How You Track Transactional Survey Results by Agent

Tracking which agent was assigned to the incident (or opportunity) at the time the transactional survey was sent is important for gauging agent success rates.

The question_sessions.acct_id field is used to track this information, and is available when reporting on survey results. The account ID value (acct_id) is added directly to the Question Sessions (question_sessions) table. Because system processes can ultimately change the agent assignment at any point in its lifecycle, even after a related transactional survey is sent, this ensures that the agent the survey results are tied to are accurate.

When the survey is sent, the account ID for the related record is encrypted in the URL that is included in the survey invitation message. When the survey is submitted, that account ID value is set in the question_sessions.acct_id field of the Question Sessions table. Since the account ID is included in the URL at the time the survey is sent, even if the agent assigned to the record changes between when the survey is sent and submitted, the account ID value submitted for the survey does not change from the send time value.

Note: This functionality also applies to surveys popped at the end of a chat session. In this case, however, question_sessions.acct_id is based on the final agent assigned at the end of the chat session and is set when the survey is completed.