Create a Navigation Set

Follow this procedure to create a navigation set.

  1. Click Configuration on the navigation pane.
  2. Expand Application Appearance, and then double-click Navigation Sets.
  3. Click New.
    The Navigation Sets editor opens on the content pane.

    By default, the File Menu component is selected on the right side of the content pane and New Items displays on the left. When any other component or record type is selected on the right, the left side of the content pane displays Public Reports and Components.

  4. To enter information about the navigation set, enter a description in the Summary field.
    You name the navigation set when you save it.
  5. To set the options available through the file menu, see Configure the File Menu.
  6. On the right side of the content pane, select the check boxes next to the types of records or components you want to include in the navigation set.
    All are selected by default. Separate navigation lists can be created for each type of record or component you select. For example, select the Incidents check box to include a navigation list staff members can use when they work on incidents. You cannot clear the check box next to the File Menu component, because the file menu is always available.
  7. Click one of the selected record types or components to begin creating a navigation list for the record type or component.
    Note: Most navigation lists for the navigation buttons you select are initially empty when creating a navigation set. However, the navigation list for the Configuration button is populated with default configuration items. The items in this list can be customized using the same functionality used to customize the other navigation lists. See Create a Navigation Set for the Administrator.
  8. On the left side of the content pane, expand Public Reports and Components and then expand the subfolders to see the available items. If you know the name of a report or component (or part of the name) you want to add to a navigation list, click Find in List to search for the item.
    Note: In addition, you can search for the report based on its ID.
  9. To add reports and dashboards to the navigation list do one of the following:
    • Select the reports you want to add from the left column and drag them to the lower portion of the right column.
    • Double-click or select the reports or components you want to add and click Add.
    To add more than one item at the same time, press Ctrl while selecting each item.
  10. To add explorers to the navigation list, select the navigation item you want to add the explorer to from the right column, expand Components in the left column, expand the folder for the explorer you want to add, and drag it to the lower portion of the right column.
  11. To add notifications to the navigation list, expand the Common folder under Components in the left column, select Notifications, and drag it into the lower portion of the right column.
    This lets staff members open any notifications they receive. See Notifications.
  12. To add a folder to the navigation list to help organize items in the list, click New Folder.
    1. Enter the name you want for the folder.
    2. Drag explorers, reports, or other items to the folder.
    3. To rename a folder, click the folder, click Rename, enter the new name for the folder, and click outside the folder name to save the new name.
  13. To set a report, explorer, or other item as the default for this navigation list, right-click it and select Set As Default. See Available Actions from a Navigation or Configuration List.
    Note: The default item for a navigation list opens on login only if the navigation list was the active list when the staff member logged out last time. See Change Your Navigation Pane Settings for how staff members can change this behavior.
  14. To create a navigation list for each type of record that you want to be available in the navigation set, repeat steps 7 through 13.
  15. To choose the order in which the navigation buttons display on the navigation pane, click a record type or component on the upper portion of the right column and click Move Up or Move Down to position it in the list.
  16. To add Quick Search reports to the navigation set, see Add Quick Search Reports to a Navigation Set.
  17. Click Save.
  18. Enter a name for the navigation set, and click OK.