Edit a Script

Whether you are editing a blank script or an imported script, the features you use on the script designer are the same.

When creating a new script, the script designer opens with a page already added that contains a header, footer, and text control. You use the options available on the ribbon tabs to remove or edit this default content, and add fields, controls, and other pages to the script. If your script is to be used in a workflow, you can also customize the script ribbon.

The fields and controls available for a script will vary depending on the type of script you are creating. For example, a contact script will provide access only to contact and organization fields.

The following procedure provides an overview of the steps needed to edit a blank incident script, though the same procedures can be used for other script types. Cross-references to more detailed editing procedures are provided in the appropriate step.

  1. Click Configuration on the navigation pane.
  2. Expand Application Appearance, and then double-click Scripts Explorer.
    The Scripts explorer opens on the content pane.
  3. Right-click the script you want to edit and select Open.
    The script opens on the content pane.
  4. Drag the fields you want from the Insert Field tab onto the design space. See Workspace and Script Fields.
  5. Drag the controls and questions you want from the Insert Control tab onto the design space. See Workspace and Script Controls.
    You can also drag controls onto the design space using the icons on the Home tab Insert group.
  6. To modify the properties of a field or control, select the item, click the Design tab, and make the appropriate changes. See Field and Control Properties.
  7. To add script rules that alter the display, content, or behavior of items on the page, click the Rules tab and then click Add Rule. See Script Rules.
  8. To add a new page to the script, select the existing page on the page selector that you want the new page placed after.
    1. Click the Home tab and click Add Page.
      The new page is added to the script and displayed on the page selector.
  9. To add a branch to the script, select the page you want to add the branch to on the page selector and create the branch by right-clicking a field or control or by using the Add Branch window. See How Branches Work in Scripts.
  10. To reposition a page in the script, drag it to the position you want on the page selector.
    Tip: After a page has been moved, logic used in the branches linking the page to other pages may no longer be valid. We recommend validating the script after moving pages to ensure the script pages can all be reached.
    When you move a page, the page and all pages that branch off it are moved to the location you specify. When reordering pages, you can move a page that branches off one page to branch off a different page, or remove branching from the page completely.
  11. To rename a page, select the page, click the Page tab, enter the name you want in the ribbon Name field, and press Enter.
  12. To add or remove the header and footer from script pages, click the Page tab, click Header or Footer, and select the option you want. See Place the Header on Script Pages.
  13. To customize the ribbon for a script that is used in a workflow, click Ribbon on the Home tab. See Ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar Buttons.
    Because ribbons are not displayed on scripts when they are added to workspaces, the Ribbon button is available for scripts only if workflows are enabled on the site. For information about enabling workflows, contact your Oracle account manager.
  14. To view a history of all actions taken on the script, such as when the script was created and edited and by whom, click Audit Log on the Home tab.
  15. To add notes about the script, click the Home tab and then click Notes to open the Script Notes window.
    1. Enter any notes you want in the text field.
    2. Click OK.
      Notes added to your script are for internal use and only visible when editing the script. They do not appear when working with records.
  16. To see what your script will look like when it is used by staff members, click the Home tab and click Preview. You can choose to see the script as it will display when creating a record or when editing an existing record. See Preview a Script.
  17. To confirm that the pages are all accessible from a branch or a navigation button, click the Home tab and click Validate. The Script Validation Results window will list any inaccessible pages.
    1. Click OK.
    Note: Validation is also performed automatically when you save a script. If errors are found, the Script Validation Results window will include a Cancel button, so you can correct the error before saving, and a Continue button you can click to save the script as it is. You can save and use a script that does not validate. However, until all errors are corrected, some pages or functions may be inaccessible to staff members when they use the script.
  18. Click Save on the Quick Access toolbar.

What to do next

If you save changes to a script that staff members might be using at the moment, it is a good idea to have them log out and then log back in to be sure your changes have been applied.