How You Configure Pulling Chats from the Wait Queue

By default, chats are automatically pushed to agents, but this functionality is configurable.

If you select the Pull Chat check box in an agent profile, agents can manually pull chat requests from the wait queue. If the Pull Chat check box is not selected, the Request Chat and Cancel Request buttons are disabled on the Live Media bar and chats are pushed to agents by the system.

Note: If the Pull Chat check box is selected, you must also select a pull policy. See Add Chat Permissions to a Profile.

By clicking the Request Chat button, the agent is requesting to pull a chat from the wait queue. If there is a chat in the wait queue, the agent will receive a toast notification that the agent can either accept or decline. If the wait queue is empty, the Request Chat button remains active, letting the chat server know that the agent is attempting to request the next chat that enters the wait queue.