Relationship Items

This topic describes workspace relationship items.

B2C Service features a set of relationship items that provide functionality unique to certain workspaces. Relationship items are special controls, such as incident threads and audit logs, that are used when working with records and related objects. Many relationship items display a list of related objects and include basic functions for adding, editing, copying, and deleting related records, as well as removing record relationships.

Relationship items differ from the standard controls mainly in the types of workspaces they can be used on and the number of times they can be added to a workspace. While controls can be added numerous times on most types of workspaces, relationship items are specific to the type of workspace and can be added to a workspace only once.

In the standard workspaces, most relationship items appear on tabs, but you can place them anywhere on the workspace. The items you can add when you create a workspace depend on the type of workspace you create.

Tip: You can easily identify a relationship item that has been placed on a workspace by double-clicking the item. The name will appear in the drop-down list on the Selected Object button group on the Design tab.

Workspace Relationship Items

Relationship Item Description
Answer Type Container Displays the answer type options, tabs, and toolbars for adding and editing the question and answer, and a tab to preview the question and answer. This relationship item is available when creating answer workspaces.
Assets Provides the ability to add, edit, print, copy, delete, and email assets, as well as remove their association with the primary record. The column headings for the list of assets include the name, serial number, description, product, date purchased, date installed, date retired, status, and action options. The Assets relationship item is available on contact and organization workspaces.
Audit Log Describes the actions that have been taken on the record, including when an action was taken, who performed it, what the action was, and any additional description of the action. This relationship item is available on the following types of workspaces.
  • Answer
  • Asset
  • Contact
  • Custom Object
  • Incident
  • Opportunity
  • Organization
  • Quote
  • Task

In answer workspaces, the audit log shows all actions taken on both the answer and its siblings.

Chat Control Contains the area for composing a response to the customer and includes the buttons for adding SmartAssistant answers, searching the knowledge base, and inserting standard text. This relationship item is available on chat workspaces.
Chat Transcript Control Contains all chat correspondence between the customer and agent, including a time stamp for each instance of sending text. This relationship item is available on chat workspaces.
Co-browse The co-browse relationship item can be added to incident and chat workspaces when co-browsing is enabled on your site. When using a workspace with this relationship item, agents can invite customers to a desktop-sharing session. See Chat for Agents, Supervisors, and Customers.
Contacts Provides the ability to add, edit, print, copy, delete, and email contacts, as well as remove their association with the primary record. The column headings for the list of contacts include the name, email address, organization name, office phone, title, and action options. The Contacts relationship item is available on incident, opportunity, and organization workspaces.
[Custom Object] View Provides the ability to add, edit, copy, print, and delete custom object records, as well as remove their association with the primary record for the workspace. The column headings for the list of records include the object ID, labels, and action options. This relationship item is named for the custom object and is available when creating workspaces for standard objects that have been related to the custom object. See Overview of Custom Objects.
File Attachments Provides the ability to attach, open, download, and delete files from records as well as view file properties. The relationship item displays a list of file attachments, including name, size, date created and updated, and a description. This relationship item is available on the following types of workspaces.
  • Answer
  • Contact
  • Custom Object
  • Incident
  • Opportunity
  • Organization
  • Task

In answer workspaces, files can be attached to the answer as well as all sibling answers.

Guided Assistance Provides the ability to search for and open guided assistance guides to help agents quickly find answers or text explanations when working with customers. You can select properties for this relationship item to show buttons on the relationship item that agents can use to search for and select applicable guides. You can also use workspace rules to automatically open a guide on workspaces that include this relationship item, or trigger a workspace rule when a guide has been completed. See Guided Assistance Relationship Item.

This relationship item can be added only to incident and chat workspaces. However, you can add the answers.guided assistance field to answer workspaces to associate a guide with an open answer.

Incident View Provides the ability to view and work with incidents associated with a contact or organization. Toolbar buttons allow adding, editing, copying, deleting, forwarding, and proposing incidents and filling the inbox. The column headings for the list of incidents include the status, response time, resolution time, source, reference number, and subject as well as action options. The Incident View relationship item is available when creating chat, interaction, contact, organization, and asset workspaces.
Label Allows placement of a label on the chat workspace.
Learned Links Lists all answers linked to the currently open answer by visitors to your site as they browsed your knowledge base. These links are “learned” by the system as your visitors move from answer to answer. Toolbar buttons allow the ability to edit, print, preview, promote, and block and unblock links. This relationship item is available when creating answer workspaces.
Manually Related Answers Lists all answers that have been manually linked by staff to the currently open answer. Toolbar buttons allow the ability to add, edit, copy, print, and delete answers, as well as remove their association with the primary record. This relationship item is available when creating answer workspaces.
Notes Notes relationship items can be specific to individual workspaces.

Answer Notes—Allows staff members to add notes, select the note channel, and sort notes by date on answer workspaces.

Contact Notes—Allows staff members to add notes, select the note channel, switch the view between contact and organization notes, and sort notes by date on contact workspaces.

