Administration Interface Configuration

Properly configuring the administration interface is critical to your site security because staff members can be granted permission to view and modify virtually everything in a B2C Service site, including your site controls and data.

B2C Service uses role-based access control through profile permissions, navigation sets, and workspaces that you define. All staff members are assigned a profile that is associated with a navigation set and one or more workspaces.

  • Navigation sets—A navigation set is a combination of navigation buttons and their associated navigation lists. Each navigation list contains unique reports and items based on staff member responsibilities, and every profile must include a navigation set that all staff members with that profile use when working in B2C Service. By carefully examining staff member responsibilities before you create navigation sets, you can grant access to functionality to only those individuals who require it.
  • Workspaces—Workspaces define the appearance of the agent desktop when staff members add, view, and edit records in B2C Service. Each profile has one or more workspaces that can be designed to provide only the functionality that is needed by the staff member. Along with navigation sets, workspaces provide macro-level control over access rights.
  • Profile permissions—Profiles let you control which areas of B2C Service your staff members can access and what specific actions they can perform in those areas.
Note: You must create navigation sets before profiles in order for staff members to have access to reports and other components. In addition, if you use custom workspaces, we recommend creating them before creating profiles so you can assign the workspaces to specific profiles.