Edit a Text Field on a Dashboard

After you add a text field to your dashboard, you can edit it to change the fonts, colors, text, and other attributes. These edits apply to the text in the dashboard, but the original text field isn't affected.

Note: Certain standard text fields, such as Current Date, include values that are dynamically updated when the report is run. While these fields can be edited, you cannot edit their dynamic value placeholders.

Right-click the text field and select Edit Text Field.


Click the text field and then click Edit on the Text Field tab.

The Edit Text Field window opens. For the procedure to use the options available on this window, see Edit a Text Field in a Report.

You can also edit the text field using the buttons in the Font, Margin, and Border groups on the Text Field tab. These buttons provide shortcuts to many of the same options available on the Edit Text Field window.