Opportunity Conditions

When choosing opportunity conditions, select from these fields and enter the value in the specified format.

Conditions for Opportunities

Field Description Value Format
Status Opportunity status. This value can be lead, reject, active, closed, lost, inactive, dead, or unspecified. Select a status from the menu.
Previous Status Opportunity previous status. Select a status from the menu.
Escalation Level Opportunity escalation level.

This field is set through rules in the database and can't be edited in the record. To view an opportunity’s escalation level, click the Info button when the opportunity is open.

Select an escalation level from the menu.
Previous Escalation Level Opportunity previous escalation level. Select an escalation level from the menu.
Assign Staff member assigned to the opportunity. Select a staff account from the menu.
Previous Assigned Staff member previously assigned to the opportunity. Select a staff account from the menu.
Interface Interface where the opportunity was added. Select an interface from the menu.
Name The name of the opportunity. Enter text in the field.
Source Source of the opportunity. Select a check box for the source of the opportunity.
Updated From Source of the most recent opportunity update. Select the check box that indicates where the opportunity was most recently updated.
Strategy Hierarchy Strategy hierarchy for the opportunity. Select a check box for the opportunity strategy hierarchy.
Previous Strategy Hierarchy Opportunity previous strategy hierarchy. Select a check box for the opportunity previous strategy hierarchy.
Created Date and time the opportunity was added. Click the drop-down list to open the current month calendar, then select a Created date.

Use the arrows at the top to change the month if necessary.

Created By Staff member who added the opportunity. Select a staff account from the menu.
Updated Date and time the opportunity was updated. Click the drop-down list to open the current month calendar, then select an Updated date. Or select a relative time.
Updated By Staff member who updated the opportunity. Select a staff account from the menu.
Manager Forecast Manager's forecast for the opportunity. Click the drop-down list and enter a value in the Amount field.

Click the Currency drop-down list, then select the currency.

Manager Forecast Committed Yes or No selection in the Manager Commit field. Select Yes or No.
Rep Forecast Sales representative’s forecast for the opportunity. Click the drop-down list and enter a value in the Amount field.

Click the Currency drop-down list, then select the currency.

Rep Forecast Committed Yes or No selection in the Rep Commit field. Select Yes or No.
Closed Value Value the opportunity closed at. Click the drop-down list and enter a value in the Amount field.

Click the Currency drop-down list, then select the currency.

Summary Information entered in the Summary text field of the opportunity. Enter text in the field.
Territory Territory for the opportunity. Select a check box for the opportunity territory.
Initial Contact Date of the opportunity initial contact. Click the drop-down list to open the current month calendar, then select the date of initial contact.
Forecast Close Date the opportunity is forecasted to close. Click the drop-down list to open the current month calendar, then select a date when the opportunity is forecasted to close.
Date Closed Date the opportunity closed. Click the drop-down list to open the current month calendar, then select a date when the opportunity closed.
Cost of Sale Total cost of a sale. Click the drop-down list and enter a value in the Amount field.

Click the Currency drop-down list, then select the currency.

Returned Value Value of products returned by a customer. Click the drop-down list and enter a value in the Amount field.

Click the Currency drop-down list, then select the currency.

Last Survey Score Score from the most recent survey associated with this opportunity. Enter a numeric value in the field.
Lost Date Date the opportunity status was set to Lost. Click the drop-down list to open the current month calendar, then select the date when the opportunity was lost.
Recall Date the contact for the opportunity should be called again. Click the drop-down list to open the current month calendar, then select the date for calling the contact for the opportunity.
Lead Rejection Lead rejection reason selected by the staff member for the opportunity. Select a lead rejection reason from the menu.
Lead Rejection Description Text stored in the lead rejection reason field in the opportunity. Enter text in the field.
Win/Loss Factor Win/loss factor selected by the staff member for the opportunity. Select a win/loss factor from the menu.
Win/Loss Description Text entered as the win/loss description in the opportunity. Enter text in the field.
Banner Note Information entered by a staff member in the banner. Enter text in the field.
Banner Flag Importance of the banner. Select an importance level from the menu.
Banner Updated Date and time the banner was last updated. Click the drop-down list to open the current month calendar, then select a date and time the banner was updated. Or select a relative time.
Banner Updated By Staff member who last updated the banner. Select a staff member from the menu.