Dashboard Designer Home Tab

The options available on the Home tab let you preview the dashboard you’re editing and configure options that apply to the entire dashboard. For example, you can select a dashboard layout and specify when the dashboard’s contents should be refreshed.

Home Tab

Group/Button Description


This button lets you choose whether to view the dashboard using the report view or design view. See How You Preview Dashboards.


The buttons in this group let you modify properties that apply to the entire dashboard.


Click this button to select different options that impact how the dashboard runs. For example, you can edit the dashboard description and specify when the dashboard’s contents should be refreshed. See Edit Dashboard Options.


Click this button to schedule the dashboard to be sent to other individuals. A dashboard can be scheduled and sent just as a report can. However, since data exceptions cannot be applied to dashboards, alerts cannot be added to the dashboard’s schedule. See How You Schedule Dashboards to be Sent.

This button appears only when scheduled reports are enabled. For information about enabling scheduled reports, contact your Oracle account manager.


Click this button to define which profiles should have access to run and edit the dashboard. See Set Dashboard Permissions.

Audit Log

Click this button to open the audit log for the dashboard, which shows you when the dashboard was created, edited, run, and published, and which staff members performed these actions. See View the Dashboard Audit Log.

The Expanded Report Audit Log is also available. This shows you when reports and dashboards have been generated, printed, exported, and previewed over the previous 30 days. See View the Expanded Report Audit Log.


Click this button to access predefined reports that show you the workspaces, navigation sets, and report links that use the dashboard you’re editing. Viewing these items before editing a dashboard ensures that you’re aware of other items that might be impacted by changes you make. If you decide the impact would be too great, you can create a copy of the dashboard and edit the copy instead.

If you have the Analytics Administrator profile permission, you can access versions of these reports that include search options using the Report Management component. See How to Monitor Report Usage.


The buttons in this group let you modify how the dashboard is displayed. For example, you can apply a style to all the reports on the dashboard to give them a similar appearance.


Click this button to display all the dashboard’s reports on the screen when the dashboard is run. Each report can have separate scroll bars to view the report contents.


Click this button to display all the contents of each report on the dashboard. When this option is selected, each report displays in its preferred size and the height and width of the items in each report are fixed. Separate reports do not have separate scroll bars, but vertical and horizontal scroll bars are added to the dashboard if needed to display the entire dashboard.

If the entire size of the dashboard exceeds 32767 x 32767 pixels, the dashboard contents are clipped when using scrolling.

Display Options

Click this button to change the dashboard’s width, add report title bars, and select which report sections you want to display. See Change Dashboard Display Options.

Auto Format

Click this button to apply a style to all the reports in a dashboard. This overrides styles applied to the individual reports. See Apply a Style to a Dashboard.


Click this button to load a predefined dashboard layout. Layouts let you quickly select how many reports are shown on the dashboard and their position. When you select a layout, the design surface is automatically adjusted to conform to the layout you selected. See Overview of Dashboard Section Layouts.

Parameter Values

Click this button to open the Set Filter Values window where you can specify defaults for searching reports in the dashboard. See How You Specify Dashboard Search Defaults.

Add Tab

Click this button to add a tab to the dashboard. Tabs let you create multiple pages for the same dashboard, and you can select the reports that display on each tab.