How You Configure Third-Party Software for Screen Pops

After screen pop has been enabled and configured, you must configure your third-party software to submit an HTTP GET in the proper format. You can generate the screen pop request URL by scripting Microsoft.XMLHTTP, Internet Explorer, or any other HTTP-aware controls or languages.

HTTP GET is the only supported method. All others will return a 403 Forbidden error message. In addition, a request from a computer other than the localhost will also return a 403 Forbidden error message. If HTTP GET is used from the localhost, Oracle B2C Service returns a status code of 200 OK, 403 Forbidden, or 404 Not Found.

Note: The staff member making the screen pop request must be logged in to Oracle B2C Service at the time of the request.

Following is an example of a URL for a screen pop request.


The port variable is populated with the value specified in the EXT_CONSOLE_WS_PORT configuration setting found in RightNow Common/Screen Pop/General.

Tip: You can override the EXT_CONSOLE_WS_PORT value for individual staff members by updating the External Screen Pop Port field on the Staff Accounts editor.

Enter screen pop function parameters and associated values.

Screen Pop Function Parameters

Parameter Description


Specifies the type of screen pop, either editor (t=editor) or report (t=report). The editor screen pop opens a record editor of the type specified by the recordType variable. The report screen pop opens the report specified by the id variable.


Specifies which editor displays when the console is popped.







17—Campaign (requires flowID=<int>)


Specifies the ID of the record (when used with t=editor) or the report ac_id (when used with t=report) to open.

Note: When opening an editor, a new record also opens if no ID is supplied.

<runtime filter name>

This parameter is used with the t=report parameter to specify the value of a runtime-selectable filter in the specified report. This parameter should be the filter name of a runtime filter you want to use to select data. The value should be the string you want to search on. For example, contacts.last_name=Jones or opportunites.assgn_acct_id=12.

The following URL is an example of an editor screen pop that opens a contact record with the contact_id of 23.


The following URL is an example of a report screen pop that opens the Agent Activity report using the runtime filter accounts.display_name with the value Abby Parker.
