Incident Workspace Ribbon

This table describes the buttons on the ribbon of the standard incident workspace.

Incident Ribbon

Group/Button Description
Undock Click this button to undock the incident editor from the console and display it in a separate window.
Save Click this button to save the incident you are working on. The incident remains open.

When you save an incident, the rules engine evaluates it. If incident rules exist and the incident matches one or more rules, the record may be modified when you save it. For example, a rule can change an incident’s disposition or add suggested answers to the Response field of the Messages tab.

Save and Close Click this button to save the incident you are working on and close the incident.
Send Click this button to send the response you are working on to the primary contact and to anyone in the CC and BCC fields if shown.

With the exception of the New button, the buttons in this group are not enabled until after you have saved an incident you are adding.

New Click this button to add an incident.
Refresh Click this button to refresh the current set of incident records.
Forward Click this button to forward the incident to any email address, staff account, or group.
Print Click this button to print the incident.
Copy Click this button to copy the incident.
Delete Click this button to delete the incident.
Spell Check Click this button to check the spelling of any incident fields that have spell checking enabled.
Related Activities
Guided Assistance Click this button and either select or search for a guide that will ask you questions before directing you to information to help solve the incident.

This button will not display until guided assistance is enabled and you have guided assistance permission in your profile.

Propose Click this button to propose the incident as an answer.

This button is not enabled until after you have saved an incident you are adding.

New Opportunity Click this button to create an opportunity that provides information about the incident to your sales department.
Appointment Click this button to add an Outlook appointment that is associated with the incident.
Links and Info
Links Click this button to select a URL from the list of links added by your administrator.
Info Click this button to see details about the incident, including the incident ID, when it was created and last updated, the date when the initial response was due, the date of the last response, the date of the initial response, the closed date, and the staff member who created it. If the incident has an escalation level or is in a rules state, that information also appears.