinct Plan) where plan status = active 
Ready Now Count  Count(Distinct Candidates) where readiness band = ready now
Ready in 1 Year Count  Count(Distinct Candidates) where readiness band = ready in < 1 year
Ready in 2 Years Count  Count(Distinct Candidates) where readiness band = ready in 1 - 2 years
Ready in 3 Years Count  Count(Distinct Candidates) where readiness band = ready in 3 - 4 years
High Risk of loss candidates Count(Distinct Candidates) where risk of loss band = high
High Impact of loss candidates Count(Distinct Candidates) where impact of loss band = high
Willing to relocate candidates Count(Distinct Candidates) where willing to relocate flag = Y
Candidates Success Count - Incumbent Plan Count(Distinct Candidates) where candidate Succession Status = 'ORA_HRM_SUCCESSOR' for the plan
Candidates Success Count - Job Plan Count(Distinct Candidates) where candidate Succession Status = 'ORA_HRM_SUCCESSOR' for the plan
Candidates Success Count - Position Plan Count(Distinct Candidates) where candidate Succession Status = 'ORA_HRM_SUCCESSOR' for the plan
Internal Candidate Count Count(Distinct Candidates) where Candidate <> external candidate
External Candidate Count Count(Distinct External Candidate ID) where Candidate = external candidate
Candidate Since(Days) Time(in days) between the date candidate added to a plan till current date 
New Role Candidates - Incumbent Plan Count(Distinct Candidates) where candidate Succession Status = 'ORA_HRM_MOVED_TO_DIFF_ROLE' 
New Role Candidates - Job Plan Count(Distinct Candidates) where candidate Succession Status = 'ORA_HRM_MOVED_TO_DIFF_ROLE' 
New Role Candidates - Position Plan Count(Distinct Candidates) where candidate Succession Status = 'ORA_HRM_MOVED_TO_DIFF_ROLE' 
High Performance Candidates Count(Distinct Candidates) where performance category band = high
Medium Performance Candidates Count(Distinct Candidates) where performance category band = medium
Low Performance Candidates Count(Distinct Candidates) where performance category band = low
High Potential Candidates Count(Distinct Candidates) where potential category band = high
Medium Potential Candidates Count(Distinct Candidates) where potential category band = medium
Low Potential Candidates Count(Distinct Candidates) where potential category band= low
High Performance High Risk of Loss Candidates Count(Distinct Candidates) where performance category band= high and risk of loss band= high
High Potential High Risk of Loss Candidates Count(Distinct Candidates) where potential category band = high and risk of loss band = high
Percentage of External candidates (Number of External Candidates/Total Candidates) * 100
Percentage of Internal candidates (Number of Internal Candidates/Total Candidates) * 100
Candidate Matching - Succession Plan Job Count(Distinct Candidates) where candidate job id = plan job id
Candidate Matching - Succession Plan Position Count(Distinct Candidates) where candidate position id = plan position id AND Business Unit ID = Plan Business Unit ID
Succession Plan - Matching Candidate Job Count(Distinct Plan_ID) where candidate job id = plan job id
Succession Plan - Matching Candidate Position Count(Distinct Plan_ID) where candidate position id = plan position id AND Business Unit ID = Plan Business Unit ID
Successful Plans Count(Distinct Succession Plans) where candidate Succession Status = 'ORA_HRM_SUCCESSOR' for the plan
Candidate Matching - Incumbent Job Count(Distinct Candidates) where candidate job id = incumbent job id
Succession Plan - Candidate Matching Incumbent Job Count(Distinct Plan_ID) where candidate job id = incumbent job id

HCM—Talent Acquisition

This table describes Talent Acquisition metrics.

