Search for a Record from a Report

Reports can be used to display lists of records. When you open a report, you can easily search for a record from that report.

Double-click any report in a navigation list to display a list of records in the report on the content pane. The reports in your navigation lists are determined by the navigation set assigned to your profile. The information displayed on the content pane depends on the report you selected and which fields were defined when the report was created.

When you search for records using the report Search function, you can identify records that meet the criteria you specify. For example, you can search for incidents assigned to a certain staff member, answers that contain particular words or phrases, or tasks that are due this week. You can then sort your search results in ascending or descending order based on any of the filters you used for searching.

  1. With a report displayed, click Search on the Home tab of the ribbon. A Search window opens, displaying the search filters that are available for that report. (Each report uses the filters specified in the report definition.)
    Tip: You can resize the Search window to display all of the filters available for a given report. The size of the Search window is retained until you resize it again or reset the workstation local settings. See Change Your Personal Settings.
  2. To specify a filter that has a check box, select the check box next to each filter you want to use in your search or clear the check box for those you do not want to use.
  3. To specify a date filter, click the calendar button in the field to display the current month’s calendar. Then select the date. (Use the arrows at the top of the calendar to change the month if necessary before selecting the date.)
  4. To specify a text filter, enter text in the field. You can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard in your search term.
    1. When you are searching for answers, you can use the search text type fields Phrases, Similar Phrases, Exact Search, Complex Expression, or Answer ID. See Answer Text Field Search Options.
  5. To limit the number of records returned in the search, select the Limit To check box and enter a number in the Rows field. The total number of search results is restricted to this value. If the Limit To check box is cleared, the search results are unlimited.
  6. To limit the number of records returned per page to the number specified in the Rows field, select the Per Page check box. Instead of the total number of search results being limited to the value in the Rows field, every page will return that number of results.
  7. To establish the order for sorting search results, click the text in the Order By field. The Sort window opens.
    1. Select the primary field you want to sort by from the Sort Items By drop-down list.
    2. To sort by the selected field in ascending order, select Ascending. To sort in descending order, select Descending.
    3. To sort on additional fields, select the fields to sort on from the Then By drop-down lists. When you define multiple sort fields, the records are initially sorted by the first sort field. If any of the records have the same value for the first sort field, those records will then be sorted by the subsequent sort fields.
    4. To remove all sort options, click Clear All.
    5. Click OK.
  8. To save your selections as default search filters for the report, click Settings and select Save as Default Values.
  9. To restore the filters to the default settings for the report, click Settings and select Restore Default Values. You can also restore the defaults from the Personal Settings option. See Change Your Personal Settings.
  10. To reset the current selection criteria to their default values that were populated when the report was opened, click Settings and select Reset Values.
    Tip: You can customize the Search window layout in the report you are using, and save it to your local workstation so you will see the same filter positions, sizes, and ordering when you next open the report. See Overview of Custom Reports.
  11. Click Search to display the records that match your search criteria.