Guided Assistance Functions in Workspace and Script Rules

Guided assistance functions are available as triggers and actions when configuring rules for incident and chat workspaces. For example, you can design a rule on an incident workspace that will open a guide based on the product or category.

Although the Guided Assistance control is not available for scripts, incident scripts that share a workspace with a Guided Assistance control can also access these functions. For instance, in a workspace that contains both an incident script and Guided Assistance control, you can create a script rule that is triggered when the guide is completed. See Script Rules.

Guided Assistance Functions in Workspace and Script Rules

Trigger/Action Description

The guide finished

Select this trigger to invoke a rule when a staff member completes a guide in the workspace.

Invoke a guide

Select this action to choose a specific guide to open. When this operation is selected, you choose the guide you want from the Value field on the Add Action window.

Prompt agent to select a guide

Select this action to display a list of guides to agents. Agents can then choose the guide they want to use.

Prompt agent to search for a guide using a report

Select this action to display a search window where agents can search for a specific guide.

By default, the standard Guided Assistance Search report is used. If you want to select a different report, click Select Search Report on the Value field when this operation is selected.

Note: Guided assistance options are also available when configuring workflow connector events leading from incident elements. See Add a Connector Event.