Other Answer Actions

Besides editing and adding answers, you might have other answer management duties, for example, printing an answer, copying an answer, or making the same change to multiple answers.

  • Printing answers—You can create a printable version of your answers. When using this function, the answer opens in a new window. The print command is then launched through your web browser and you can choose to print the contents of the page. See Print a Record.
  • Copying answers—You can copy an existing answer to make a new answer or sibling answer. When copying an answer, the language and access level are retained, but the status is set to Private to prevent you from accidentally publishing it. See Copy a Record.
  • Updating multiple answers—You can edit more than one answer at the same time and edit various fields such as status, assigned staff member, review and publish on dates, products, categories, and custom fields. This feature saves you time when you want to make the same change to multiple answers. See How You Update Multiple Records.