Custom Object Notes—Allows staff members to add notes, select the note channel, and sort notes by date on custom object workspaces.

Meta Answer Notes—Allows staff members to add notes that pertain to the sibling answers.

Opportunity Notes—Allows staff members to add notes, select the note channel, switch the views between opportunity, contact, and organization notes, and sort notes by date on opportunity workspaces.

Organization Notes—Allows staff members to add notes, select the channel, and sort notes by date on organization workspaces.

Task Notes—Allows staff members to add notes, select the note channel, and sort notes by date on task workspaces.

Note: If you want staff members to be able to edit or delete existing notes when copying records, you will need to assign Edit/Delete Notes permissions in their profile for the appropriate record types. See Overview of Staff Management.
Outreach Activity View Displays a report of outreach activity associated with the contact, such as mailings that were viewed or tracked links that were clicked. If the report is populated (that is, if the contact has had outreach activity), the column headings include when the activity occurred, what the activity was, a description, the name of the mailing or tracked link, and any documents for each listed activity. The Outreach Activity View relationship item is available when creating contact workspaces.
Opportunities View Provides the ability to view and work with opportunities associated with a contact or organization. Toolbar buttons allow adding, editing, copying, printing, deleting, rejecting, and forwarding opportunities. The column headings for the list of opportunities include the name, assigned staff member, status, stage, the sales representative’s value, the manager’s value, and the date updated, as well as action options. The Opportunities View relationship item is available when creating chat, contact, and organization workspaces.
Organization Hierarchy Provides the ability to work with organizations to create a hierarchy in an organization workspace. Toolbar buttons allow adding, editing, printing, and deleting organizations, as well as removing their association with the primary record.
Page Peek Displays a snapshot of the web page customers were viewing when they initiated the chat. This relationship item can be added to chat and interaction workspaces.
Products and Categories Displays product and category trees in order to view and define the links between products and categories for answers. The Products and Categories relationship item is available when creating answer and multi-edit answer workspaces.
Quote Products Displays the list of products associated with a selected price schedule for a quote and provides the ability to edit products for a quote. The Quote Products relationship item is available when creating quote workspaces.
Quotes Provides the ability to view and work with quotes associated with an opportunity. Toolbar buttons allow adding, editing, printing, copying, deleting, and sending quotes. The column headings for a list of quotes include the name and status, whether it was sent, the forecast, and action options. The Quotes relationship item is available when creating opportunity workspaces.
Rich Text Incident Thread Provides the ability to add responses, customer entries, and private notes to incidents with a variety of HTML formatting attributes, such as font, style, color, alignment, bullets, images, links, and indentation. This relationship item also includes buttons for accessing SmartAssistant, searching answers, inserting standard text, zooming in and out on thread contents, and undocking the relationship item. (The Messages tab of the standard incident workspace contains the Rich Text Incident Thread relationship item.) This relationship item is available when creating incident and incident multi-edit workspaces.
Sibling Relationships Lists all answers that share the same product or category as the currently open answer and can also contain the same file attachments. Toolbar buttons allow adding, editing, printing, deleting, and previewing sibling answers, as well as removing their association with the primary record. This relationship item is available when creating answer workspaces.
SLA Instance View Allows staff members to view a report of SLAs that have been associated with a contact or organization and provides the ability to add, open or disable an instance. The column headings include the SLA instance name, active date, expire date, self-service, total incidents, and action options. The SLA Instance View relationship item is available when creating contact and organization workspaces.
SLA Container Provides the ability to select SLAs for contacts and organizations by displaying the SLA selection field, which opens the SLA Viewer for adding SLA instances. The SLA Container relationship item is available when creating contact and organization workspaces.
Survey History View Allows staff members to view a report of surveys that have been sent to contacts. If the report is populated (that is, if the contact has received surveys), the column headings include when the survey was completed, the score, the type of survey, its name, and action options. The Survey History View relationship item is available when creating contact workspaces.
Tasks Provides the ability to view and work with tasks associated with a record. Toolbar buttons allow adding, editing, printing, copying, deleting, completing, and forwarding tasks, as well as removing their association with the record. The column headings for a list of tasks include the name, due date, completed date, assigned staff member, and priority, as well as action options. The Tasks relationship item is available when creating the following kinds of workspaces.
  • Answer
  • Contact
  • Incident
  • Mobile Contact
  • Mobile Incident
  • Opportunity
  • Organization
Time Billed Provides the ability to view and enter the amount of time billed for an incident. Toolbar buttons allow adding, editing, and deleting a time billed entry. The column headings for a list of time billed entries include the starting date and time, the amount of time spent, the staff member who entered the time billed, and the task, as well as action options. The Time Billed relationship item is available when creating incident workspaces.
Visitor Browser History Allows staff members to view a list of URLs a contact visited before starting a chat. The Visitor Browser History relationship item is available when creating chat and interaction workspaces.