Standard Responses and URLs for Chat Sessions

By creating standard responses and URLs for agents to use during chat sessions, your agents can save valuable time by not having to type answers for commonly asked questions or URLs.

A Shortcut field lets agents quickly insert standard text responses and URLs during a chat session. To view the shortcut ID code, agents can hover over the response or URL entry to see the shortcut ID. Entering the shortcut ID in the Shortcut field and pressing Enter automatically sends the response or URL to the customer. For additional information about configuring standard text and URLs, see Add or Edit Standard Text.

Tip: If your organization uses variables in standard text, such as contacts.first_name, agents can enter (or copy and paste) the variable inline when responding to a customer. The variable is then replaced with the appropriate data before the response is sent to the customer. For additional information about configuring variables, see Add or Edit a Variable.