How You Control Answer Access

Answer access levels provide a way to control which answers in the knowledge base become public and visible to customers.

In addition to the default answer access levels, you can add custom answer access levels to allow specific contacts and organizations to view certain groups of answers that are not available to all customers.

Service has these default answer access levels:

  • Help—The Help answer access level provides online help to customers through context-sensitive answers.
  • Everyone—The Everyone answer access level makes answers visible to all staff members and customers.

You cannot delete the Help and Everyone answer access levels, although you can rename them.

In addition to the default answer access levels, you can add custom answer access levels to allow specific contacts and organizations to view certain groups of answers that are not available to all customers.

You control the answers customers can view when you create a service level agreement (SLA) and select custom access levels to associate with it. Customers with that SLA can view answers having those custom access levels. See Create an SLA for information about assigning answer access levels to an SLA.

In order for answers to appear on the customer portal, the Status, Language, Access Level, Product, and Category fields must be set to a visibility that allows access by customers. If even one field does not allow visibility, the answer is not visible on the customer portal. In addition, if you have sections within an answer with restricted visibility, that section must be assigned an access level associated with the answer and have end-user visibility selected. See How to Control Answer Visibility.

Sibling answers with access levels that are at or below the contact’s SLA are visible to the contact. See Sibling Answers.