Billable-Task Tracking

The Time Billed feature in Service lets you track the amount of time agents spend on customer issues and questions.

When you enable this feature, agents can add their time to an incident as they work on it. Service contains one default billable task, Miscellaneous, and you can add any custom billable tasks that meet your organization’s needs.

For example, you might add a Telephone billable task to see how much time agents are spending on the telephone answering customer questions. See Add Time Billed to an Incident learn how agents record billable time when they work on incidents.

Note: You cannot delete the Miscellaneous billable task. If you delete a custom billable task, all occurrences of that task in incidents have no value and you may lose valuable time-tracking information.

The standard incident workspace contains the Time Billed tab. To enable the feature on other workspaces, add the Time Billed relationship item to the workspace. Other Time Billed properties include the ability to require agents to enter time billed before they mark an incident solved or whenever they edit an incident. These properties are Time Required for Edit and Time Required for Solved. See Create a Workspace.