Question Controls

B2C Service provides a set of question controls that are used to configure branching in scripts.

Questions are available as buttons, options, lists, text fields, menus, and yes/no buttons. Most of these question types are similar to standard controls—for example, you add items to a menu question in the same way you add items to a menu control. However, questions differ from other controls in a few key ways.

  • Questions include labels while other controls do not. The label can be used to present the text of the question being asked.
  • Questions are required by default but can be set to non-required by using the Required property on the Design tab. This differs from other controls, which are never required.
  • A question added to one script page can be used in the rules and branches created on other pages in the script. Conversely, a control can be used only in the rules and branches on the script page the control is added to.
  • Some question types have different properties than their corresponding standard controls. For example, the image property cannot be defined for button questions as it can for button controls.

For information about using question controls in script branching, see How Branches Work in Scripts.

Note: The values that agents enter in questions and their corresponding standard controls are available for use with the script rules and branches. However, they are not saved in the database.