Metric Metric Definition
Job Requisitions by Recruiter Average number of job requisitions by recruiters.
Job Requisitions in Approval Phase (Period End) Number of job requisitions in approval phase.
Job Requisitions in Draft Phase (Period End) Number of job requisitions in draft phase.
Job Requisitions in Formatting Phase (Period End) Number of job requisitions in job formatting phase.
Job Requisitions in Posting Phase (Period End) Number of job requisitions in posting phase.
Job Requisitions Not in Open Phase(Period End) Number of job requisitions created but not yet open.
Job Requisitions in Open Phase (Period Begin) Number of job requisitions opened at the beginning of the time period.
Job Requisitions Open Phase(Period End) Number of job requisitions opened at the end of the time period.
Percentage of Job Requisitions Not Open Percentage of job requisitions created but not yet open.
Recruiter Count Distinct count of workers identified as recruiters.
Total Job Requisitions Total number of requisitions in all phases and states except in the filled state.
Total Openings Number of total openings specified for a job requisition when it is opened.
Vacancy Fill Rate Percentage of open requisitions that have been filled in a time period.
Number of Job Requisition Events Number of job requisition events.
Number of Job Requisitions moved to Approval Phase Number of job requisitions in approval phase at the time of the requisition event.
Number of Job Requisitions moved to Cancelled State Number of job requisitions in cancelled state at the time of the requisition event.
Number of Job Requisitions moved to Draft Phase Number of job requisitions in draft phase at the time of the requisition event.
Number of Job Requisitions moved to Filled State Number of job requisitions in filled state at the time of the requisition event.
Number of Job Requisitions moved to Job Formatting Phase Number of job requisitions in job formatting phase at the time of the requisition event.
Number of Job Requisitions moved to Open Phase Number of job requisitions in open phase at the time of the requisition event.
Number of Job Requisitions moved to Rejected State Number of job requisitions in rejected state at the time of the requisition event
Number of Job Requisitions moved to Suspended State Number of job requisitions in suspended state at the time of the requisition event
Total Job Requisitions (on Event) Number of job requisitions at the time of the requisition event.
Time To Fill Number of days between when a job requisition is opened to when it is filled.
Number of Job Requisitions moved to Posting Phase Number of job requisitions in posting phase on the time of the requisition event.
Number of Job Requisitions moved to Deleted State Number of job requisitions in deleted state at the time of the requisition event.
Time Elapsed (Days) From Draft Phase to Approval Phase Time duration between the earliest start of the Draft phase and the latest start of the Approval phase.
Time Elapsed (Days) From Approval Phase to Job Formatting Phase  Time duration between the earliest start of the Approval phase and the latest start of the Job Formatting phase.
Time Elapsed (Days) From Job Formatting Phase to Posting Phase Time duration between the earliest start of the Job Formatting phase and the latest start of the Posting phase.
Time Elapsed (Days) From Posting Phase to Open Phase Time duration between the earliest start of the Posting phase and the latest start of the Open phase.
Total Job Applications (on Event) Number of job applications at the time of the application event.
Job Applications Rejected Number of applications rejected by the employer
Job Applications Withdrawn Number of Applications withdrawn by the applicant
Number of Job Applications in Offer Phase moved to Draft State Number of Job Applications in Offer Phase moved to Draft State
Number of Job Applications in Offer Phase moved to Approved State Number of Job Applications in Offer Phase moved to Approved State
Number of Job Applications in Offer Phase moved to Extended State Number of Job Applications in Offer Phase moved to Extended State
Number of Job Applications in Offer Phase moved to Rejected State Number of Job Applications in Offer Phase moved to Rejected State
Number of Job Applications in Offer Phase moved to Accepted State Number of Job Applications in Offer Phase moved to Accepted State
Number of Job Applications in Offer Phase moved to Withdrawn State Number of Job Applications in Offer Phase moved to Withdrawn State
Number of Candidates with Job Application Distinct count of candidates that have submitted job application
Number of Job Applications moved to HR Phase Number of Job Applications moved to HR Phase
New Hires Number of candidates that have been hired for the first time in the organization.
Employee Hires Number of hires that are already employees in the organization with a different job
Contingent Worker Hires Number of hires that are already contingent workers in the organization with a different job
Internal Hires Number of hires that already have an active work relationship in the organization
External Hires Number of hires that are external candidates
Referral Hires Number of hires that were referral candidates
Number of Referred Applications Number of job applications that came as referrals
Total Requisitions with Applicants Number of job requisitions that have applicants on them
Requisition with no internal applicants Number of job requisitions that do not have any internal applicants on them
Hire Rate The percentage of Candidates that have been hired including internal and external Candidates based on the job application.
External Hire Rate The percentage of external Candidates that have been hired
Internal Hire Rate The percentage of internal Candidates that have been hired
Job Applications - Offer Acceptance Rate Job Offers accepted as a percentage of offers extended
Referral Hire Rate The percentage of referral Candidates that have been hired
Referral Success rate The percentage of Candidate referrals that resulted as hires.
Rehires Number of hires where the candidate was an ex worker of the organization
Rehire Rate Number of rehires as a percentage of total hires.
Drop Off Rate Percentage of applications that were either withdrawn or rejected out of the total applications
Job Requisitions with no internal applicant percentage Percentage of job requisitions that have no internal applicants
Job Offer extended to hired percentage Percentage of candidates that moved to HR phase of the total offers extended
Job Offers to openings percentage Percentage of offers extended against total job openings
Hires to Goal Rate Percentage of hires against total job openings
Total Job Applications Total Active Job Applications
Applicant Count Distinct count of workers with active job application
Employee Job Applications Count of active job applications from internal employees
Contingent Job Applications Count of active job applications from internal contingent workers
External Job Applications Count of active job applications from external candidates
Job Applications in Offer - Pending Approval Count of active job applications that are in pending approval state of the offer phase
Job Applications in HR - Pending Processing Count of active job applications in HR phase that are pending processing, both manual and automated
Job Applications - willing to Domestic Travel Count of active Applications that have a ready to domestic travel flag= Y
Job Applications - willing to International Travel Count of active Applications that have a ready to International travel flag= Y
Job Applications - willing to relocate Count of active Applications that have ready to relocate flag= Y
Job Applications - Female Number of active job applications created by women
Job Applications - Male Number of active job applications created by men
Job Applications - Gender undisclosed Number of active job applications with gender not disclosed
Job Applications - Veterans Number of active job applications created by veterans
Job Applications - Non Veterans Number of active job applications created by non veterans
Job Applications - disability Number of active job applications created by candidates with disability
Hires Total hires
Time Elapsed (Days) From Submission Confirmed Date to Offer Extended State Number of days taken for a job application from the confirmation date till it entered the offer extended state
Time Elapsed (Days) From Submission Confirmed Date to Offer Accepted State Number of days taken for a job application from the confirmation date till it entered the offer accepted state
Time Elapsed (Days) From Submission Confirmed Date to Offer Rejected State Number of days taken for a job application from the confirmation date till it entered the offer rejected state
Time Elapsed (Days) From Submission Confirmed Date to Offer Withdrawn State Number of days taken for a job application from the confirmation date till it entered the offer withdrawn state
Time Elapsed (Days) From Submission Confirmed Date to Hire Processed State Number of days taken for a job application from the confirmation date till it entered the hire (HR) processed state
Time to Hire (Days) Number of days taken from the job requisition open date till the latest date when an application entered the hire (HR) processed state as part of this requisition.
Number of Referral Applications Number of applications referred by internal workers
Number of Campaign Applications Number of applications received through campaigns.
Nunber of Career Sites Applications Number of applications through career sites
Number of Applications added to Job Requisition Number of Applications added to Job Requisition by Recruiters
Number of Applications from intelligent matching Number of applications created as a result of the intelligent matching feature.
Number of Applications from referral websites Number of Applications through referral websites
Number of Social Media Applications Number of Applications through social media
Number of search engine Applications Number of applications created as a result of search engine findings.
Number of Job Board Applications Number of Applications through job boards
Number of Job Aggregator Applications Number of Applications through job aggregators
Number of Applications created manually Number of applications created by recruiters manually.
Number of Third Party Applications Number of Applications through third party codes
Number of Applications through shared job postings Number of Applications through shared job postings
Facts - Job Requisition Progress - Phase Completion Duration (In Seconds) Provides the time taken in seconds to complete a requisition phase
Facts - Job Requisition Progress - Phase Completion Duration (In Hours) Provides the time taken in hours to complete a requisition phase
Facts - Job Requisition Progress - Phase Completion Duration (In Days) Provides the time taken in days to complete a requisition phase
Facts - Job Requisition Progress - State Completion Duration (In Seconds) Provides the time taken in seconds to complete a requisition state
Facts - Job Requisition Progress - State Completion Duration (In Hours) Provides the time taken in hours to complete a requisition state
Facts - Job Requisition Progress - State Completion Duration (In Days) Provides the time taken in days to complete a requisition state
Facts - Job Application Progress - Phase Completion Duration (In Seconds) Provides the time taken in seconds to complete a job application phase
Facts - Job Application Progress - Phase Completion Duration (In Hours) Provides the time taken in hours to complete a job application phase
Facts - Job Application Progress - Phase Completion Duration (In Days) Provides the time taken in days to complete a job application phase
Facts - Job Application Progress - State Completion Duration (In Seconds) Provides the time taken in seconds to complete a job application state
Facts - Job Application Progress - State Completion Duration (In Hours) Provides the time taken in hours to complete a job application state
Facts - Job Application Progress - State Completion Duration (In Days) Provides the time taken in days to complete a job application state

HCM—Talent Profile

This table describes Talent Profile metrics.

