Deprecated Items

The Deprecated Items report describes items that have been deprecated in this release, the reason for their deprecation, if replacements are available and what they are, and the migration steps you can take to replace the functionality that was deprecated.

When a component or feature has been deprecated, it is usually replaced with newer functionality. Your existing functionality remains unchanged for two years, so you will not experience problems as a result of deprecation. However, you should migrate to the new functionality within that time frame.

The deprecation may occur to B2C Service functionality or to third-party components used within the B2C Service application, such as PHP features. When replacements are not available, the report contains information you need to review in order to modify your current functionality to phase out use of the deprecated item.

The Deprecated Items report displays by clicking the Deprecated Items button on the ribbon. The following report columns display on the top of the content pane.

  • Application Area—Area of B2C Service affected by the service update.
  • Status—Contains a drop-down list that can be edited inline to designate how a service update has been addressed. Status options include New, Not Applicable, and User Remediated.
  • Affected Items—Lists the application components affected by the service update.
  • Release Announced—Release the deprecation was announced.
  • Scheduled Removal—Release the functionality/component is scheduled to be removed.

The following report rows display on the bottom of the content pane specific to the selected row.

  • Affected Users—Lists the user types affected by the deprecation.
  • Business Impact—Describes the effect of the deprecation on business activity.
  • Reason for Change—Describes the reason for the deprecation.
  • Remediation Steps—Lists the steps required to accommodate the deprecation.
  • Comments—Captures any additional explanation regarding the deprecation.