Incident Record Tabs

Using the incident record tabs, you can respond to the customer and add and edit other information relevant to the incident. You can also work on the incident in stages if you choose, letting you save the changes and then return later to complete your work.

The standard workspace for incidents includes these tabs.

  • Messages—Contains fields that let you add a customer entry, response, or private note to the incident thread and respond to the customer using either HTML or plain text. From this tab, you can also view suggested answers from SmartAssistant, search the knowledge base for public answers, and insert standard text into your response. See Add an Incident.
  • Contacts—Lists all contacts associated with the incident. The number of contacts associated with the incident displays in parentheses next to the tab name. You can add, open, print, copy, delete, remove, and email contacts from the incident. See Add or Edit Contact Information.
  • Details—Contains fields for collecting additional information about the incident, which is beneficial for reporting purposes. See Add Incident Information on the Details Tab.
  • Time Billed—Lists all time billed entries for the incident. From this tab, you can add, open, and delete time billed entries. See Add Time Billed to an Incident.
  • Tasks—Lists all of the tasks associated with the incident. You can add, open, copy, delete, print, and forward tasks and mark tasks complete. The Tasks tab displays a number in parentheses to show how many tasks are associated with the opportunity. See Add or Edit a Task for an Incident.
  • Organization—Lists the organization associated with the incident. See Edit an Organization Associated with an Incident.
  • Web Visit—Lists all actions the customer took before submitting the incident. Also provided are the client IP address, operating system, and browser used by the customer during their visit. See View Web Visit Information for an Incident.
  • Attachments—Lists all files attached to the incident. For instance, if a customer forwards a document that is associated with the incident, the Attachments tab provides a convenient location where you can store the document for retrieval. You can add, open, download, delete, and view the properties of file attachments from this tab. See Overview of the Attachments Tab.
  • Audit Log—Contains a permanent list of all actions associated with an incident, including the date of the action, who performed the action, what the action was, and a description of the action. This information is valuable for tracking interactions with customers, especially if more than one staff member works on the same incident. See Audit Logs.
Note: If you make changes to fields on any of the incident record tabs or any of the subtabs or windows opened through the record tabs (for example, the contact editing subtab), you must save the incident in order for all changes on the record tabs to take effect. If you close the record without saving changes, those changes are lost.