Metric Metric Definition
Facts - Job Model Profile-Number Of Job Model Profiles Count (Distinct Profile ID) Where Profile Status = Active and Profile Type = Job
Facts - Job Model Profile-Number of Jobs With Profiles Count (Distinct Job Code) Where Profile ID is not null AND Profile Type = Job
Facts - Job Model Profile- Number of competencies Count (Distinct Competency) associated with a model profile Where Profile Type = Job
Facts - Job Model Profile-Number of degrees Count (Distinct Degree) associated with a model profile Where Profile Type = Job
Facts - Job Model Profile-Number of honors and awards Count (Distinct Honours and Awards) associated with a model profile Where Profile Type = Job
Facts - Job Model Profile-Number of languages Count (Distinct Language) associated with a model profile Where Profile Type = Job
Facts - Job Model Profile-Number of license and certifications Count (Distinct License and Certificate) associated with a model profile Where Profile Type = Job
Facts - Job Model Profile-Number of memberships Count (Distinct Memberships) Where associated with a model profile Where Profile Type = Job
Facts - Job Model Profile-Number of profiles that requires travel Count (Distinct Profile ID) associated with a model profile Where Profile Type = Job AND Work Requirements.Travel Required = Y
Facts - Job Model Profile-Number of profiles that requires relocation Count (Distinct Profile ID) associated with a model profile Where Profile Type = Job AND Work Requirements.Willing to Relocate = Y
Facts - Position Model Profile-Number Of Position Model Profiles Count (Distinct Profile ID) Where Profile Status = Active and Profile Type = Position
Facts - Position Model Profile-Number of Positions With Profiles Count (Distinct Job Code) Where Profile ID is not null AND Profile Type = Position
Facts - Position Model Profile- Number of competencies Count (Distinct Competency) associated with a model profile Where Profile Type = Position
Facts - Position Model Profile-Number of degrees Count (Distinct Degree) associated with a model profile Where Profile Type = Position
Facts - Position Model Profile-Number of honors and awards Count (Distinct Honours and Awards) associated with a model profile Where Profile Type = Position
Facts - Position Model Profile-Number of languages Count (Distinct Language) associated with a model profile Where Profile Type = Position
Facts - Position Model Profile-Number of license and certifications Count (Distinct License and Certificate) associated with a model profile Where Profile Type = Position
Facts - Position Model Profile-Number of memberships Count (Distinct Memberships) Where associated with a model profile Where Profile Type = Position
Facts - Position Model Profile-Number of profiles that requires travel Count (Distinct Profile ID) associated with a model profile Where Profile Type = Position AND Work Requirements.Travel Required = Y
Facts - Position Model Profile-Number of profiles that requires relocation Count (Distinct Profile ID) associated with a model profile Where Profile Type = Position AND Work Requirements.Willing to Relocate = Y
Facts-Person Profile-Number of profiles Count (Distinct Profile Code)
Facts-Person Profile-Number of Workers with profiles Count (Distinct Person ID) where Profile Code is not null
Facts-Person Profile-Number of active profiles Count (Distinct Profile Code) Where Status = Active
Facts-Person Profile-Number of Workers with active profiles Count (Distinct Person ID) where Profile Code is not null and profile status = active
Facts-Person Profile-Percentage of active profiles 100 * (Count (Distinct Profile Code) Where Status = Active)/ Count (Distinct Profile Code)
Facts - Skills and Qualifications- Number of competencies Count (Distinct Competency) associated with a person profile
Facts - Skills and Qualifications-Number of degrees Count (Distinct Degree) associated with a person profile
Facts - Skills and Qualifications-Number of honors and awards Count (Distinct Honours and Awards) associated with a person profile
Facts - Skills and Qualifications-Number of languages Count (Distinct Language) associated with a person profile
Facts - Skills and Qualifications-Number of license and certifications Count (Distinct License and Certificate) associated with a person profile
Facts - Skills and Qualifications-Number of workers willing to re-locate Count (Distinct Person ID) where willing to relocate = Y
Facts - Skills and Qualifications-Number of workers ready for domestic travel Count (Distinct Person ID) where ready for domestic travel = Y
Facts - Skills and Qualifications-Number of workers ready for international travel Count (Distinct Person ID) where ready for international travel = Y
Facts - Skills and Qualifications-Number of workers ready now for career move Count (Distinct Person ID) where ready for career move = Y
Facts-Talent Ratings - Number of Workers with performance rating Count (Distinct Person ID) where Performance Rating is not null
Facts-Talent Ratings-Number of high performers Count (Distinct Person ID) where Performance category = high
Facts-Talent Ratings-Number of medium performers Count (Distinct Person ID) where Performance category = medium
Facts-Talent Ratings-Number of low performers Count (Distinct Person ID) where Performance category = low
Facts-Talent Ratings-Number of Workers with potential rating Count (Distinct Person ID) where Potential Rating is not null
Facts-Talent Ratings-Number of high potential Count (Distinct Person ID) where potential category = high
Facts-Talent Ratings-Number of medium potential Count (Distinct Person ID) where potential category = medium
Facts-Talent Ratings-Number of low potential Count (Distinct Person ID) where potential category = low
Facts-Talent Ratings-Number of Workers with risk of loss Count (Distinct Person ID) where risk of loss rating is not null
Facts-Talent Ratings-Number of Workers with impact of loss Count (Distinct Person ID) where impact of loss rating is not null

HCM—Talent Review Meetings

This table describes Talent Review Meetings metrics.

