Implement a Governance Program

Governance plays a critical role in enforcing regional compliance requirements.

A well-planned governance program can keep all your sensitive corporate data private and comply with regional compliance laws such as HIPAA or FedRAMP. It also supports data protection laws such as CCPA in California and GDPR in international markets such as the European Union, which impose strict customer data privacy and security compliance requirements on businesses. See About Data Governance.

Fusion Analytics data governance involves managing and controlling data assets, including their collection, storage, use, and distribution. The goal is to ensure that Fusion Analytics data is accurate, complete, secure, and used in compliance with relevant laws and regulations. Your organization must:
  • Define the scope of the Fusion Analytics data governance program and the goals you want to achieve. This involves identifying the types of Fusion Analytics data that need to be governed, the business processes and systems that use the data, and the stakeholders impacted by the program.
  • Establish a data governance framework management plan, including policies, procedures, and Fusion Analytics data management standards. This framework includes roles and responsibilities for data stewards and custodians, who oversee the data’s use and management.
  • Develop a data governance strategy for the organization.
  • Choose the best governance model for your organization.
  • Build a data-driven culture.
  • Develop plans for the Fusion Analytics data that needs to be governed. These plans specify the business rules and data quality metrics that must be followed.
  • Implement controls and monitoring mechanisms to ensure compliance with Fusion Analytics data management plans. This includes automated data quality checks, access controls, and usage monitoring.
  • Improve the Fusion Analytics data governance program by continuously monitoring and evaluating its effectiveness.
This task requires:
  • Business Executives
  • Project Managers
  • Fusion Analytics Functional Administrators
  • Fusion Analytics Security Administrators

Use the checklist to confirm that the action items are planned for. See Implement a Governance Plan Checklist.