Activate Your Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse Subscription

You must activate the Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse subscription to start using the service.

About Activating Your Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse Subscription

After your order for the Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse subscription has been processed, you receive a Welcome email asking you to activate your Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse subscription. If your sales representative also included a Universal Credits (UCC) subscription as part of your order, you receive a separate Welcome email asking you to activate that as well.

A prerequisite for successful activation of an Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse subscription is an Oracle Cloud account with a UCC subscription already activated into it.


The best practice is to have the UCC subscription in your existing Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications account.

The UCC subscription is required because Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse has dependencies on Oracle Analytics Cloud and Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse services and these services are only available with an UCC subscription.

You must activate the UCC subscription first followed by the Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse subscription into the same Oracle Cloud account. If you try to activate Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse into an Oracle Cloud account that doesn’t have UCC activated into it, a warning message will tell you to activate into an Oracle Cloud account with an UCC subscription.

Activation will also not be successful if you aren’t a cloud administrator with the OCI_Administrator role (available with the OCI_Administrators group) for the Oracle Cloud account that you’re trying to activate your subscriptions into. This applies to both UCC and Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse subscriptions. If you aren’t a cloud administrator with this role, then either:
  • Ask the current cloud administrator of the cloud account to add you as a cloud administrator and assign the OCI_Administrators group before you try to activate.
  • Or forward the activation emails to a person who has the OCI_Administrator role and have them follow the activation instructions.

If this Oracle Cloud account uses identity domains, then see the Creating Users section in Using the Console to create a user and assign the OCI_Administrators or Administrators group, whichever is available. To add this group to an existing user in an identity domain, see the Adding Users to Groups section in Using the Console. If this Oracle Cloud account uses Oracle Identity Cloud Service to manage users, then see Create User Accounts to create a user and assign the OCI_Administrators group. To add this group to an existing user in Oracle Identity Cloud Service, see Assign Groups to the User Account. To know if your tenancy uses identity domains or Oracle Identity Cloud Service, see Do You Have Access to Identity Domains?

UCC PAYG subscriptions typically expire within 30 days of receiving your Welcome email unless activated. It’s important that you activate the UCC PAYG subscription before it expires; otherwise, the activation will fail.

If you were sold a new UCC subscription that you’ll be using for Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse, then as previously noted, the highly recommended best practice is to activate your new UCC subscription into your Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications account. Then follow this by activating your Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse subscription into the same Oracle Cloud account as your Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications. This enables you to easily synchronize your Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications users, groups, and application roles required by Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse.

If your organization has an existing UCC subscription that you’ll be using for Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse, and this UCC subscription isn't in your Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications cloud account, then stop the activation process. Ask your sales representative to order a new UCC PAYG subscription. You can share credits from your existing UCC subscription with the new UCC PAYG subscription using the Organization Management functionality in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. See Organization Management.

After you receive the activation email for the UCC PAYG subscription, activate it into the Oracle Cloud account that has Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications. Then activate your Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse subscription into the same Oracle Cloud account that has Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications. .

Activate the Universal Credits Subscription

Activate the new UCC subscription into your existing Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications account using the Add to existing cloud account option in the UCC Welcome email.

  1. Locate your UCC Welcome email.

    Welcome email for the Universal Credits subscription

  2. In the UCC Welcome email, click Add to existing cloud account.


    The name of the service in the body of this Welcome email is "Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits".

    Add to existing cloud account option in the Universal Credits Welcome email

  3. Follow the instructions in Add the New Cloud Service to an Existing Oracle Cloud Account.


    It can take up to an hour for the activation process to finish. Once it completes, you'll receive an email with the subject "Your services are ready!”. Ensure that you don't proceed to the next step until you have received this email.

Activate the Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse Subscription

Activate your Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse subscription into the Oracle Cloud account where you have Universal Credits (UCC).

After Oracle processes your subscription order, you receive an email asking you to activate the subscription. As part of the activation process, you sign into the Cloud account that has both your Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications and UCC subscription already in it. Upon signing in, you are taken to the Add Subscription page in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console where you'll add the Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse subscription to the Cloud account.

After you add the Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse subscription, it can take up to an hour for the activation process to complete. You’ll receive another email confirming that your subscription is ready. Don't proceed to the next step until you’ve received this email.

  1. Locate your Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse Welcome email that you received from Oracle Cloud.


    The name of the service in the body of this Welcome email is "Oracle Fusion XXX Analytics…" where XXX represents the Fusion Analytics Warehouse pillar(s) you subscribed to such as Fusion HCM Analytics and Fusion ERP Analytics.

    Welcome email for Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse subscription

  2. In the email, click Add to existing cloud account.

    Add to existing cloud account option in the Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse subscription email

  3. On the Oracle Cloud page, click Sign In using a Cloud Account Name.
  4. In Cloud Account Name, enter the tenancy name of the existing Oracle Cloud account that has UCC and Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications and then click Next.
  5. On the Oracle Cloud Account Sign In page, sign in as follows:
    • If the tenancy is set up with single sign-on, then in the Single Sign-On (SSO) section, select the applicable identity provider and click Continue to display the sign-in details.
      Tenancy set up with sign sign-on

      In the Oracle Cloud Account sign-in details, verify that the tenancy name is your Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications account, enter your credentials, and then click Sign In that takes you to the Add Subscription page in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.
      Oracle Cloud Account sign-in details

    • If the tenancy isn’t set up with single sign-on, then in the Oracle Cloud Account sign-in details, verify that the tenancy name is your Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications account, enter your credentials and then click Sign In that takes you to the Add Subscription page in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.
  6. On the Add subscription page, click the applicable row to select the subscription that matches the subscription listed in the activation email and then click Add subscription.


    Stop here if you don’t see the subscription that you wish to activate.
    • It likely means that you don’t have the OCI_Administrator role assigned to you. You must contact your cloud account administrator.
    • If you’ve been assigned the OCI_Administrator role, then enter a service request against “Fusion Analytics Warehouse” in My Oracle Support so that it gets routed to the correct team. For this service request, select Significant Impairment as Issue Type and in Problem Type, click Activate, Create, Delete, Manage FAW Instance and then select FAW Activation. Ensure that you include the account name you are trying to activate into along with a screen shot showing that you’ve been assigned this role in that Cloud account.
  7. In the Thanks for adding your subscriptions message, click Close.

    Message displaying that subscriptions have been added

    It can take upto an hour to receive an email with the subject "Your services are ready!”.

  8. Open the email that you received from Oracle Cloud stating that your services are ready and click Sign in. Use your Cloud account credentials.

    Email stating that your services are ready

  9. In Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console, click the Navigator menu icon, click Analytics & AI, and then under Analytics & AI, click Fusion Analytics Warehouse.

    Navigate to Fusion Analytics Warehouse

  10. On the Fusion Analytics Warehouse Instances page, verify that the subscriptions listed in the Compartment banner match your Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse order and the Create Instance button is enabled.
  11. If you run into issues, then enter a service request against “Fusion Analytics Warehouse” in My Oracle Support so that it gets routed to the correct team. For this service request, select Significant Impairment as Issue Type and in Problem Type, click Activate, Create, Delete, Manage FAW Instance and then select FAW Activation. Prior to creating the service request, ensure that you have noted down the Cloud account, order number, subscription details, and the failed step information.