Metric Metric Definition
Number of Facilitators Number of facilitators in the talent review meeting
Number of Participants Number of participants in the talent review meeting
Number of Reviewees Number of reviewees in the talent review meeting
Number of Meetings Number of Talent Review Meetings
Number of High Performers Number of workers rated as high performers 
Number of Medium Performers Number of workers rated as medium performers
Number of Low Performers Number of workers rated as low performers
Number of High Potential Number of workers rated as high potential
Number of Medium Potential Number of workers rated as medium potential
Number of Low Potential Number of workers rated as low potential
Number of High Risk of Loss Number of workers rated as high risk of loss
Number of Medium Risk of Loss Number of workers rated as medium risk of loss
Number of Low Risk of Loss Number of workers rated as low risk of loss
Number of High Impact of Loss Number of workers rated as high impact of loss
Number of Medium Impact of Loss Number of workers rated as medium impact of loss
Number of Low Impact of Loss Number of workers rated as low impact of loss
Number of Top Talent Number of workers rated as high performers and high potential
Number of Low Talent Number of workers rated as low performers and low potential
Number of Top Talent at High Risk of Loss Provides the count of workers rated high in performance and potential that are rated high risk of loss
Number of High Performers at High Risk of Loss Provides the count of workers rated high in performance and potential that are rated high risk of loss
Number of High Potential at High Risk of Loss Provides the count of workers rated high in potential and potential that are rated high risk of loss
Number of Top Talent at High Impact of Loss Provides the count of workers rated high in performance and potential that are rated high impact of loss
Number of Top Talent at Low Impact of Loss Provides the count of workers rated high in performance and potential that are rated low impact of loss
Number of High Performers at High Impact of Loss Provides the count of workers rated high in performance and potential that are rated high impact of loss
Number of High Potential at High Impact of Loss Provides the count of workers rated high in potential  that are rated high impact of loss
Number of High Performers at Low Impact of Loss Provides the count of workers rated high in performance  that are rated low impact of loss
Number of High Risk of Loss Terminated within 1 year Provides the count of workers that got terminated within 1 year of being rated high risk of loss
Number of Low Risk of Loss Terminated within 1 year Provides the count of workers that got terminated within 1 year of being rated low risk of loss
Number of High Risk of Loss Active Workers after an year Provides the count of workers that are rated high risk of loss for more than a year but still not terminated
Number of Workers - Improved Performance rating Provides the count of workers whose performance band changed from low to medium, high or medium to high
Number of Workers - Improved Potential rating Provides the count of workers whose potential band changed from low to medium, high or medium to high
Number of Workers - Decreased Performance rating Provides the count of workers whose performance band changed from High to medium, low or medium to low
Number of Workers - Decreased Potential rating Provides the count of workers whose potential band changed from High to medium, low or medium to low
Number of Workers - Increased Risk of Loss Provides the count of workers whose risk of loss band changed from low to medium, high or medium to high
Number of Workers - Decreased Risk of Loss Provides the count of workers whose risk of loss band changed from High to medium, low or medium to low
Number of Workers - Increased Impact of Loss Provides the count of workers whose impact of loss band changed from low to medium, high or medium to high
Number of Workers - Decreased Impact of Loss Provides the count of workers whose impact of loss band changed from High to medium, low or medium to low
Number of High Performers Terminated within 1 year Provides the count of workers that got terminated within 1 year of being rated as high performers in the talent review meeting
Number of Low Performers Terminated within 1 year Provides the count of workers that got terminated within 1 year of being rated as low performers in the talent review meeting
Number of High Performers Number of workers rated as high performers 
Number of Medium Performers Number of workers rated as medium performers
Number of Low Performers Number of workers rated as low performers
Number of High Potential Number of workers rated as high potential
Number of Medium Potential Number of workers rated as medium potential
Number of Low Potential Number of workers rated as low potential
Number of High Risk of Loss Number of workers rated as high risk of loss
Number of Medium Risk of Loss Number of workers rated as medium risk of loss
Number of Low Risk of Loss Number of workers rated as low risk of loss
Number of High Impact of Loss Number of workers rated as high impact of loss
Number of Medium Impact of Loss Number of workers rated as medium impact of loss
Number of Low Impact of Loss Number of workers rated as low impact of loss
Number of Top Talent Number of workers rated as high performers and high potential
Number of Low Talent Number of workers rated as low performers and low potential

HCM—Workforce Absence Management

This table describes Workforce Absence Management metrics.

