Overview of the Transactions Database Table

Many of the standard reports use data from the database’s Transactions table, and the table can be useful when creating custom reports.

The information in this table describes the actions taken on records (such as incidents, answers, and contacts) and items (such as mailings, surveys, and quotes) in your database. For example, when an incident is created and then assigned to a staff member, two entries are added to the transactions table. The first entry describes when the incident was created, who created it, and where it was created from. The second entry describes who the incident was assigned to and when it was assigned.

Due to the amount of information stored in the Transactions table, it can be challenging to write custom reports that use information from the table. However, when you understand how to use the data in the table, you can create powerful custom reports to output or filter on almost all actions taken on the records and items in your database.

Note: You can view additional information about the Transactions (transactions) table and information about other database tables in the data dictionary. You can access the data dictionary by clicking Configuration > Database > Data Dictionary on the navigation pane.