Transactions Database Table Field Descriptions

This table describes all the fields in the Transactions table.




Account ID (acct_id)

The staff member who performed the transaction. This field will be NULL for transactions not initiated by a staff member.

Attribute 1 (id1)

Attribute 2 (id2)

Attribute 3 (id3)

These fields contain information specific to certain types of transactions taken on certain records and items. The field values will be NULL for many transactions.

See Transactions Database Table Attribute and Description Fields.

Date Created (created)

The date and time the transaction occurred.

Date/Time (dttm)

The scheduled date and time for a mailing. This value will be NULL for any other record or transaction type.

Description (description)

This field contains information specific to certain types of transactions taken on certain types of records and items. This field will be NULL for many transactions. See Transactions Database Table Attribute and Description Fields.

Foreign Key (id)

The unique ID number of the record, such as an incident or contact, that the transaction affected.

Interface (interface_id)

The interface the transaction was performed in.

Client IP Address (ip_address)

The IP address where the transaction originated.

Source (source_lvl1—source_lvl2)

The component where the transaction occurred. Level-1 source codes are the general area of B2C Service, and level-2 sources are the specific component. See the data dictionary for descriptions of the source codes.

Source Hierarchy (source_hierarchy)

The level-1 and level-2 sources displayed in a hierarchical menu.

Table Association (tbl)

The type of record or item the transaction occurred on, such as an incident, quote, or survey. See Transactions Database Table Transaction Types.

Type (trans_type)

The type of transaction that occurred, such as a record being created or edited. See Transactions Database Table Transaction Types.