Metric Metric Definition
Total Duration of absences (Days) Sum of duration of all absences
Total Duration Of absences (Hours) Sum of duration of all absences , for absence type with UOM='Hours'
Qualification Plan absences Duration Sum of duration of approved absences of Qualification Plans
Number of Qualification Plan absences Count of distinct approved absences of Qualification Plans
Accrual Plan absences Duration Sum of duration Of approved absences of Accrual Plans
Number of Accrual Plan absences Count of distinct approved absences of Accrual Plan 
Compensatory Plan absences Duration Sum of duration Of approved absences Of  Compensatory plans
Number of Compensatory Plan absences Count of distinct approved absences of Compensatory Plans
NoEntitlement Plan absences Duration Sum of duration Of approved absences Of  NoEntitlement Plans
Number of NoEntitlement Plan absences Count of distinct approved absences of NoEntitlement Plans
Approved absence Transactions Count of distinct absences transaction with Approval status as "Approved"
Completed absence Transactions Count of distinct approved absence transactions with past dated absence end date
Pending Approval absences Transactions Count of distinct absences transaction with Approval Status as "Awaiting Approval"
Scheduled absence Transactions Count of distinct approved absence transactions with future absence start date
Worker Count ( Approved absences ) Count distinct worker with absences transactions With approval status as "Approved"
Worker Count ( Pending absences) Count distinct worker with absence transactions with approval status as "Awaiting Approval"
Female Gender Ratio ( Approved absences) Female gender ratio with approved absences
Male Gender Ratio ( Approved absences ) Male gender ratio with approved absences
Late Notified absences Count of late notified absences
Withdrawn absence Transactions Count of distinct absences transaction with absence status as "Withdrawn"
Rejected absence Transactions Count of distinct absences transaction with approval status as "Denied"
Draft absence Transactions Count of distinct absences transaction with absence status as "Saved"
Worker Count ( Rejected absences ) Count distinct worker with absences transactions with approval status as "Denied"
Worker Count ( Withdrawn absences ) Count distinct worker With absences transactions with absence status as "Withdrawn"
Worker Count ( Draft absences ) Count distinct worker with absences transactions with absence status as "Saved"
Female Gender Ratio ( Rejected absences ) Female gender ratio with rejected absences
Male Gender Ratio ( Rejected absences ) Female gender ratio with rejected absences
Absence Approval Rate for High Performer Worker Ratio of approved absence to total absence of a worker with performance rating='High'
Absence Approval Rate for Low Performer Worker Ratio of approved absence to Total absence of a worker with performance rating='Low'
Absence Rejection Rate for High Performer Worker Ratio of rejected absence to Total absence of a worker with performance rating='High'
Absence Rejection Rate for Low Performer Worker Ratio of rejected absence to total absence of a worker with performance rating='Low'
Worker Count ( Enrolled In a Plan) Count of workers enrolled in an absence plan
Accrual Balance End Accrual Balance as on balance run date
Prior Accrual Balance Begin Accrual Balance as on balance run date
Compensatory Plan Balance Begin Compensatory Plan Balance as on last balance run date
Prior Compensatory Plan Balance End Compensatory Plan Balance as on last balance run date
Accrual Value Plan Accrual Value
Annual Accrual Front Loaded calculated accrual
Periodic Accrual Calculated incremental accrual plan value , as of the last accrual run date
Carryover Balance Value that is carry over as of latest balance calculation date
Carryover Expiration Carry Over balance value that will expire as of latest balance calculation date
Carryover Forfeiture Carry Over balance value to forfeiture due to carryover limits set
Vested Accrual Accrued balance value subject to a waiting period that has subsequently passed
Unvested Accrual Accrued Balance value but subject to a waiting period set
Other Adjustments Other balance adjustment transactions
Unprocessed Adjustments Total of all unprocessed adjustments for the latest balance calculation date
Transferred Balance Balance Value transferred to and from other accrual plans
Processed absences Total Processed absences as of latest balance calculation date
Unprocessed absences Balance Value Used by absences Scheduled
Compensatory Time Compensatory time accrued
Expiration Disbursement ( Compensatory Plan) Disbursement of balance to payroll upon expiration
Other Adjustments (Compensatory Plan) Other balance adjustment transactions
Unprocessed Adjustment (Compensatory Plan) Total of all unprocessed adjustments for the latest balance calculation date
Transferred Balance (Compensatory Plan) Balance Value transferred to and from other accrual plans
Donations Donations

HCM—Workforce Core

This table describes Workforce Core metrics.

