Incident Attachments Tab

The Attachments tab lets you add files containing information that may not fit neatly into an incident.

For example, you might want to attach a file that contains graphic elements. When you attach a file to an incident or incident response, that file becomes permanently attached to the incident. Likewise, any file the customer attaches when submitting a question also becomes permanently attached to the incident. HTML email updates that are larger than the maximum description size are attached to the incident as an HTML file.

The Attachments tab lists all files attached to the incident and contains the file name, size, dates created and updated, a description, and whether the attachment is private (not visible on the customer portal). You and other staff members can access any attached file from the Attachments tab of the incident, while the customer can access it from the Your Account page on the customer portal.

If a file is attached at the same time an incident thread is added on the Messages tab, an Attachments indicator displays in the title bar of the thread on the Messages tab after the incident is saved. Click the Attachments drop-down list to display attachments added at the time the thread entry was saved, then click a file name to view the file.

Note: The Attachments indicator drop-down list in a thread title bar indicates which files were sent in your response to the customer and helps you identify the point in the incident thread an attachment was added to the incident. If you attach a file and save the incident when there are no uncommitted threads, the attached file will appear on the Attachments tab but not on the Messages tab.

Files that are permanently attached to an incident are not sent in your response to the customer unless you specifically mark them to be sent with the response. This lets the customer open the file directly from the email client instead of having to log in to view it.