Add or Edit an Incident Queue

When adding an incident queue, you can define whether the queue uses a round-robin incident assignment and specify the queue as the default queue where unassigned incidents are routed.

Before you start

You can also delete queues from the Incident Queues editor.

Before you can access incident queues, your profile for Service permissions must allow incident queues. In addition to queue access, Service permissions also define queue rank, pull policies and quantities, and inbox limits. See Service Permissions.

Note: If you try to delete an incident queue that is used in a business rule, a window opens to display the rules that depend on the queue. Before you can delete the incident queue, you must first edit the rules so they no longer use the queue.

Here's what to do

  1. Click Configuration on the navigation pane.
  2. Expand Application Appearance, and then double-click Customizable Menus.
    The Customizable Menus tree opens on the content pane.
  3. Expand the System Menus folder.
  4. Click Incident Queues to display the editor.
  5. Do one of the following:
    • To add an incident queue, click New.
    • To add a new incident queue directly below an existing incident queue in the tree, select the existing incident queue and click New.
    • To edit an incident queue, click it in the tree.
  6. Enter a name for a new incident queue or edit an existing one in the Label column.
    The corresponding field in the Label column in the Interface Visibility section is populated or revised as you type.
  7. Click the Queue Type drop-down list and select one of the following options: Standard, Round Robin (All), or Round Robin (Logged In).
    Note: A round-robin queue automatically assigns incidents in this queue to agents in a rotating fashion. For example, if four agents are assigned to the round robin queue, incidents are assigned in this order: Agent 1, Agent 2, Agent 3, Agent 4, Agent 1, Agent 2, and so on. If you select Round Robin (All), incidents are assigned to all staff members whose profile includes the queue, even if they are not logged in.
  8. To designate the queue for use with advanced routing of incidents, select the Advanced Routing option and enter the following field information. Advanced Routing must be enabled for this option to appear. .

    The Advanced Routing settings are described in the following table.

    Advanced Routing Settings

    Field Description
    Starting Minimum Score Enter a value from 0 to 5 for each skill. Incoming chats will be first routed to those agents meeting this score.
    Lowest Minimum Score Enter a value from 0 to 5 for each skill. Only agents meeting this minimum skill level can be assigned chats from this queue.
    Relax Score Requirement After Enter a value in seconds for the queue. The score requirement will be relaxed after the time you specify. Skills are relaxed at the queue level. A value of 0 seconds disables skill relaxation.
    Score Decrement Amount Enter the score value from 1 to 5 for each skill to be decremented when it meets the relaxation time.
    Overflow Timer Enter a value in seconds after which the chat will be routed equally to agents assigned the queue as a primary or an overflow. Overflow will be disabled if this field is set to 0, and only agents assigned the queue as a primary will receive chats from this queue.
  9. If you want this incident queue to be the default queue, select the Default check box.
    Only one queue can be the default queue. If a default queue has already been identified and you select the default check box for this queue, this queue becomes the default.
  10. Click Save.