Metric Metric Definition
Average Headcount Average of Headcount (Period start + Period end HC)/2
Average FTE Average of FTE (Period start + Period end FTE)/2
Worker Count Count of distinct workers
Employee Headcount Ratio Ratio of the employee headcount vs total headcount
Contingent Headcount Ratio Ratio of the contingent headcount vs total headcount
Employee FTE Ratio Ratio of the employee FTE vs total FTE
Contingent Worker FTE Ratio Ratio of the contingent FTE vs total FTE
Span of Control Workforce Structure Average nunber of reportees for a manager by workforce structures like Business Unit, Location, Job Family and so on
Average Worker Age Average age of the worker based on their date of birth
Headcount Turnover Percentage of the headcount terminations to the total headcount
FTE Turnover Percentage of the FTE terminations to the total FTE
Voluntary FTE Turnover Percentage of the voluntary FTE terminations to the total FTE
Involuntary FTE Turnover Percentage of the involuntary FTE terminations to the total FTE
Voluntary Headcount Turnover Percentage of the voluntary headcount terminations to the total headcount
Involuntary Headcount Turnover Percentage of the involuntary headcount terminations to the total headcount
New Hire Headcount Turnover Percentage of workers terminated within a year of hire
Headcount Retention Percentage of workers retained
New Hire Headcount Retention Percentage of worker retention who are hired within a year
FTE Retention Percentage of worker FTE retained
New Hire FTE Retention Percentage of worker retention who are hired within a year
Assignment Event Headcount Headcount value of events during the period
Hire Headcount Headcount of worker assignment hire events
Rehire Headcount Headcount of worker assignment rehire events
Pending Hire Headcount Headcount of worker assignment pending hires
Promotion Headcount Headcount of worker assignment promotion events
Transfer Headcount Headcount of worker assignment transfer events
Termination Headcount Headcount of worker assignment terminations
Inactive Headcount Headcount of Inactive worker assignments for all types of worker
Inactive Employee Headcount Headcount of Inactive employees
Inactive Contingent Headcount Headcount of Inactive contingent workers
Assignment Event FTE FTE value of events during the period
Hire FTE FTE of worker assignment hire events
Rehire FTE FTE of worker assignment rehire events
Pending Hire FTE FTE of worker assignment pending hires
Promotion FTE FTE of worker assignment promotion events
Transfer FTE FTE of worker assignment transfer events
Termination FTE FTE of worker assignment terminations
Inactive FTE FTE of Inactive worker assignments for all types of worker
Inactive Employee FTE FTE of Inactive employees
Inactive Contingent FTE FTE of Inactive contingent workers
Hire Count Count of worker assignment hire events
Rehire Count Count of rehires
Pending Hire Count Count of pending hires
Promotion Count Count of worker assignment promotion events during the period
Termination Count Count of worker assignment terminations
Voluntary Termination Headcount Headcount of worker assignment terminations with a category of 'voluntary'
Involuntary Termination Headcount Headcount of worker assignment terminations with a category of 'involuntary'
New Hire Termination Headcount Headcount of worker assignment terminations whose Years Service is <= 1 year on their termination date
High Performer Headcount Turnover 100% * (High Performer Termination Headcount / Average Headcount)
Voluntary Termination FTE FTE of worker assignment terminations with a category of 'voluntary'
Involuntary Termination FTE FTE of worker assignment terminations with a category of 'involuntary'
New Hire Termination FTE FTE of worker assignment terminations whose Years Service is <= 1 year on their termination date
Voluntary Termination Count Count of worker assignment terminations with an action category of 'voluntary'
Involuntary Termination Count As Voluntary Termination Count but for an action category of 'involuntary'
New Hire Termination Count Count of worker assignment terminations whose Years Service is <= 1 year on their termination date
Time between Promotion Average number of months between promotions for a worker.
Time Between Promotion on Event Average number of months between promotions for a worker.
Promotion Headcount Rate Percentage of workers by headcount that have had a promotion
Promotion FTE Rate Percentage of workers by FTE that have had a promotion
Worker Male Gender Ratio Percentage of male workers
Worker Female Gender Ratio Percentage of female workers
Worker Non Gender Ratio Percentage of workers with no gender specified
Years Service Number of years the employee is in the organisation
Average Service Years Average years of service across all workers
Incumbent Headcount Sum of Headcount for all worker assignments with this position. (Sum of filled positions. Positions that are vacant are not to be counted.)
Incumbent FTE Sum of FTE for all worker assignments with this position. (Sum of filled positions. Positions that are vacant are not to be counted.)
Salary Annualised salary for the worker assignment in the enterprise currency
Compa Ratio Ratio of the worker salary to the salary mid point defined for the grade
Salary on Event Annualised salary for the worker assignment in the enterprise currency on the date of any assignment event
Compa Ratio on Event Ratio of the worker salary to the salary mid point defined for the grade on the date of any assignment event
Performance Rating Average of the numeric value of the manager performance rating
Performance Rating(On Assignment Event) Average of the numeric value of the manager performance rating on the date of any assignment event
Potential Rating Average of the numeric value of the potential rating
Potential Rating(On Assignment Event) Average of the numeric value of the potential rating on the date of any assignment event
Headcount (Period Start) Total headcount at the start of the period, such as year, quarter, month, or week.
Headcount (Period End) Total headcount at the end of the period, such as year, quarter, month, or week.
FTE (Period Start) Total FTE at the Start of the period, such as year, quarter, month, or week.
FTE (Period End) Total FTE at the end of the period, such as year, quarter, month, or week.
Person Count (Period Start) Total person count at the start of the period, such as year, quarter, month, or week.
Person Count (Period End) Total person count at the end of the period, such as year, quarter, month, or week.
Headcount Headcount of active and suspended worker assignments for all types of worker
Employee Headcount Headcount of active and suspended employees
Contingent Headcount Headcount of active and suspended contingent workers
Active Headcount Active worker headcount as of the time period.
FTE FTE of active and suspended worker assignments for all types of worker
Employee FTE FTE of active and suspended employees
Contingent Worker FTE FTE of active and suspended contingent workers
Assignment Count Assignment count as of the time period. 1 for each assignment
Assignment Event Count Assignment event count as of the time period. 1 for each assignment
Top Talent Headcount Turnover Percentage of headcount terminations of workers whose performance rating and potential rating is high.
High Performer Headcount Retention 100% - High Performer Headcount Turnover
Talent Retention Percentage Percentage of workers retained by each combination of performance and potential band ratings related to the 9 box
New Hire FTE Turnover Percentage of FTE Terminations where years of service < 1 year
High Performer FTE Turnover Percentage of FTE Terminations of workers whose performance rating = high
High Performer FTE Retention Percentage of FTE Retention of workers whose performance rating = high
Retention Voluntary Percentage of voluntary retention of workers
Top Performer Headcount Sum(Headcount) of workers whose performance rating = High
High Potential Headcount Sum(Headcount) of workers whose potential rating = High
Manager Count Count of all workers with at least one direct report
Active Headcount Ratio Headcount Ratio of active against all workers
Top Talent Ratio Ratio of workers with performance = high and potential rating = high to the total headcount
Low Talent Ratio Ratio of workers with performance = high and potential rating = low to the total headcount
Top Talent Headcount Headcount of workers with performance = high and potential rating = high
Top Talent Retention Percentage Percentage of workers retained by various combinations of performance and potential ratings
High Performer Retention Percentage High Performer Retention Percentage
High Potential Retention Percentage Percentage of workers with potential rating = high
New Hire Headcount Headcount for all workers with tenure less than or equal to 1 year for Hire action type
Transfer Count Count of worker assignment transfers
Percentage Of Workers Hired above 60 Percentage of hires where worker age >= 60 years
High Performer Termination Headcount Headcount of worker assignment terminations where the worker's latest performance rating based on the date for both performance and potential prior to the termination was in the 'High' performance band
Top Talent Termination Headcount Headcount of terminated workers with performance and potential rating = high
High Performer Termination FTE Sum(FTE) Terminations of workers whose performance rating = high
High Performer Termination Count Count of worker assignment terminations where the worker's latest performance rating based on the date for both performance and potential prior to the termination was in the 'High' performance band
Annualized Voluntary Retention Percentage of worker Annual voluntary retention by Gregorian Calendar
YTD Voluntary Termination Count Year To Date Voluntary Termination Count
QTD Voluntary Termination Count Quarter To Date Voluntary Termination Count
Distinct Worker Nationalities Count of distinct worker nationalities
Distinct Worker Ethnicities Count of distinct worker ethnicities
Months Service Number of months the worker is in service from the legal employer seniority date (or legal employer hire date if the seniority date is null) to the termination date (or current date if the termination date is null)
Average Service Months Average of Months Service
Currency Code Currency Code
Percentage Compa Ratio Change Percentage of change in compa ratio of the worker
Assignment Count (Period Start) Assignment Count at the period start ( Year , Month , Quarter & Week )
Assignment Count (Period End) Assignment Count at the period end ( Year , Month , Quarter & Week )
Worker Count Distinct count of workers
Employee Count Count of active and suspended employees
Contingent Count Count of active and suspended contingent workers
Active Worker Count Active worker Count as of the time period.
Active Worker Ratio Count Ratio of active workers against all workers
Average Worker Count Average of Worker Count (Period start + Period end Worker Count)/2
Employee Ratio Ratio of the employee count vs total worker count
Contingent Ratio Ratio of the contingent count vs total worker count
Worker Turnover Percentage of the worker terminations to the total worker count
Voluntary Turnover Percentage of the voluntary terminations count to the total worker count
Involuntary Turnover Percentage of the involuntary terminations count to the total worker count
New Hire Turnover Percentage of workers terminated within a year of hire
High Performer Turnover 100% * (High Performer Termination count / Average worker count)
Top Talent Turnover Percentage of worker terminations whose performance rating and potential rating is high.
Worker Retention Percentage of workers retained
New Hire Retention Percentage of worker retention who are hired within a year
Retention Voluntary (Worker Count) Percentage of voluntary retention of workers
High Performer Retention 100% - High Performer Turnover
Talent Retention Percentage (Worker Count) Percentage of workers retained by each combination of performance and potential band ratings related to the 9 box
Top Talent Worker Count Count of workers with performance = high and potential rating = high
Top Talent Ratio(Worker Count) Ratio of workers with performance = high and potential rating = high to the total worker count
Low Talent Ratio(Worker Count) Ratio of workers with performance = low and potential rating = low to the total worker count
High Performer Retention Percentage(Worker Count) Provides the High Performer Retention Percentage based on worker count
High Potential Retention Percentage(Worker Count) Provides the High Potential Retention Percentage based on worker count
Top Talent Retention Percentage(Worker Count) Percentage of workers retained by various combinations of performance and potential ratings
Voluntary Termination Person Count Count of worker assignment terminations with a category of 'voluntary'
Involuntary Termination Person Count Count of worker assignment terminations with a category of 'involuntary'
New Hire Termination Person Count Count of worker assignment terminations whose Years Service is <= 1 year on their termination date
High Performer Termination Person Count Count of worker assignment terminations where the worker's latest performance rating prior to the termination was in the 'High' performance band
Top Talent Termination Person Count Count of terminated workers with performance and potential rating = high
YTD Voluntary Termination Person Count Year To Date Voluntary Termination Worker Count
QTD Voluntary Termination Person Count Quarter To Date Voluntary Termination Worker Count

