Learned Links

Service automatically links answers, known as learned links, based on customer activity. Relationships between answers are established when customers view answers during the same visit.

The Learned Links section on the Relationships tab consists of a toolbar and a list of learned link answers. The toolbar is found above the learned links answer list.
Note: To display learned links on a customer portal page or any page that is external to the customer portal, add the RelatedKnowledgebaseAnswers widget to the page. The number of related answers (learned links) that display depends on how the widget is configured.

Learned Links Toolbar

Button Description
Open Click this button to open the selected answer.
Print Click this button to print the selected answer.
Preview Click this button to preview the selected answer.
Promote Click this button to promote the learned link to a manually related answer. The answer is added to the Manually Related list.
Blocked Click this button to block the answer from displaying in the Related Answers section on the customer portal. To block more than one answer, press Ctrl while selecting each answer.

Click this button again to allow a blocked answer to display in the Related Answers section on the customer portal.

Note: Blocking or unblocking a learned link is effective only for the answer in which the block was placed. Other answers where a particular answer displays as a learned link are not affected.
Options Click this button to display a drop-down list of Analytics options.

The list in the Learned Links section contains answers that are related as a result of customer activity. All learned link answers are listed.

Learned Links List

Column Description
Answer ID This column displays the unique ID assigned to the answer.
Summary This column displays a summary of the answer content. The summary is the answer subject, which is defined on the Summary tab.
Blocked This column displays the blocked status of the answer link on the customer portal. If the blocked status is set to No, then the answer link is not blocked and it will display on the customer portal. If the blocked status is set to Yes, then the answer link is blocked and it will not display on the customer portal.
Action This column displays a link for opening the learned link answer. Right-click the Open link to display Print, Remove, and Preview functionality.