Track User Adoption

Measuring adoption of the service by users is critical, both immediately after go-live and over time.

Your organization must:
  • Have a plan to manage user adoption.
  • Support new business users in the production environment with training, communication, and issue resolution through your support team.
  • Set up usage reports and use adoption dashboards to track progress.
  • Consult the standard metrics that include the daily, weekly, and monthly active users, number of logins, and frequently accessed visualizations.
  • Boost user retention by providing valuable content, building strong relationships, and creating a positive user experience.
  • Create individualized user experience to drive adoption.
  • Recognize users and offer rewards and incentives for usage and adoption.
  • Solicit user feedback.
  • Set up feedback mechanisms with the users to retain them. Ask what they want to see next to enhance their productivity and the data-driven culture in the organization.
  • As part of soliciting feedback, iterate and make improvements that improve reports, customizations, additional data, etc.
  • Provide internal “Office Hours” where success and new knowledge are demonstrated.
This task requires:
  • Functional Administrators
  • Training Leaders
  • Power Users
  • User Retention Team
  • Support Leaders
  • Project Managers
  • Technical Administrators

Use the checklist to confirm that the action items are planned for. See Track User Adoption Checklist.