HCM—Workforce Gains and Losses

This table describes Workforce Gains and Losses metrics.

Metric Metric Definition
Headcount Gain Headcount increase compared to the prior period.
Headcount Gain Hire Headcount increase due to hire or rehire events.
Headcount Gain Reorganisation Reason Headcount increase due to the action reason: re-organization data from config.
Headcount Gain Reorganisation Action Headcount increase due to the action name where reorganization indicator flag = Y.
Headcount Gain Global Transfer Headcount increase due to global transfer events.
Headcount Gain Transfer Headcount increase due to transfer events.
Headcount Gain Promotion Headcount increase due to promotion events.
Headcount Gain Others Headcount increase due to events other than hire, promotion, global transfer, and transfer.
Implicit Headcount Gain Gain of headcount due to a manager's movement along with their reports to other manager
Headcount Movement Headcount movement within the manager's organization that results in no gain or loss for the respective manager
Headcount Loss Headcount decrease compared to prior period.
Headcount Loss Termination Headcount decrease due to termination events.
Headcount Loss Reorganisation Reason Headcount decrease due to the action reason: re-organization data from config.
Headcount Loss Reorganisation Action Headcount decrease due to the action name where reorganization indicator flag = Y.
Headcount Loss Global Transfer Headcount decrease due to global transfer events.
Headcount Loss Transfer Headcount decrease due to transfer events.
Headcount Loss Promotion Headcount decrease due to promotion events.
Headcount Loss Others Headcount decrease due to events other than termination, promotion, global transfer, and transfer.
Implicit Headcount Loss Loss of headcount due to a manager's movement along with their reports to other manager
FTE Gain FTE increase compared to prior period.
FTE Gain Hire FTE increase due to hire or rehire events.
FTE Gain Reorganisation Reason FTE increase due to the action reason: re-organization data from config.
FTE Gain Reorganisation Action FTE increase due to the action name where reorganization indicator flag = Y.
FTE Gain Global Transfer FTE increase due to global transfer events.
FTE Gain Transfer FTE increase due to transfer events.
FTE Gain Promotion FTE increase due to promotion events.
FTE Gain Others FTE increase due to events other than hire, promotion, global transfer, and transfer..
Implicit FTE Gain Gain of FTE due to a manager's movement along with their reports to other manager
FTE Movement FTE movement within the manager's organization that results in no gain or loss for the respective manager
FTE Loss FTE decrease compared to prior period.
FTE Loss Termination FTE decrease due to termination events.
FTE Loss Reorganisation Reason FTE decrease due to the action reason: re-organization data from config.
FTE Loss Reorganisation Action FTE decrease due to the action name where reorganization indicator flag = Y.
FTE Loss Global Transfer FTE decrease due to global transfer events.
FTE Loss Transfer FTE decrease due to transfer events.
FTE Loss Promotion FTE decrease due to promotion events.
FTE Loss Others FTE decrease due to events other than hire, promotion, global transfer, and transfer.
Implicit FTE Loss Loss of FTE due to a manager's movement along with their reports to other manager
Assignment Count Gain Assignment count increase compared to prior period.
Assignment Count Gain Hire Assignment count increase due to hire or rehire events.
Assignment Count Gain Reorganisation Reason Assignment count due to the action reason: re-organization data from config.
Assignment Count Gain Reorganisation Action Assignment count increase due to the action name where reorganization indicator flag = Y.
Assignment Count Gain Global Transfer Assignment count increase due to global transfer events.
Assignment Count Gain Transfer Assignment count increase due to transfer events.
Assignment Count Gain Promotion Assignment count increase due to promotion events.
Assignment Count Gain Others Assignment count increase due to events other than hire, promotion, global transfer, and transfer.
Implicit Assignent Count Gain Gain of Assignment due to a manager's movement along with their reports to other manager
Assignment Count Movement Assignment movement within the manager's organization that results in no gain or loss for the respective manager
Assignment Count Loss Assignment count decrease compared to prior period.
Assignment Count Loss Termination Assignment count decrease due to termination events.
Assignment Count Loss Reorganisation Reason Assignment count decrease due to the action reason: re-organization data from config.
Assignment Count Loss Reorganisation Action Assignment count decrease due to the action name where reorganization indicator flag = Y.
Assignment Count Loss Global Transfer Assignment count decrease due to global transfer events.
Assignment Count Loss Transfer Assignment count decrease due to transfer events.
Assignment Count Loss Promotion Assignment count decrease due to promotion events.
Assignment Count Loss Others Assignment count decrease due to events other than hire, promotion, global transfer, and transfer.
Implicit Assignment Count Loss Loss of Assignment due to a manager's movement along with their reports to other manager
Person Count Gain Person count increase compared to prior period.
Person Count Gain Hire Person count increase due to hire or rehire events
Person Count Gain Reorganisation Reason Person count increase due to the action reason: re-organization data from config.
Person Count Gain Reorganisation Action Person count increase due to the action name where reorganization indicator flag = Y.
Person Count Gain Global Transfer Person count increase due to global transfer events.
Person Count Gain Transfer Person count increase due to transfer events.
Person Count Gain Promotion Person count increase due to promotion events.
Person Count Gain Others Person count increase due to events other than hire, promotion, global transfer, and transfer.
Implicit Person Count Gain Gain of a Person due to a manager's movement along with their reports to other manager
Person Count Movement Person movement within the manager's organization that results in no gain or loss for the respective manager
Person Count Loss Person count decrease compared to prior period.
Person Count Loss Termination Person count decrease due to termination events.
Person Count Loss Reorganisation Reason Person count decrease due to the action reason: re-organization data from config.
Person Count Loss Reorganisation Action Person count decrease due to the action name where reorganization indicator flag = Y.
Person Count Loss Global Transfer Person count decrease due to global transfer events.
Person Count Loss Transfer Person count decrease due to transfer events.
Person Count Loss Promotion Person count decrease due to promotion events.
Person Count Loss Others Person count decrease due to events other than hire, promotion, global transfer, and transfer.
Implicit Person Count Loss Loss of a Person due to a manager's movement along with their reports to other manager

