Incident Conditions

When choosing incident conditions, select from these fields and enter the value in the specified format.

Incident rules use all fields, except Chat Queue ID. Fields used by the chat and task rule types are indicated in the field descriptions.

Conditions for Incidents

Field Description Value Format
Customer Thread All customer threads in the incident. Enter text in the field.
Staff Thread All staff response threads in the incident. Enter text in the field.
Proposed Response Incident Proposed Response field. This is an uncommitted response thread. Enter text in the field.
Reference # Incident Reference # field. This is also used in task rules. Enter text in the field.
Subject Subject of an incoming email or incident. This also refers to the Subject field on the Ask a Question page or API incident source. This is also used in task rules. Enter text in the field.
Status Incident status. This is also used in task rules. Select a status from the menu.
Previous Status Incident previous status. Select a status from the menu.
Previous Assigned Staff member previously assigned to the incident. Select a staff account from the menu.
Previous Group Group previously assigned to the incident. Select a group from the menu.
Channel Source of an incoming incident or outgoing response. Channels can be standard email channels:
  • CSS Email

  • MA Email

  • Phone

  • Fax

  • Post

  • CSS Web

  • MA Web

  • Chat

  • Email

These can also be social channels:
  • Community

  • Twitter

  • YouTube

  • RSS feeds

  • Facebook

Select a channel from the menu.
Created By Staff member who added the incident. This is also used in task rules. Select a staff account from the menu.
Assigned Staff member assigned to the incident. This is also used in task rules. Select a staff account from the menu.
Product Products added on the Products/Categories/Dispositions editor. This is also used in chat and task rules. Select the appropriate product check boxes.
Category Categories added on the Products/Categories/Dispositions editor. This is also used in chat and task rules. Select the appropriate category check boxes.
Disposition Dispositions added on the Products/Categories/Dispositions editor. This is also used in task rules. Select a disposition from the menu.
Language Selected language installed from a language pack. (Also used in chat and task rules.) Select a language from the menu.
Created Time the incident was added. Enter text in the field using the format hh:mm or use the up or down arrows to scroll to a time.

This condition can use the unique “in/not in response interval” operators.

Group Group assigned to the incident. This is also used in task rules. Select a group from the menu.
Interface Interface of the Ask a Question, incident, or API incident source. This is also used in chat and task rules. Select an interface from the menu.

Use this field to apply a rule to a specific interface.

Mailbox Service and Outreach mailboxes that have outgoing email enabled. This is also used in task rules. Select a mailbox from the menu.
Customer SmartSense SmartSense rating calculated for all customer threads in the incident. Select a SmartSense rating from the menu.
Staff SmartSense SmartSense rating calculated for all staff response threads in the incident. Select a SmartSense rating from the menu.
Email Header Text in the header of an email that adds an incident.

You must enable EGW_SAVE_EMAIL_HEADERS (RightNow Common/Service Modules/Oracle Email) for this condition to appear on the drop-down list.

Only current header information is available for rules processing. If an agent or customer updates the incident header, the original header information is no longer available. This is also used in task rules.

Enter text in the field.
Source Source of the incident. Select the check box for the source of the incident.
Updated From Source of the most recent incident update. Select the check box that indicates where the incident was most recently updated.
Escalation Level Incident escalation level. This is also used in task rules.

This field is set through rules in the database and can't be edited in the record. To view an incident escalation level, click the Info button on the ribbon when the incident is open.

Select an escalation level from the menu.
Previous Escalation Level Incident previous escalation level. Select an escalation level from the menu.
Queue ID Incident assigned queue. This is also used in task rules. Select a queue ID from the menu.
Mailing ID Mailing that prompted a response, and then added the incident.

This field appears only if you have created mailings in Outreach. This is also used in task rules.

Select a mailing from the menu.
Response Sent Agent selection in the Send Response check box when solving the incident. Select the Yes or No option.
Last Survey Score Score from the most recent survey associated with this incident. This is also used in task rules. Enter a numeric value in the field.
Severity Incident severity. This is also used in task rules. Select an incident severity option from the menu.
Banner Note Information entered by a staff member in the banner. Enter text in the field.
Banner Flag Importance of the banner. Select an importance level from the menu.
Banner Updated Date and time the banner was last updated. Click the drop-down list to open the current month calendar, then select a date and time the banner was updated. Or select a relative time.
Banner Updated By Staff member who last updated the banner. Select a staff member from the menu.
Incoming Mailbox Service and Outreach mailboxes that have incoming email enabled. Select a mailbox from the menu.
SLA Instance ID SLA that has been applied to the incident. Select an SLA from the menu.
Chat Queue ID Incident queues for chat rules. Select a Chat Queue ID from the menu.