Create an Intelligent Advisor Site

You can create a new Intelligent Advisor production site from the Configuration Assistant main page.

  1. From the Configuration Assistant main page, click Create Site.
  2. Select Intelligent Advisor from the product list.
  3. Enter the name for your Intelligent Advisor site.
    Note: The site URL is generated automatically based on the site name and the default domain. You may edit the site name in the URL if required; however, you can’t modify the default domain.
  4. Select the subscription for which you want to create the site.
  5. Click Create.
  6. Click OK to close the confirmation window.
    The new Intelligent Advisor site displays on the main page, but the navigation and menu controls are disabled until the creation process finishes.

What to do next

Refresh the Configuration Assistant main page after about 60 minutes to verify that the site has been created.