Single-Send Email Response Logic

If a contact is associated with multiple email addresses, service responses are sent to all associated addresses by default.

This means that if an incident contact has a primary email address and two alternate email addresses, every time an incident response is sent to that contact, it is sent to all three email addresses. You can limit your responses to be sent to a single email address by enabling the site-wide configuration setting OE_SVC_SENDMAIL_SINGLE_ADDRESS (Common/General/Outgoing Email).

After enabling the configuration setting, service responses are sent only to the specified email address and agents can select which one of the contact email addresses they want to send the response to from the incident workspace. See Advanced Configuration for Email Handling. That email address value remains for the life of the incident. However, any new incidents for that contact will default to the primary email address. See How You Send Incident Responses.

The default value for a response sent from the incident workspace is the primary email address. However, if the incident is created from the customer portal or a chat session (when no login is required), or by the Techmail utility, the value is set to the email address the request was sent from. These are examples that use these cases:

  • Customer portal (when no login is required)—If the email address is available on the Ask A Question page and matches an alternate address of a contact, the alternate address is used as the response address.
  • Chat (when no login is required)—If the email address is available on the Chat page and matches an alternate address of a contact, the alternate email address is used as the response address.
  • Techmail—If incoming incidents are processed by Techmail, it evaluates the email address for a match from the contact record and uses the matching address as the response address.