Incident File Attachments

Files that are attached to incidents are not the same as files attached to incident responses.

When you attach a file to an incident, that file becomes permanently attached to the incident. Likewise, if a customer attaches a file to an incident when submitting a question, that attachment also becomes permanently attached to the incident. You and other staff members can access the files from the Attachments tab of the incident, while the customer can access them from the Your Account page on the customer portal. In addition, some incident file attachments may be accessed from the Messages tab. See Incident Attachments Tab.

Note: HTML email updates that are larger than the maximum description size are attached to the incident as an HTML file instead of as a text file.

Attaching a file to an email response lets the customer open the file directly from the email client instead of having to log in to the customer portal to view it. All files attached to an incident or incident response are recorded in the knowledge base and audit log. See Attach Files to an Incident Response.