HCM—Workforce Rewards - Workforce Compensation

This table describes Workforce Rewards - Workforce Compensation metrics.

Metric Metric Definition
Total Components For the Plan No. of component used in a compensation plan
Worksheets (Not Started) Worksheets without any changes saved
Worksheet ( Withdrawn) Worksheet withdrawn
Worksheets(Budgets Available) Worksheets without any changes & budget available
Worksheets ( Budgets Withdrawn) Worksheets with withdrawn budgets
Worksheet (Work In Progress) Worksheets with some changes saved
Worksheet (Submitted) Worksheets 'Submitted' for approval
Worksheet ( Rejected) Worksheets returned for correction
Worksheet ( Request Information ) Worksheets returned with request for information
Worksheet (Approved) Approved Worksheet
Worksheet (Processed) Worksheets with data posted to HR & Payroll ( Transfer to HR Process)
No. of Workers Total Number of Workers populated in a worksheet
Eligible Workers Number of all eligible workers in Worksheet
Worker Compensated with 0 Increase Worker count with compensation amount equal to 0 or not specified
Total Worker Compensated Total Worker count with compensation amount greater than or equal to 0
Worker Compensated (Below Target Compensation) Count of workers compensated below target compensation
Worker Compensated ( Above Target Compensation) Count of workers compensated above target compensation
Average Allocation Percentage Average Allocation Percentage 
Base Salary Worker Base Pay Amount, expressed in worker's base pay frequency
Base Salary Adjustment Amount Worker Base Pay Amount , expressed in plan frequency
Proposed Salary New Base Salary Of a worker , expressed in worker's base pay frequency
New Adjusted Salary Amount Proposed Salary ,expressed in plan frequency
Eligible Salary Amount calculated to determine worker's allocation amount.
Compensation Amount Amount Allocated to a worker
Compensation Amount (Maximum) Maximum Amount that can be allocated to a worker
Compensation Amount (Minimum) Minimum Amount that can be allocated to a worker
Target Compensation Amount Recommended compensation amount
Target Compensation Amount (Minimum) Minimum Recommended Allocation Amount
Target Compensation Amount (Maximum) Maximum Recommended Allocation Amount
Compensation Variance Variance between target compensation & actual compensation amount
Proposed Salary (Average) Average of proposed salary 
Average Compensation Amount Average Amount Allocated to a worker
Worker Budget Amount Amount Budgeted for a worker
Miscellaneous Rate 1 Compensation Plan Custom Column
Miscellaneous Rate 2 Compensation Plan Custom Column
Miscellaneous Rate 3 Compensation Plan Custom Column
Miscellaneous Rate 4 Compensation Plan Custom Column
Miscellaneous Rate 5 Compensation Plan Custom Column
Miscellaneous Rate 6 Compensation Plan Custom Column
Percentage Budget Utilized Ratio of Budget Amount Utilized to overall Budget
Overall Budget Amount ( Allocated ) Total Budget amount allocated to a worksheet manager
Overall Budget Amount ( Available ) Budget amount left to be utilized by worksheet managers
Overall Budget Amount ( Used ) Budget amount used by worksheet managers
Total Eligible Salaries Sum of eligible salaries of workers 
Base Salary Change Value Salary change Value

Descriptive Flexfield Details


Descriptive Flexfields (DFFs) allow you to capture additional information on the Fusion application transactional UI. DFFs provide you the flexibility to configure data that is not available ready-to-use in the application. You can report on the configured DFFs through Fusion Analytics Warehouse application for HCM.


Descriptive Flexfield (DFF)

Subject Area Name Descriptive Flexfield (DFF) Supported
HCM - Workforce Absence Management Absence Categories
HCM - Workforce Absence Management Absence Plan
HCM - Workforce Absence Management Absence Reasons
HCM - Workforce Absence Management Absence Recordings
HCM - Workforce Absence Management Absence Type

Global Human Resources

Descriptive Flexfield (DFF)

Subject Area Name Descriptive Flexfield (DFF) Supported
HCM-Workforce Core Additional HR Action Attributes
HCM-Workforce Core Legislative Action Attributes
HCM-Workforce Core Additional Action Reason Attributes
HCM-Workforce Core Person Additional Attributes
HCM-Workforce Core Assignment Attributes
HCM-Workforce Core Legislative Assignment Attributes
HCM-Workforce Core Citizenship Attributes
HCM-Workforce Core Ethnicity Attributes
HCM-Workforce Core Person Disability Information
HCM-Workforce Core Person Disability Legislative Information
HCM-Workforce Core Person Name Attributes
HCM-Workforce Core Person Type Attributes
HCM-Workforce Core Persons Attributes
HCM-Workforce Core Position Attributes
HCM-Workforce Core Work Relationship Attributes
HCM-Workforce Core Work Relationship Legislative Information
HCM-Workforce Core Department Attributes
HCM-Workforce Core Person Legislative Attributes
HCM-Workforce Core Job Attributes
HCM-Workforce Core Grade Attributes
HCM-Workforce Core Location Attributes


Descriptive Flexfield (DFF)

Subject Area Name Descriptive Flexfield (DFF) Supported
HCM - Talent Acquisition Requisition DFF
HCM - Talent Acquisition Offer DFF
HCM - Talent Acquisition Offer Assignment DFF