Record Search Options

One way to find a specific record when a report is open is by scanning the list of records to see if you can spot it.

B2C Service offers other much more efficient methods of searching for records. Besides simply looking in a report for a record, you have the following search options.

  • Search for a Record from a Report—If you do not immediately see the record you want in the report, you can search for it. The filters that appear when you click Search depend on the report and which filters have been defined for it.
  • Overview of Quick Search—With the Quick Search component, you can search for a specific record by entering as much or as little information about the record as you have. The list of records that match the information you enter displays, and you can select the one you want. If only one search result is returned, the workspace for that record will open on the content pane.
  • How You Search from Open Records—You can search for contacts and tasks from any open record that has a contact or task associated with it. You can also search for organizations from some types of open records.